News 2023

[Translate to English:] An illustration of a satellite in space. It has a large microwave radiometer mounted on it. On earth you can see the Arctic.

Significant Leap in Earth Observation Technology

In an important step towards the further development of earth observation satellites, the European Space Agency (ESA) is launching the CIMR L2PAD project. The University of Bremen is participating in the project by developing new algorithms for the future CIMR satellites.

Paria Moraghebi and Dr. Mandy Boehnke, Vice President for International Affairs, Academic Qualification, and Diversity.

DAAD Prize Awarded to Paria Moraghebi

Student Paria Moraghebi has received the DAAD Prize for Outstanding Achievement by Foreign Students at German Universities. The Iranian was honored for her high level of social commitment and her academic accomplishments. The award is endowed with 1,000 euros.

Long-Standing Partnership: German-Japanese Exchange at MARUM

On December 11 and 12, researchers from the University of Bremen and Hokkaido University met to exchange information about their current academic work. Hokkaido University is one of Bremen's partner universities.

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End-of-Semester Concert at the Glocke – A Focus on Nature

On Sunday, January 28, 2024, the traditional end-of-semester concert of the University of Bremen orchestra and choir will take place. Starting at 5 p.m. in the Bremen Glocke under the title "Behold, the Sea itself!," pieces by the English composer Vaughan Williams will be performed.


Federal Government Sustainability Conference at the University of Bremen

On Thursday, December 7, representatives from academia, society, and politics came together at the University of Bremen for a regional conference on sustainability organized by the German government.

Five people stand at three standing desks in front of a screen that reads "Ideensturm" [Ideas Storm]. One person holds a microphone in their hand.

18th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge: Motivation

"Motivation" is the motto of the 18th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge, which will take place on December 13 at 6 p.m. at Bremen's Digital Hub Industry. The BRIDGE university network, the central point of contact for students and members of Bremen’s universities for business start-ups, organizes the event.

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Global Ranking on Sustainability: University of Bremen Ranks Top 10

1183 universities all over the world took part in the “UI GreenMetric World University Ranking” in 2023, which assesses the sustainability of universities. The University of Bremen ranks 10th.

You can see a geothermal plant with many pipes and a tall white chimney.

Geothermal Energy and AI to Optimize District Heating Networks

The University of Bremen is working with partners to develop innovative technologies to increase the efficiency of energy networks, which may represent a pioneering step towards sustainable energy infrastructures.

Gletscher in der Arktis

COP28 in Dubai: Bremen Researcher Involved in Climate Crisis Report

Climate scientist Professor Ben Marzeion is co-author of the most comprehensive assessment of tipping points ever conducted. The "Global Tipping Points Report" will be presented at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai (COP28).

Krankenschwester sitzt am Bett einer älteren Patientin

Care Report: More and More People in Need of Care in Clinics

More and more people in need of care are being admitted to hospital and in many cases, this could be avoided. That is the conclusion of this year's Care Report, which was compiled by the SOCIUM – Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy on behalf of the BARMER health insurance company.


Federal Government Sustainability Conference at the University of Bremen

On Thursday, December 7, 2023, experts from science, society, and politics will come together at the University of Bremen for a major regional conference of the federal government on the topic of sustainability.

The autonomous driving vehicle is explained to Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte. People (from the left): Mitja Echim, Managing Director of Topas Industrial Mathematics; Matthias Rick, Technical Director of the Autonomous Driving division; Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte, and Christof Büskens, Scientific Director of Topas Industrial Mathematics and professor at the Center for Industrial Mathematics.

"Bremen Is a Leader in This Field"

Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte has visited the TOPAS Industrial Mathematics Transfer Center and the #MOIN – Model Region of Industrial Mathematics project.

[Translate to English:] Two people are sitting at a table and talking about things written on a notepad. They are laughing.

Supporting Social Innovation: Social Impact Challenge Weekend

From December 8 to 10, current and former members of BRIDGE universities will have the opportunity at the "Social Impact Challenge Weekend” to develop social innovations as solutions to social challenges in order to help shape a sustainable future.

A picture of the little book Carmen Nova. It's a slim paperback with a yellow cover and a picture of a woman on the cover in black and white.

Panel Discussion: Mystery Surrounding Umberto Eco's Crime Novel

The Bremen State and University Library (SuUB) and "Freundeskreis" (Circle of Friends) are hosting a panel discussion on the topic of literary forgeries at 5 p.m. on December 7, 2023, at the SuUB main library. The mystery surrounding Umberto Eco's supposed crime novel "Carmen Nova" will be examined


Start Your Degree in the Summer Semester: Apply now!

Those interested in studying at the University of Bremen can for the first time start their degree course in the summer semester. Two digital information events on December 6, and January 11, both from 4 to 6 p.m., will provide information on how to apply.

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Berninghausen Prize for Excellence in Teaching Awarded

Four teaching staff members from the University of Bremen have received the Berninghausen Prize for Excellence in Teaching. The prizes were awarded in the “Excellence in Teaching” and “Student Prize” categories and are endowed with 2,000 euros each.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Climate Change and Health: University of Bremen Investigates Effects

The University of Bremen is investigating climate justice in Germany from a public health perspective. The report, written in collaboration with the Centre for Planetary Health Policy and Bielefeld University, focuses on health equity in the face of climate change impacts.

University of Bremen Illustration

University of Bremen Conferences in December

The Healthy City Bremen: Interprofessional, Digital, Sustainable (“Gesunde Stadt Bremen: Interprofessionell, digital, nachhaltig”) research cluster is holding a conference on December 1 titled “Healthy City.”

Professor Notholt is standing at a physical instrument and has a microphone with which he explains his experiment.

Advent Physics: Experimental Show Returns to the Lecture Hall

On December 2, the Faculty of Physics at the University of Bremen invites you to an experimental show. Professor Justus Notholt, Dr. Matthias Buschmann, and the physics placement team promise not only fascinating insights into the world of physics, but also plenty of fun and excitement.


University of Bremen to Train Sports Teachers Once Again

The University of Bremen will establish a sports degree program for the 2024/25 winter semester. This was decided by the Academic Senate at the November meeting. With the new course, elementary and secondary school sports teachers will be trained.

