Contact points, study documents, certificates

Themes on this page

  • Contact points for questions
  • Study documents and certificates
  • Leave of absence, exmatriculation

Contact points for questions

The university's telephone system does not allow a queue to be set up and there is no busy signal if all lines are busy. Please check this FAQ list to see if your question has already been answered there or try again. For questions about the Bachelor application/study programme, please use the contact form or contact us on 0421/218 61110. For questions about the Master application/study programme, you can also use the contact form or contact us on 0421/218 61002. You can also contact the Central Student Advisory Service 0421/218-61160, zsbprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.
(Here, too, if no one answers, all employees may be on the phone, so it is best to try several times. We apologise for any waiting times).

If you have any questions about studying, please contact the Central Student Advisory Service.

If you are interested in a particular degree programme, you can find information on the degree programmes offered by the University of Bremen. There you will also find contact details for the respective degree programme. Alternatively, you can find the contact details of the study centres / study advisors on the study centres page.




Study documents and certificates

To change your address, submit an application online in moin. Log in there with your access data from the Centre for Networks (ZfN).


For a certificate of study progress and a certificate of contributions paid, submit an application via moin. To apply, use your access data from the Centre for Networks (ZfN). You will receive the certificate automatically within three hours. For a pension insurance certificate, please submit the corresponding application by e-mail, fax or post.

You will automatically receive a certificate of enrolment via the moin portal once you have re-registered or enrolled (for the summer semester from February, for the winter semester from August).

You will receive the link to the Deutschlandsemesterticket (short: D-SeTi) by email (to your university account) before the start of the new semester.
You can access the D-SeTi on the RIDE Campus website using your university account via Shibboleth.
Further information can be found on the page of the AStA.


No, as the semester documents are printed and sent externally.


The following reasons are possible:

  •     Overlapping of transfer, posting and dispatch of the reminder
  •     Errors in the details of the transfer
  •     Current notification from the health insurance company is not available
  •     Declaration of acceptance/extension of the declaration of acceptance is missing
  •     Proof of German course not available

Please check moin to see whether any blocks have prevented you from re-registering.

Please check your bank transfer details using the information provided.

If in doubt, please send a scan of the account statement by e-mail to bachelorprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

As a rule, a certificate of enrolment is sufficient.

You will receive this automatically in moinonce you have successfully re-enrolled (for the summer semester from February, for the winter semester from August).

In close consultation with the Studierendenwerk Bremen, we have agreed that our certificate issued in accordance with §9 BAföG is sufficient and that Form 2 no longer needs to be completed.

You will receive the certificate according to §9 BAföG automatically via moin after re-registration/enrolment (for the summer semester from February, for the winter semester from August).

Leave of absence, exmatriculation

You can apply for a leave of absence online via moin. Log in there with your access data from the Centre for Networks (ZfN).

Have any supporting documents ready, which must be uploaded in the application.

In general, you can de-register at any time on your own application. To do this, simply submit the corresponding "Application for de-registration" in moin. To register, use your access data from the Centre for Networks (ZfN). Retroactive de-registration is not possible. The earliest possible date is the date of application and cannot be cancelled after the exmatriculation date has passed.

After completing your studies, you will be automatically de-registered ex officio at the end of the semester (31 March or 30 September).