Two-Subject Bachelor

In the two-subject Bachelor's degree with a major subject and a minor subject, the area of focus is on the major subject. The degree program passes 67% of the major subject and 33% of the minor subject, whereby in general any major subject can be combined with any minor subject. When choosing the combination, however, the information on the non-overlapping range of courses must be observed.

The specialist studies are complemented by career-relevant components. These study components are called General Studies (GS). Key qualifications are taught here, e.g. academic work, research, foreign languages, writing, presentation and moderation techniques, project management, time management, media skills. All of these study components are largely optional.

Subjects from the Humanities, Linguistics, Cultural Studies, Arts, Social Sciences and Economics are typically chosen as the academic discipline for the two-subject Bachelor's degree. The regular degree duration for the two-subject Bachelor's degree is 6 semesters.

In the two-subject Bachelor's degree with a specialist profile, the major subject can be combined with any minor subject. However, not every combination makes sense for everyone! Think carefully about what qualification you want to acquire with your studies, what interests you and what you want to learn. Check the study programs offered by the University of Bremen for information on course content and recommendations for minor subjects and, if necessary, seek advice from the Academic Advisory Office for the major subject.

Study ComponentsProportion

Major subject, of which
- specialist basics
- profile area (area of focus, General Studies)

42 to 57%
10 to 25%
Minor subject33%


Central Student Advisory Service

Without an appointment:
Mon, Thu 10 am -1 pm

With an appointment:
Tue 1 pm - 3 pm: Zoom or face-to-face
Additional appointments

Visiting address:
VWG Building (Central Administration)

Brief information by phone:
Mon 8-10 am, Tue&Fri 9-11 am
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Combination Options in the Specialist Two-Subject Bachelor's Degree

The following table shows the subject combination options for the two-subject bachelor's degree that are not embedded in teacher education. You must combine one profile subject (2/3 of program coursework) with one complementary subject (1/3 of program coursework). If the corresponding column contains no information, the subject can only be studied in one variant. Single-subject degree programs  are not combined with another subject.

In order to enable as many subject combinations as possible without overlapping timetables, the subjects are assigned to three time windows or subject groups. If the subjects are assigned to different subject groups, you should generally expect timetables not to overlap. If subjects are in the same subject group, it will depend on the flexibility of the curriculum. In such cases, you should seek advice from the counseling officers in the respective subjects.

The University of Oldenburg study programs are shown in italics and are not included in the timeframe for non-overlapping studies at the University of Bremen.

You will find detailed information on the entire range of courses offered by the University in the database Studium .

Non-overlapping course offer

When studying several subjects in two-subject bachelor programs and in teaching training, it is not always possible to avoid some overlapping of courses. However, the University of Bremen endeavors to provide a largely non-overlapping course offer – on this page we have put together detailed information on this topic.


Modular studies and credit points

Studies are divided into modules. These are individual learning units, each completed with an exam. The time spent studying is measured in Credit Points (CP), which are acquired continuously during the studies. The final grade awarded results from the sum of the CP-weighted module grades. Thus, the student input over the entire course of studies flows into the final grade. One CP entails a workload of 30 hours. Each semester, students should aim at earning approximately 30 CP. This requires an average workload of approximately 40 hours per week.

The number of credit points that have to be earned in General Studies or in the career-related area varies according to the program in question. Students have to earn a total of 180 CP for the award of a bachelor's degree.