Research and transfer priorities of the State of Bremen


Welcome to the Research and Transfer Centres project!

Find out how the University of Bremen, together with Bremen's other universities and non-university research institutions, is breaking new ground in the four subject areas of energy, health, logistics and aerospace in order to network with its regional partners in society and industry and promote research-based transfer.


UniTransfer - Transferstelle der Universität Bremen

Christoph Otte

Phone: 0421-218-60331


The research and transfer priorities of the state of Bremen

In the Science Plan 2025 for the state of Bremen, the previous five state science priorities were further developed into eight research and transfer priorities:

    Marine and climate sciences
    Materials science
    Information and communication, cognition and robotics
    Social sciences
    Health sciences
    Energy sciences

These research and transfer focal points combine a high level of performance in basic and application-orientated research with close links to the key industries in the state of Bremen. They therefore have great potential for knowledge and technology transfer.

The project Research and transfer focal points at the University of Bremen

Gefördert vom Land Bremen führt die Universität Bremen von 2022 bis 2026 Teilprojekte in vier der acht Forschungs- und Transferschwerpunkte des Landes durch:

  • Gesundheitswissenschaften
  • Logistik
  • Luft- und Raumfahrt
  • Energiewissenschaften

    The content of the sub-projects is the development and testing of new transfer concepts; more information can be found on the respective sub-pages.
    The overall project management lies with the Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer, Prof. Dr Michal Kucera. The UniTransfer transfer centre is responsible for project management.

Research and transfer focus on energy sciences

Further information on the FTS Energy Sciences


Research and transfer focus on health sciences

Further information on the FTS Health Sciences


Research and transfer focus on logistics

Further information on FTS Logistics


Research and transfer focus on aerospace

Further information on the FTS Aerospace