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New Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science: Nico Hochgeschwender

Nico Hochgeschwender joined the University of Bremen for the winter semester 2023/24 as professor for software engineering for cognitive robotics and cognitive systems.

The Arctic

Further Research into Arctic Warming and its Global Impacts

The SFB/TRR 172 "(AC)³" has been awarded a new grant and will continue its research in the third phase of DFG funding for a further four years. The focus is on improving understanding and prediction models for the rapidly increasing warming in the Arctic.

Physicist Andreas Sentef stands in front of a red wall in a dark suit and smiles.

ERC Success Streak Continues with Consolidator Grant in Physics

Physics professor Michael Sentef has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). The University of Bremen has thus received six ERC grants this year and has been successful in all funding lines of the ERC competition.

At the award ceremony (from left to right): Professor Rolf Drechsler (dean of the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science), Henrike Illig (research assistant in the Center of Excellence for Women in Science and Technology), Veronika Oechtering (academic director of the Center of Excellence for Women in Science and Technology), Professor Christiane Floyd (laudatory speaker), and Professor Sanaz Mostaghim (chairperson of the jury).

Informatica Feminale Awarded Prize for Outstanding Gender Equality Work

The Informatica Feminale – International Summer University for Women in Computer Science was awarded the prize for outstanding gender equality work by the German Council of University Faculties in Computer Science. The prize was awarded this year for the first time.

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University of Bremen Successful in Global Ranking Once Again

The University of Bremen has once again secured a top position in the international Shanghai Ranking and has ranked first in Germany in the field of marine sciences. The university also leads the table of German universities in geosciences.

Two people stand in front of a desk in a laboratory and look into the camera. There is a lot of technical equipment on the desk and on the wall behind them. Some cables can be seen. A graphic next to them reads "Research Uni 3022.

Material with Feelings: AI Helps to Detect Material Damage

The University of Bremen has achieved first results in the DFG Research Unit FOR 3022. Thanks to innovative sensor nodes, which are smaller than a coin, it is possible to detect and evaluate hidden damage in fiber metal laminates (FML).

Logo of the University of Bremen

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: The University of Bremen has a new Mission Statement

The University of Bremen has a new mission statement. At the meeting on November 15, 2023, the Academic Senate unanimously approved the second reading of the steering group's draft. The focus is on sustainability and the university's associated social responsibility.

The picture shows a group of around 30 pupils. They are standing together with Katrin Moosdorf, Senator for Environment, Climate & Science and Dr. Mandy Boehnke, Vice-Rector for Internationality, Academic Qualification and Diversity at the University of Bremen, Mandy Böhnke.

Dr. Hans Riegel Awards for Outstanding Research by Pupils

On November 13, 2023, the University of Bremen and the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation honored pupils from the region for their outstanding pre-scientific papers. The Dr. Hans Riegel Awards are endowed with a total of 5,800 euros.

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"Atmosphere of Change" – Panel Discussion on the Topic "Past and Future of the Reform University"

To mark the publication of the book "Aufbruchstimmung. Die University Bremen und das Projekt Hochschulreform" , the University of Bremen invites you to attend the book launch and a panel discussion on November 16, at 6 p.m. in the rotunda of Cartesium Building (Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5).

Glass Hall with the university logo

Disconnected Lives? The RISC's First Cohesion Report Examines the Make-Up of Social Circles of Acquaintances in Germany

The first cohesion report by the RISC shows that large portions of the population have homogeneous circles of acquaintances – and this influences their world views and experiences. Together with the universities in Frankfurt and Leipzig, the University of Bremen is coordinating the scientific work.

A lecturer speaks to an audience in a packed lecture hall.

Lecture Series on Sustainability, Net Zero, and Climate Justice

In the 2023/24 winter semester, several lecture series at the University of Bremen address interdisciplinary approaches to a sustainable future – from virtual reality for a sustainable development in mathematics to global challenges in cultural and educational sciences.

Ones and zeros, connected with the lettering DataNord

DataNord: A Data Competence Center for the Bremen Region

The University of Bremen, in close collaboration with the U Bremen Research Alliance and other partners, is establishing a data competence center for the entire region. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is supporting the establishment of the center with over 3.5 million euros.

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University of Bremen Conference in November

In November, the University of Bremen will host a stakeholder conference on the relationship between academia and practice, organized by the “Transferwerkstatt.Wissen-schafft-Politik.”

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The Future of Energy Transition in Times of Crisis and Uncertainty

Germany’s energy transition will be at the focus of a public lecture at Kunsthalle on Thursday, November 9, at 7 p.m. It is the start of the 35th Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche series, this time on the subject of energy transition.

Geochemist Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, petrologist Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach , climate modeler Prof. Dr. Gerrit Lohmann, from left to right

Bremen Climate and Marine Sciences Achieve Triple Excellence Status in Europe

Historical success at the University of Bremen: For the first time, three projects were awarded the renowned Synergy Grant of the European Research Council. Funding will support climate and marine science projects at the University of Bremen in cooperation with AWI, with eight additional partners.

Digital copy of a chronometer.

Digital Insights into Maritime History

The German Maritime Museum presents the exhibition "SEH-STÜCKE – Maritimes digital entdeckt", which shows not only the physical exhibits but also their digital representations, which were created with the help of MAPEX – Center for Materials and Processes at the University of Bremen.

This year, three laureates shared the award for outstanding Master of education theses, which is endowed with a total of 500 euros.

Teaching as a Profession and Vocation

284 people graduated from the teaching degree program at the University of Bremen in the past year. Their achievements and commitment were acknowledged at the Master of Education graduation ceremony.

This microscope image shows individual bacterial cells of a microbiome. Some of these bacteria have ingested sugars.

New Emmy Noether Junior Research Group on the Degradation of Complex Sugars by Marine Bacteria

How do marine bacteria convert sugar into energy? This question is the subject of a new Emmy Noether junior research group at the University of Bremen. The German Research Foundation will fund the team led by marine biologist Dr. Greta Reintjes with around one million euros over the next six years.

Ein Autoschiff auf dessen Laderampe einige Autos stehen. Diese werden aus dem Autoschiff herausgefahren. Die Autos sind neue Autos, was durch die Schutzfolie auf der Motorhaube sichtbar ist.

