02 Conference Participation
Call of the Central Research Development Fund (CRDF)
To enhance the visibility of research in Bremen, scientists of the University of Bremen can receive subsidies for the participation in high ranking conferences.
WHO CAN APPLY? Doctoral researchers accepted by the respective doctoral committee (Promotionsausschuss), Postdocs, Lektor:innen, (Senior) Researcher and Lecturer and Professors at University of Bremen can apply.
WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS? Grant-worthy is the active participation in a conference, e.g. speech or poster, at a high ranking national or international conference.
FUNDING CONDITIONS: Preference will be given to applications from researchers in the qualification phase and to international conferences. Further priority goes to applications with no connection to current, third-party funded projects that dispose of sufficient funds to finance the proposed travel. It is also possible to apply for conference fee subsidies or to have the fees covered for online conferences. In order to submit an application, you must have already applied for DAAD funding for conferences abroad in good time (by the deadline). You can find more information on this point in the application guidelines.
During the course of their research project, PhD researchers may apply twice for grants up to a maximum of € 1,500 (including any funding in the funding line Impulse Grants for Research Projects); all other applicants may submit one application per year up to an amount of € 2,500. Due to limited funds, a maximum of one grant per person per calendar year is possible in the funding line Impulse Grands for Research Projects or in the funding line Conference Participation.
PROCEDURE: The Central Research Development Fund uses lump sums in this funding line. The office decides on the applications.
The University of Bremen supports the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). ORCID is a free, not-for-profit service offering each researcher a unique digital identifier. This helps researchers to distinguish their work and helps funders link researcher output to funding. If you apply for CRDF funding, we will ask for your ORCID identifier.
If you have no ID yet, please visit ORCID.
Corinna Volkmann
Phone +49 421 218-60321 E-Mail
Building SFG, Room 3130