Advice and Information
Office for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases (KIS)
The Office for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases (KIS) is aimed in particular at students of the University of Bremen whose studies are impaired by a disability or disease, be it a physical or mental impairment. Our service extends to prospective students as well.
KIS provides advice on all questions regarding studying with special needs:
- academic adjustments during your studies
- study organization
- financial support
- support services
- hardship provisions and academic adjustments when applying to university
The advice of KIS is confidential, independent, and free of charge.
KIS – Office for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases
Dr. Ingrid Zondervan
Email: kisprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-61050
FVG building, room M0130
Consultation only offered with an individual appointment.