Isabella 2.0: Successful Completion at BLG AutoTerminal

The "Isabella" system will make car handling in ports more efficient in the future. BIBA – Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics at the University of Bremen and the industry partners BLG LOGISTICS and 28Apps Software have spent six years researching and developing this.

Glass hall with the university logo

University of Bremen Rises 50 Places in Global University Ranking

Success for the University of Bremen: In the current THE ranking, the university has climbed 50 places. With a rank of 301 to 350, the university is among the top 20 percent worldwide. In total, more than 1,900 universities from 108 countries and regions were compared.

The winners of the CAMPUSiDEEN competition

20th Anniversary of CAMPUSiDEEN Competition – Business Ideas and Concepts Honored

Once again, the CAMPUSiDEEN competition has honored the best business ideas and business concepts in Bremen's higher education landscape. Six winning teams were recognized at the awards ceremony on October 12.

Schematic representation of the most important North Atlantic currents. Red (blue) arrows show the upper (deep) circulation paths. The acronyms indicate the positions of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and the Eastern Boundary Current (EBC). The black lines show the transport lines of the observatory arrays.

Close Connectivity within the North Atlantic Current System Identified

Long-term comparative study reveals parallels between time series from Florida and Newfoundland

Logo of the University of Bremen

Solidarity with Israel – University of Bremen Supports DAAD Statement

Together with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the University of Bremen stands in solidarity with its Israeli friends and university partners. It is shocked by the recent attacks on Israel by Hamas and Hezbollah.

Würfel mit Buchstaben

Language Learning in the Winter Semester

21 languages and over 200 courses: On October 16, the Language Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen will start its program, which includes semester and intensive courses as well as paid educational leave. Catalan is a new addition to the program.

Main entrance to the State and University Library Bremen.

“Pictures of a City. Bremen in Old Travel Guides”

From October 11, 2023 to January 14, 2024, the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) will present historical Bremen travel guides at its headquarters on the university campus.

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University of Bremen Conference in October

In October, a conference on maritime law will be held at the University of Bremen.

Frauke Meyer, Dr. Torben Möller

Insights for Apprentices: University of Bremen and Nordic Campus Start Cooperation

In October, the University of Bremen and Nordic CAMPUS Bremen will begin a cooperation in the field of vocational training. Director of Finance and Administration of the University of Bremen Frauke Meyer and the managing director of Nordic CAMPUS have signed a cooperation agreement to this effect.

From left to right: Dipl.-Ing. Nils Schnorrenberger (Director of BIS Bremerhaven), Sven Wiebe (Councillor for the Senator for Economy, Ports, and Transformation), Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther, President of the University of Bremen, Manuela Weichenrieder-Rudershausen (facilitator), Eduard Dubbers-Albrecht (President of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce), and Irene Strebl (Councillor for the Senator for Environment, Climate, and Science).

Industrial Mathematics as a Basis for Innovation

The “Model region Industrial Mathematics” (#MOIN) research and transfer project has declared its mission to show who can benefit from industrial mathematics. The project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, had its kickoff in the Digital Hub Industry (DHI).

The steelworks of Arcelor Mittal on the River Weser in Bremen.

Hydrogen Project hyBit Presentation at the Bremen Trade Fair Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe

How can the steel mill at Bremen’s industrial harbor be powered with green hydrogen in the future using electrolysis? The large-scale research project hyBit is investigating this. Those interested can gain information about the project at the Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe conference.

University logo on the glass hall.

Power Restored to All Buildings in Central Campus Area

All buildings and parts of buildings in the Central Campus Area have had power restored as of Wednesday morning. The Mensa cafeteria is expected to reopen on Thursday. On Tuesday morning, an electrical fire occurred during construction work, resulting in a power outage in several buildings.

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Unexpected Addition of Medieval Document at SuUB

Bremen State and University Library has received a late medieval document from Japan for preservation in its historical collections. The document was brought to Bremen by the Japanese native Professor Tatsuo Terada from Hokkaido University Sapporo, who is a German Studies specialist.

Torben Stührmann, Senatorin Kathrin Moosdorf, Staatsrätin Irene Strebl, Professorin Johanna Myrzik

Conference of the North German Federal States on Energy Research

Within the framework of the North German Conference of Science Ministers (NWMK), the major conference on energy research titled "Strong together for the energy transition – impulses for new cooperation between the North German states" took place at the Atlantic Hotel Universum .

Two men and a woman talking, in the background the flags of different countries.

U Bremen Research Alliance Welcomes International Researchers

Around 120 people attended the annual reception for international researchers hosted by the University of Bremen and the twelve other research institutions of UBRA.

European flags

YUFE Alliance Calls for Strengthening of European Values

The YUFE alliance of young European universities, of which the University of Bremen is a member, is concerned about anti-democratic developments in Europe. At a meeting in Cyprus, the university presidents called for a return to European values.

[Translate to English:] Antrittsbesuch an der Universität

“A Beacon for Science:” Senator for Science Moosdorf visited the campus

Good and Constructive Start: The President of the University of Bremen, Professor Jutta Günther, welcomed the new Senator for Science Kathrin Moosdorf and her State Councilor Irene Strebl to the university campus for a first discussion.


Close Strategic Partnership between the Universities of Bremen and Cardiff

Around 30 students from Cardiff University and the University of Bremen are exchanging ideas on the subject of Sustainability & Entrepreneurship and are developing sustainable business ideas. The meetings take place partly online and partly in person. The results will be presented on September 21.

Julia Twachtmann, Bror Giesenbauer, Anna Förster, Detta Sophie Schütz, Guido Schmiemann (v.l.)

The Golden Plietsch: The 2023 Award Winning Projects

With the “Golden Plietsch" award, the University of Bremen Foundation and its sheltered foundations honor ideas promoting greater sustainability and positive urban development in Bremen. This year’s award ceremony took place on Tuesday, September 12 at the House of Science.

Glass hall with the university logo

University of Bremen Involved in the Establishment of a Local Competence Center for Labor Research

A new major collaborative project at the University of Bremen with partners from research, development, and industry has started its work. It is aimed at establishing a local competence center for labor research. The BMBF is providing 9.7 million euros of funding for the project.

