Student Orientation Events

Finding the right course of study for you is not that easy! For prospective students, we offer various events for orientation and decision support - you can find an overview on our student orientation page. Unfortunately, we mostly offer German-language events for study orientation (unless otherwise stated on this page).

► go to general information for international students

Young people work at a laptop.


Central Student Advisory Service

Without an appointment:
Mon, Thu 10 am -1 pm

With an appointment:
Tue 1 pm - 3 pm: Zoom or face-to-face
Additional appointments

Visiting address:
VWG Building (Central Administration)

Brief information by phone:
Mon 8-10 am, Tue&Fri 9-11 am
Unfortunately, the telephone information service will be unavailable on Monday, March 17 and Tuesday, March 18 and 25.

+49 (0)421 218-61160

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Students sitting in the auditorium during a lecture

Online Event: Transition from Bachelor's to Master's degree program

What documents should I submit and when in order to be enrolled on time? What happens if I don't have all the evidence required for Master's enrollment by the end of October? For such and similar questions, the Central Student Advisory Service and the International Office of the University of Bremen are offering an online event (in zoom) on August 28th 2024.