Advice and Information

Office for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases (KIS)

Logo der KIS

The Office for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases (KIS) is aimed in particular at students of the University of Bremen whose studies are impaired by a disability or disease, be it a physical or mental impairment. Our service extends to prospective students as well.

KIS provides advice on all questions regarding studying with special needs:

  • academic adjustments during your studies
  • study organization
  • financial support
  • support services
  • hardship provisions and academic adjustments when applying to university

The advice of KIS is confidential, independent, and free of charge.


KIS – Office for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases
Dr. Ingrid Zondervan
Email: kisprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-61050

FVG building, room M0130

Consultation only offered with an individual appointment.

No consultation 12.07.2024 - 11.08.2024!

PBS – Psychological Counselling

The PBS – Psychological Counselling Centre of the Student Services Organization offers assistance with study-related or personal problems: counseling, coaching in case of test anxiety or speech anxiety, support with difficulties in studying/working, support for students with mental illnesses, and much more.

Social Counselling

The Social Counselling Centre of the Student Services Organization provides support and information to all students, prospective students, and graduates seeking advice on personal, social, or financial matters closely related to student status and student life.

BAföG and Social Counselling

If you have any questions about the BAföG student loan, unemployment benefit, housing benefit, rent, examination matters, social insurance, admission to a master's degree, or child benefit/child-rearing allowance, the BAföG and social counselling service of the AStA Student Council will be happy to help.

ADE – Advisory and Information Centre against Discrimination & Violence

ADE is a counseling and advisory center for dealing with conflicts, discrimination, and violence during vocational training, studies, and work. The services offered include counseling and information, events, and continued education.


SL Selbstbestimmt Leben e.V. (Association for a Self-Determined Life)

SL SelbstBestimmt Leben e.V. (Association for a Self-Determined Life) is an association of people with different impairments. SL is part of the autonomous disability rights movement in Germany, which is committed to enabling people with a disability to lead a self-determined life without paternalism, disadvantage, exclusion, and discrimination (currently in German only).

EUTB – Complementary Independent Participation Counselling

EUTB – Complementary Independent Participation Counselling advises on (re)integration benefits (Leistungen zur Teilhabe) that people can claim if they have particular difficulties running their own household, attending school, taking part in vocational training, participating in working life, or organising their leisure time because of a mental impairment (currently in German only).

IBS – Studying with Disabilities – Nationwide Information and Advice Center

The goals of the Information and Advice Center of the German Student Services Organization are to ensure free access to higher education and equal opportunities during studies and careers for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses.

Self-Help Guide for Bremen and Northern Lower Saxony

In a self-help support group you meet other people with the same background. Above all, you will find an open ear for your concerns, support, and advice (companionship) for the next steps (currently in German only).