New Impulses for Teacher Training

At a closing event yesterday in the “Domkapitelhaus”, researchers from the University of Bremen presented the results of the “Designing Interfaces” project. Over the last eight years, a team of about 45 researchers developed concepts for teacher education, supported by the Government and the Länder.

Romance studies scholar Julia Borst

European Research Council Starting Grant for Julia Borst

Over a period of five years, the Romance scholar Dr. Julia Borst will investigate how Afro-European communities present themselves in the digital space. She has been awarded a prestigious ERC Starting Grant for this work.

Professor Jutta Günther, President of the University of Bremen, and Senator for the Environment, Climate, and Science Kathrin Moosdorf between the solar panels on the roof of the campus Mensa cafeteria.

University of Bremen: Leading the Way on the Road to Sustainability

The University of Bremen has been nominated for the German Sustainability Award (DNP). It is Europe's biggest award for ecological and social commitment. The prize will be awarded on November 23, in Düsseldorf.

Robot PR2, in the background a woman with microphone

EASE Fall School - Robotics and AI Exchange for PhD Students

From September 11 to 15, the Collaborative Research Center EASE (Everyday Activity Science and Engineering) once again opens its doors for its fall school. More than 100 attendees from all over the world will exchange ideas on the latest developments in AI and robotics.

Senator Kathrin Moosdorf (second from left) with University of Bremen President Professor Jutta Günther (left), as well as (from left to right) Dr. Britta Lüder (Vice President of Research and Transfer, Bremen University of Applied Sciences), Dr. Antje Stephan (Chancellor, Bremen University of the Arts), Prof. Dr. Rabea Diekmann (Vice President of Research, Transfer, and Continuing Education, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences), and Prof. Dr. Marko Rohlfs (BreGoS Project Coordinator, University of Bremen).

Senator Kathrin Moosdorf Visits "Bremen Goes Sustainable" Project

Since the beginning of 2023, Bremen's universities have been working together in the sustainability project "Bremen Goes Sustainable" (BreGoS). During a visit to the university, Kathrin Moosdorf, Senator for Environment, Climate, and Science, gained an impression of the project.

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Secure Your Place at the University of Bremen Now

The University of Bremen offers attractive degree programs for students who have made up their minds at short notice and enrollment is still possible. Between September 1 and September 15, 2023, there is the opportunity to enroll as a first-year student for many bachelor's degree programs.

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University of Bremen Conferences in September

Four conferences will be held at the University of Bremen in September. The topics include health psychology, Maltese linguistics, teacher education, and artificial intelligence and health.

PRAXIS Summer Camp

PRAXIS Summer Camp: Students Work on Practical Tasks

63 students from various fields at the University of Bremen, Constructor University, and partner universities are working on a total of 18 projects at the PRAXIS Summer Camp for 21 companies and institutions from the region as well as for a company from England.

Three women are looking at a laptop.

Summer Schools for Women Start Again

From August 16 to 31, female students, specialists, and researchers will meet at the Informatica Feminale and the Engineering Summer School. Some 50 courses are on the program.


University of Bremen wins the Urban Data Challenge

The University of Bremen has won the "Urban Data Challenge." The university impressed the jury with its concept for data-driven improvement of sustainable cycling and micromobility in Hamburg and will receive 40,000 euros for its implementation.

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Better Capture Gender Diversity in Health Research

Gender diversity is still not sufficiently recorded in health research. Researchers at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research at the University of Bremen have developed a handout on how to better record gender in surveys.

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New Findings: Arctic Atmosphere Moister and Regional Storm Activity Increasing

A publication on early results from the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) on climate change in the Arctic has made it onto the cover of the prestigious Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society journal. The University of Bremen is involved in the Transregio (AC)³ CRC.

B-Human won the final against the HTWK Robots from Leipzig with 9:0.

Team from University of Bremen and DFKI wins RoboCup World Championship

76 goals and not a single goal conceded – that is the tally of the Bremen robot soccer players at RoboCup 2023, the world's largest competition for intelligent robotics. This is the tenth time that the Bremen team has won the title, thus underlining its top position in the Standard Platform League.

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Life on the Ocean Floor: “3,688 Meters Below Sea Level” Exhibition at House of Science

The impacts of the climate crisis pose global challenges that present marine researchers with new tasks. The ocean floor plays a significant role in this. It is the focus of an interactive exhibition at the House of Science, which opens on July 20. The exhibition was created by MARUM.

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Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research Redesignated as WHO Collaborating Centre

The World Health Organization (WHO) has once again named the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research’s (IPP) Department of Social Epidemiology at the University of Bremen as a WHO Collaborating Centre on Environmental Health Inequalities.

Eine Frau und ein Roboter schütten gemeinsam ein Getränk in eine Tasse.

New Co-constructive Artificial Intelligence Center

The universities of Bremen, Bielefeld, and Paderborn have joined forces to develop AI systems that can provide humans with targeted support in performing tasks.

Bachelor's degree students from the Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship at the University of Bremen have presented solutions for business model innovations for companies and institutions in Bremen.

future concepts bremen: Business Model Innovation in 100 Days

Students from the Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship at the University have presented solutions for business model innovations for companies and institutions in Bremen. The participating companies included DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung, CITY 46 Kommunalkino, and Sparkasse Bremen.

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A Vibrant Bond: The Bremen-Cardiff Alliance

Cardiff University's president elect and vice-chancellor, Professor Wendy Larner, has visited the University of Bremen. The universities of Cardiff and Bremen formed an alliance some four years ago to promote joint research activities and collaboration.


Applying Online to Study at the University of Bremen

Anyone interested in studying at the University of Bremen can still apply online for a place until July 15. A digital information event on Wednesday July 12 from 4 to 6 p.m. will provide information on how to do this.

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Awards for Outstanding Doctoral Supervision Handed Out

Mathematician and computer scientist Nicole Megow and political scientist Kerstin Martens have received the Award for Outstanding Doctoral Supervision from the University of Bremen. The Alumni Network of the University of Bremen donated the prize money of 2,000 euros per person.

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Brilliant End-of-Semester Concert at Bremen Cathedral

On Sunday, the end-of-semester concert of the orchestra and choir took place in the St. Petri Cathedral. The program included pieces by Richard Strauss, Alexander Borodin, and Martín Palmeri. It was the second concert under the direction of the new university music director Mariano Chiacchiarini.

