
People are reading the newspaper.

There are a lot of things students have to take care of: Renewal of enrollment, a possible leave of absence, and much more. For all this, deadlines must be respected or applications filled in.

All students must complete the formalities on this website for their studies, regardless of whether they come from abroad or from Germany. If you are an international student, please also check the formalities website for international students.

For questions and information on general student administration, please contact the Student Office.


Do you have any questions?
Bachelor- FAQs

Student Office
VWG Building
Ground floor

Personal office hours:
Mon, Thurs 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Virtual office hours:
Make an appointment via the contact form

By telephone:
Brief information
Mon, Tue, Thu 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Fri 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Office hours
Mon, Wed, Thu 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and Tue 1 p.m.-3 p.m.

► contact us
Bachelor team: +49 (0)421 218-61110
Master team: +49 (0)421 218-61111

A deserted university boulevard.

Enrollment Renewal and Semester Fee

Each semester, students must confirm the renewal of their enrollment by transferring the semester fee. The re-registration deadlines for the summer and winter semester are February 15 and August 15 respectively.


Changing first names and gender entry

Trans*, inter* and non-binary students can submit an application to change their details based on the self-disclosure via the moin-portal.


Completing your studies – graduation

We explain what you have to do when ending your studies.

A group of students walking under autumn foliage on the university boulevard.

Leave of Absence

Parental leave or illness are good reasons for taking a leave of absence during studies. But even without reason, you can take a leave of absence for 2 semesters. No course work may be submitted in the semester when you are on leave (exception: parental leave).


Change of Subject or University

Decisions about where and what to study are fortunately not irreversable: You may notice during your studies that you have not made the right choice. To change your study program, you will need to submit a new application for studies.

A person sitting at a kitchen table, taking notes on a tablet.

Change of Name and Address

To ensure that you receive your certificate of study and your semester ticket in time, please notify us of your change of address or name in good time on the moin-Portal. You can find the corresponding application in the moin portal.

Health Insurance

For enrollment, all students need a certificate of health insurance.



These tasks can be performed by submitting a request via moin:

  • Change of name or address
  • Application for a leave of absence and/or an exemption from the semester ticket
  • Application for reimbursement of the semester fees
  • Application for a reprint of semester documents
  • Withdrawal from studies
  • Application for change of first name and/or gender entry

For these operations, download the applications directly here:

Formalities for International Students

The formalities on this website must be completed by all students in the course of their studies, regardless of whether they come from abroad or from Germany. 

On the formalities for international students you will find information about visas, residence permits, confirmation of registration, health insurance and much more.