Language Course

Languages Centre Summer Classes

The Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB) is offering many opportunities to learn a language from August to October 2023. If you are thinking about learning a new language or brushing up your skills, you are at the right place.

Kerstin Schill

Kerstin Schill and Michael Schulz Re-Elected to DFG Senate

Two researchers from the University of Bremen have been re-elected to their positions within the German Research Foundation (DFG). Computer scientist Professor Kerstin Schill and marine and climate researcher Professor Michael Schulz were re-elected at the DFG Annual Meeting on June 28, 2023.

Die Research Ambassadors mit Mitarbeitenden der Universität sowie Universitätsrektorin Professorin Jutta Günther, Dr. Mandy Boehnke, Konrektorin für Internationalität, wissenschaftliche Qualifizierung und Diversität, und Dr. Marejke Baethge-Assenkamp, Leiterin des International Office.

International Research Alumni Visit the University

Since 2015, the university has appointed eleven research ambassadors – international scholars who have conducted research at the University of Bremen and now promote the university and the work conducted there around the world. Six of them visited Bremen for a three-day workshop.


Large Turnout at Two-Day OPEN CAMPUS

Lectures, laboratory visits, and open-air concerts: from June 23 to 24, the University of Bremen's OPEN CAMPUS proved to be a huge success with around 20,000 guests. Top stage act was Gentleman and on Friday evening, rapper MAJAN, among others, created a party atmosphere in the campus park.

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Educational Equity in Bremen – Dialog Event and Award Ceremony on June 28

Why does educational success still strongly depend on socioeconomic status, and how can this be changed? The "Weitwinkel Bildung" network is organizing a dialog event on this topic on June 28, at which the "Bremer Bildungsgerechtigkeit konkret" prize will also be awarded.

Universität Bremen

Climate Protection and Mobility at the University: Survey Begins

How do students and employees get to the university? Do they mainly use public transport, their bicycle, or their car? What services would they like to see? These questions are the focus of a survey on mobility at the University of Bremen and the Technology Park.

Mandy Boehnke

Mandy Boehnke on the DAAD Executive Committee

Dr. Mandy Boehnke, Vice President for International Affairs, Academic Qualification, and Diversity, is a new member of the DAAD Executive Committee. She was elected in Bonn on June 20, 2023, along with other new members of the board. The new committee will begin its term in January 2024.

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Yasemin Karakaşoğlu Appointed to Federal Government's Council of Experts on Anti-Racism

Yasemin Karakaşoğlu, Professor of Intercultural Education, has been appointed to the Federal Government's Council of Experts on Anti-Racism. In this role, she will contribute her professional expertise to the field of policy advice.

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Study Examines Strategies for Preventing Obesity Due to Shift Work

A study will examine how obesity can be prevented in people working shifts. The study is part of the SHIFT2HEALTH project. It is being supported with a total of 10 million euros, around 1.5 million of which will go to institutions in the state of Bremen.

Ein runder Sensor liegt in einer Käste Äpfel. Er misst Sauerstoff und Kohlendioxid um die Atmungsaktivität der Früchte zu bestimmen

New Project: Less Food Waste during Storage

Reducing spoilage of fresh foods such as apples during storage is the goal of a new project by the University of Bremen and the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) in Potsdam. The project will be supported with 600,000 euros until 2026.

Mitglieder eines IT-Projektteams können sich in der virtuellen Realität treffen und ihre Software als „Code City“ visualisieren. So können sie beispielsweise die Struktur des Codes oder die Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen Bausteinen darstellen und diskutieren.

Interactive Visualization of Software for Spatially Distributed Teams

The Center for Computing Technologies (TZI) at the University of Bremen is investigating new methods for better understanding complex software as part of a DFG-funded project.

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University of Bremen’s Grand End-of-Semester Concert at the St.-Petri Cathedral

At 5 p.m., July 2, the grand end-of-semester concert of the University of Bremen Orchestra and Choir will take place at Bremen's St.-Petri Cathedral. The program includes pieces by Richard Strauss, Alexander Borodin, and Martín Palmeri. University Music Director Mariano Chiacchiarini will conduct.

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Family-Friendly University: Certificate Officially Awarded to Uni Bremen

The University of Bremen's certification as a family-friendly university has been renewed by berufundfamilie Service GmbH. The certificate was officially awarded to the University of Bremen on June 13.

Prof. Margot Brink, Prof. Karen Struve, Dr. Schilling, Prof. Stephanie Wodianka und Prof. Jutta Günther (v.l.).

A "Northern Campus" for France & Francophonie

It will be the most northern francophone center in Germany: Three Romance scholars from the Universities of Bremen, Flensburg, and Rostock are founding "CaNoFF - Northern Campus for France & Francophonie" in the three northern German states.

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Open Worlds – Share Knowledge: OPEN CAMPUS at the University of Bremen

On June 23 and 24, the University of Bremen invites you to OPEN CAMPUS. After an open-air concert on Friday evening, a full program of lectures, guided tours, and a poetry slam will follow on Saturday afternoon. In the evening, a live show with headliner Gentleman will conclude the event.

SuUB Bremen

Online Now: A Bibliography Especially for the State of Bremen

Every year, books and essays about Bremen are published – in print and digitally. To make it easier to find them, the SuUB has released the digital "Bibliography of Bremen" to the public. Interested parties can search for free in approximately 23,000 titles concerning Bremen.

[Translate to English:] Jendrik Hemmen, Gleb Brede, Jutta Günther, Elisabetha Dorothee Brede, Angelika Elfers, Carsten Elfers, Jürgen Christian Brede, Arno Schoppenhorst (BUND), Matthias Burwinkel (BIBA).

Opening of the BIBA Learning Factory

Designing an environmentally friendly pump that will later be used in the Blockland nature reserve in the surrounding area of Bremen – this is something students in the Faculty of Production Engineering can do as part of the "Lernfabrik" sponsored by the Brede Foundation. It was opened on June 1.

University logo on the glass hall.

University of Bremen Conferences in June

In June, the University of Bremen will host an international conference on social movements in the context of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine. The development of sea ice will be the topic of an international symposium organized by the university together with other institutions.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Excellence Strategy: University of Bremen Submits Three Cluster Applications

The competition for excellence funding from the German federal government and the states is entering a new round. The University of Bremen is also submitting an Excellence Strategy application. Three research areas submitted draft proposals to the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the end of May.

Panel discussion at the 16th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge

17th BRIDGE StartUp-Lounge: Idea Storm

“Idea Storm” is the motto of the 17th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge, which will take place at 6 p.m. on June 8, at Bremen's Digital Hub Industry. The organizer is the BRIDGE university network, the central point of contact for students and members of Bremen's universities for business startups.

A man and a women are smiling into the camera

"Identifying and Intensifying Cooperation Potential"

Intensive cooperation between the University of Bremen and Airbus Bremen has existed for years. A networking meeting has now been held to take stock and plan new ventures.

Students sit in the lecture hall.

Digital Information Event on Studying in Bremen and Bremerhaven

At a joint online event, the universities in the state of Bremen will introduce themselves and provide information about their offered study programs and application procedures. The event will take place on Thursday, June 1, 2023, from 4 to 6 p.m.


“Diversity at German Universities”: University of Bremen Receives German Rectors' Conference Funding

The University of Bremen will receive 50,000 euro from the German Rectors' Conference. This will strengthen the further development of diversity concepts via the "Diversity at German Universities" initiative, which the HRK launched with funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

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University of Bremen Welcomes Afghan Scholarship Holders

It has been a year since the University of Bremen and the HERE AHEAD Academy announced the Omid Farda Scholarship for at-risk Afghan students. Ten of the eleven selected scholarship holders have now arrived in Bremen and were welcomed at the University.

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Improving the Chances of Healing through Medical Measurement Technology

Professor Andreas Fischer from the Faculty of Production Engineering at the University of Bremen is receiving funding for his latest project as part of the Volkswagen Foundation's Momentum Initiative. This will provide almost 800,000 euro over a period of four years.

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Education and Digitization: Maren Petersen Appointed to Federal Government Committee

The Vice President for Teaching and Studies at the University of Bremen, Prof. Maren Petersen, will advise the German government on the topic of education in the digital transformation. She has been appointed as a member of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research's "Digital Summit" platform.

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Artificial Intelligence, Bots, and More: Automation of Communication and Media

The annual conference of the German Communication Association will take place at the University of Bremen this year. At the invitation of the ZeMKI, more than 300 experts will discuss the transformation of digital communication from May 18 to 20, 2023.

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CHE University Ranking: University of Bremen at the Forefront in Supporting Students’ Degree Start

In the current university ranking by the Centre for Higher Education (CHE), the University of Bremen once again ranks top in the majority of the assessed subject fields when it comes to supporting students at the start of their degrees. But there are also top rankings in other categories.

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90th Anniversary of Nazi Book Burning in Bremen: Commemorative Event at the House of Science

On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the National Socialist book burning in Bremen, the University of Bremen is organizing a commemorative event at the House of Science between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on May 10. Entry is free.

[Translate to English:] Sommerakademie

Register Now: Summer Academy for Young People

The University of Bremen is once again inviting high-achieving high school students to the Summer Academy from June 26 to 30, 2023. Registration is open now and participation is free of charge.

Rediscovered in the SuUB: One of the Oldest Chronicles of Lehe

The original manuscript of a part of today's Bremerhaven has been rediscovered in the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB): It is the so-called “Lehe Chronicle” from the 16th century.

A group of small children with colourful jackets and rucksacks.

Family-Friendly University: University of Bremen Certification Renewed

The University of Bremen's certification as a family-friendly university has been renewed by berufundfamilie Service GmbH. The certificate will be awarded on June 13, 2023, in the presence of Lisa Paus, Federal Minister for Family Affairs and patron of the audit.

Gerhard Roth

Mourning for Brain Researcher Gerhard Roth

The University of Bremen is mourning the death of Gerhard Roth. The well-known brain researcher passed away on April 25, at the age of 80. Roth was one of the most renowned researchers in his field, was well known far beyond the borders of Bremen, and was a sought-after speaker.

Climate rally

MARUM Project Develops Climate Education with and for Schools

In the MARUM school project “Climate – I’m changing!” students develop and test climate-protection measures for everyday life. After three years, the pilot phase of the project, which was initiated by MARUM at the University of Bremen, is now coming to an end.

Infografik zum Wettbewerb CAMPUSiDEEN

CAMPUSiDEEN Competition: Start-up Ideas Wanted

Attention all Bremen start-up founders and those interested in entrepreneurship: This year, the CAMPUSiDEEN idea competition will once more honor the best business ideas and concepts from Bremen’s universities. The application deadline ends on June 11, 2023.

Starker Schuss von B-Human. Das Foto wurde in einem Spiel gegen die Bembelbots aufgenommen.

More Players, More Goals: Reigning World Champion B-Human Wins RoboCup German Open 2023

Bremen's robot soccer team has won the RoboCup German Open in Hamburg. The team from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, B-Human, won the competition by a clear margin. What was new was that seven robots played per team instead of five.

Logo of the University of Bremen

University of Bremen Conferences in May

In May, the University of Bremen will host the 27th International Bremen Film Conference. The focus is on the cinema of Latin America. The lectures, forums, and films will explore the film-aesthetic diversity and significance of Latin American films for the exploration of the region’s own history.

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May 10: Information Day for Prospective Students

Prospective students are once again invited to find out everything they need to know about studying at the University of Bremen on Wednesday, May 10, 2023. The bachelor's degree programs and the Law degree program will introduce themselves at the event.

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CAMPUS AWARD Goes to Biologist and Production Technician

The 2023 CAMPUS AWARD: Research for a Sustainable Future winners are biologist Dr. Esther Thomsen from the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) and master's graduate Alex Peer Intemann. The award, endowed with 3,000 euro, was presented at the University of Bremen on April 27.

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Kick-Off for "Productive and Imaginative Collaboration"

At a welcome event on April 26, 2023, the newly appointed professors from the year 2022 not only got to know the university better, but also each other.

Studierende während der Proben

No Exit: Theater InCognito plays Sartre

Theater InCognito at the University of Bremen invites you to the premiere of the play "No Exit" by Jean-Paul Sartre at 8 p.m. on May 5, 2023, at the campus theater. No Exit, which is about dependence on the judgment of others, is still relevant today.

scene from the play

Revival of the Play „Die Sünde des Andersartigen zu riskieren“ at the “Kulturambulanz”

What is “crazy”? This question is at the center of a play based on the story of Hedwig D. The History Department and the Center for Performance Studies/Theater of Assemblage have developed a play based on her story. Thanks to the popularity of the show, it will be performed again in April.

Bernd Scholz-Reiter

Former University President Is Interim President of the German Rectors' Conference

The former President of the University of Bremen and Vice President for International Affairs of the German Rectors' Conference, Professor Dr.-Ing. Bernd Scholz-Reiter, took over the presidency of the German Rectors' Conference HRK on an interim basis in April.

Das Bild zeigt eine Frau, die mit einem Scanner ein Dokument der Bremischen Bürgerschaft einscannt.

Bremen Parliament Speeches and Minutes Digitized: 210 Volumes Freely Accessible

In cooperation with the Bremen Parliament and the Bremen State Archive, the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) is digitizing the historical parliamentary printed matter from 1823 to 1999. 210 volumes are now freely accessible as part of the SuUB's digital collections.

Ausstellungswände der Ausstellung "Macht Sinn!" zu den Themen Digitalisierung, Gesundheit und Medizin sowie Diversität und Integration.

"MACHT SINN!" Exhibition on Science Foundations at the University of Bremen

Making the remarkable civil commitment of Bremen citizens to science and education visible and honoring it - that is the goal of the University of Bremen Foundation with its “MACHT SINN!” exhibition. It will be on display on the university campus from April 13, 2023, onwards.

Schülerin im Labor

Teaching the Teachers at School-Student Laboratories

The Institute for Information Management Bremen at the University of Bremen is launching an interdisciplinary collaborative project called "LFB-Labs-digital" together with seven universities. It is expanding school-student laboratories on STEM subjects into places for advanced teacher training.

Robots on Mars

Robot Swarm Practicing for Mars Exploration

Exploring Mars can be best achieved when robots with different capabilities work together – ideally autonomously. Important prerequisites for this are being created as part of the VaMEx-3 project, in which three working groups from the University of Bremen are playing a key role.

Michael Beetz

AI Researcher Michael Beetz Receives Coveted ERC Advanced Grant

AI achieves impressive results, however it still lacks the ability to plan actions predictively. Professor Michael Beetz from the Institute for Artificial Intelligence is working on the foundations for this and has received the ERC Advanced Grant, which is endowed with 2.5 million euros.


DFG Establishes Priority Programme

The University of Bremen has once again been included in the selection of new Priority Programmes by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The faculty of Production Engineering is one of the six new programs selected from a total of 33 initiatives submitted.

[Translate to English:] Eine Mentorin und Mentees stehen an einem Tisch

ProMentes: Students in Graduating Phase and Dedicated Executives Required

The career-oriented mentoring program of the University of Bremen ProMentes will start again in September. For ten months, committed executives from business, culture, and administration will advise and mentor students and graduates who are about to enter professional life.

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Further Funding of the Leibniz ScienceCampus Digital Public Health

The Leibniz ScienceCampus Digital Public Health, in which the University of Bremen participates, will receive funding for a further four years. With 1.2 million euros, the Campus, founded in 2019, will be able to expand its successful interdisciplinary research on the digitization of health care.

Arctic kelpforests

How Climate Change Is Affecting Underwater Forests in the Arctic

Due to climate change, underwater brown algae, so-called kelp, are likely to only be able to grow in shallower areas of the Arctic in future. University of Bremen researchers came to this conclusion as part of the EU project FACE-IT.

Two students work with a dictionary.

Learning Languages in the Summer Semester

From Arabic to Japanese and Portuguese to Turkish, after Easter, the semester courses for different levels of 19 languages start at the Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB). The courses are open to auditing students and, with a few exceptions, will take place in person.

[Translate to English:] Eine Person schaut sich die App auf einem Smartphone an. Research Network Tests Bremen News App

Following a successful test operation in Bremen, researchers are investigating how the news and information app can be made available throughout Germany. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is providing 1.5 million euros of funding for the project.

Logo of the University of Bremen

Digitization and Artificial Intelligence: Discussion on the Opportunities and Risks

What economic opportunities lie within the development and application of artificial intelligence? This question is at the heart of the event “Digitization and Artificial Intelligence: The Agenda for Bremen,” hosted by the University of Bremen and the Hans Böckler Foundation.

[Translate to English:] Michael W. Friedrich, Jutta Günther, Tim Cordßen-Ryglewski, Frauke Meyer.

Modern Building for Biology: BIOM Inaugurated

The new teaching and research building for biology is finished. BIOM was officially inaugurated on Tuesday, March 14. The building offers space for around 1, 000 students and 100 employees. More than 5,000 square meters are available. The rooms can be used flexibly.

Lena Frerichs

Student Lena Frerichs Named Athlete of the Year

Congratulations to Lena Frerichs. The University of Bremen congratulates its teacher education student who was voted Bremen’s Athlete of the Year. The 19-year-old field hockey player is already a European champion and now a permanent member of the national team.

Two radio hosts moderating a live show for radio

Media Practice Week of the University of Bremen

The Media Practice Week of the University of Bremen from March 6–10, 2023, offers exciting events and initial impressions of Bremen’s communications and media sector. This year, the five-day networking event will once again be organized by students.

Ein Mädchen hält eine Weltkugel und eine Pflanze in den Händen.

The Impacts of Climate Change: New Learning Modules for Schoolchildren

As part of a new project, researchers from the Universities of Bremen and Vechta are developing learning modules for schoolchildren on the impacts of climate change. The project is being funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) with 270,000 euros over three years.

Pflegeperson hält die Hand einer Seniorin

Study on dementia: More sense of togetherness, fewer hospital admissions

If people with dementia regularly train their memory and movement in assisted communities, they are less likely to be hospitalized. This is the result of a joint study by the University of Bremen and the University Hospital Erlangen.

Small lake on the boulevard.

Bremen Goes Sustainable: One Million Euros for Sustainability at Bremen’s Higher Education Institutions

Developing, testing and anchoring sustainability concepts for research, teaching and operations together – higher education institutions in the state of Bremen and the Alfred Wegener Institute are pursuing this goal with “BreGoS – Bremen Goes Sustainable.”

Gruppenfoto im Rathaus

Bremen Thesis Award 2022 Awarded

On Tuesday, February 28, 2023, the “unifreunde” association awarded the Bremen Thesis Award for outstanding final theses. Three dissertations and two master’s theses were honored. A special prize for one master’s thesis was sponsored by Bruker Daltonics GmbH & Co. KG.

Glass hall with the university logo

Conferences at the University of Bremen in March

From language learning to geophysics and computer science – three conferences on different fields of science will be held at the University of Bremen in March.

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Improving First-Aid Training with Virtual Reality

Professor Björn Niehaves and his team from the University of Bremen are aiming to prepare potential first-aiders for possible accident scenarios as realistically as possible in the ARRIVE project. To this end, they develop first-aid scenarios in virtual reality.

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Unknown Deep Sea: “The Swarm” Series

In Frank Schätzing's bestselling novel "The Swarm" science meets science fiction. Now the literary novel has been made into a film, drawing attention to, among other things, the deep-sea ecosystem, which is also the focus of research at MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences.

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Gründungsradar: University of Bremen Again Among the Best

The Gründungsradar 2022 of Stifterverband confirms the University of Bremen’s excellent performance in promoting start-ups: it is ranked 15th among the 48 largest German universities.

Studierende im Hörsaal

Studying in Bremen and Bremerhaven

The universities in Bremen State will introduce themselves and provide information on their degree offers and application processes at two joint online events, which will take place on February 23, 2023 and on June, 01, 2023 between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

sea ice in Antarctica

Sea Ice Is Declining Steadily in Antarctica

The sea ice in Antarctica continues its record minimum course. Satellite data from the Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP) at the University of Bremen show that the extent of sea ice there has currently fallen to the lowest value ever measured.


Clock Metrology: A Novel Approach to Time in Geodesy

Scientists at the University of Bremen are involved in a new research project that has been established by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In terms of content, the focus is on “Clock Metrology: A Novel Approach to Time in Geodesy.”

Eine syrische und eine türkische Flagge nebeneinander

Earthquake in Turkey and Syria

The devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria have claimed the lives of thousands of people. Many are injured or have suddenly become homeless.


1.5 Million Euros for University Communications Engineering

The 5G mobile communications standard is a part of everyday life, while research is already being carried out on its successor 6G. The working group for communications engineering is receiving around 1.5 million euros from the BMBF for research and realization of “wireless networks of the future.”

Kinder forschen

Bremen Kids’ University Back on Campus

The University of Bremen will hold its “Kinder-Uni” (“children’s university”) from March 21 to 30, 2023. Children aged 8 to 12 can take part. This year, they will once again be able to discover exciting areas of research together with scientists in person at the university.

Andreas Bovenschulte, Mayor of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Jutta Günther, President of the University of Bremen, Peter Hoedemaker, CEO of unifreunde, Serg Bell, Chairman of Constructor University (from left to right).

Knowledge Requires Social Responsibility

Science is a prerequisite for progress, but it must always be aware of its social responsibility. This is what President Jutta Günther said at the unifreunde association’s New Year’s reception in the town hall. She spoke to around 300 guests from politics, science, business, and society.

Zusammengeknülltes Papier, aus dem ein Origami-Kranich wird. Steht sinnbildlich für eams verschiedener Fachrichtungen, die Geschäftsmodellinnovationen erstellen.

future concepts bremen: innovative solutions within 100 days

Students from the university presented innovative solutions for Bremen-based companies and institutions. Industry partners included the Federal Employment Agency, hanseWasser and TOPAS Industriemathematik Innovation. The Demo Day took place in Sparkasse Bremen's Campus Space.

Logo of the University of Bremen

unifreunde and Universities’ New Year’s Reception in the Town Hall

The New Year’s reception of unifreunde e.V. for the two Bremen universities traditionally marks the start of the current academic year. On January 30, representatives of the University of Bremen and Constructor University will meet in the upper room of the town hall at 6 p.m.


Holocaust Remembrance Day: Engineering Sciences in the Nazi Era

What role did engineers play in the Nazi era? How did technical higher education institutions behave in the Third Reich? The Faculty of Production Engineering – Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering – is inviting you to a public online event with a lecture on 27 January, 2023, at 4 p.m.

A person writes in a foreign language on a whiteboard.

Winter Offers from the Languages Center

The Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB – Sprachenzentrum der Hochschulen im Land Bremen) offers intensive courses in nine languages from February to April. These courses are aimed at students, applicants, and all interested parties from Bremen and the surrounding area.


Digital Humor: Differences According to Gender and Age

“Memes” are the pictorial jokes in messengers such as WhatsApp, Signal, or Telegram that deal with current topics. University linguist Dr. Inke Du Bois has gathered and analyzed around 1,000 memes. The conclusion: digital humor varies according to age and gender.

The State and University Library Bremen

“Scheduled Time” – Exhibition on Calendar History at SuUB

In the exhibition “Scheduled Time. History of the Printed Calendar in Bremen,” the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) will show exhibits from the 17th to the 20th century. The opening of the exhibition will take place on January 17 at the library's headquarters on the university campus.

[Translate to English:] Ausschnitt aus dem Film "Wir sind alle Kanaken".

Eleventh Ethnographic Film Festival in Bremen

For the eleventh time, the Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research at the University of Bremen is playing host to the Bremen Days of Ethnographic Film. From January 24 to 26, 2023, a total of 15 current international productions from the field of ethnographic film will be screened.

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University of Bremen and HWWI Sign Partnership Agreement

The University of Bremen and the Hamburg Institute of International Economics – HWWI (Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut) have entered into an agreement to cooperate in the areas of teaching, research, academic qualification, and transfer.


Greenhouse gas concentrations further increased in 2022

Preliminary analyses of global satellite data by researchers at the university's Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP) show: Atmospheric concentrations of the two major greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) continued to rise sharply in 2022.