Funding Provided by the European Union

The European Commission provides a variety of funding opportunities in nearly all European policy areas. Besides Horizon Europe, most Directorates-General like "Education, Youth, Sport and Culture," "Health and Food Safety," and "Justice and Consumers" offer funding opportunities regarding research projects and contract research to support their policy domains.

An overview on EU funding is given below:


Dr. Andrea Gottlieb
Tel. +49 (0)421 218-60322 Email
SFG Building, Room 3170

Dr. Luisa Cristini
Tel. +49 421 218-60304 E-Mail
SFG Buidling, Room 3160

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Nearly 95.5 billion euro of funding will be made available over 7 years (2021 – 2027). Horizon Europe is mainly structured of three pillars “Excellent Science,” “Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness,” and “Innovative Europe.” The focus is on large collaborative projects on predefined topics (top-down) as well as excellent individual projects (bottom-up). Details on Horizon Europe can be found on the websites of the European Commission, the Federal Ministry of Education (in German only), and the KoWi.

In addition, the University has produced a "Horizon Europe" information brochure, which provides a compact overview of the programme. An English version will be available soon.

Open calls are published on the Funding & Tenders Portal of the European Commission. There's also a full text search for open calls.

Data of the University of Bremen for electronical proposal submission

PIC (Participant Identity Code):


Organisation Short Name:



Silke Reinold, [sreinoldprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de]


Cost (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) provides funding for establishing European research networks. The programme funds, for example, workshop series, conferences, and publications but not research projects. Applicants can either join existing COST actions or apply for a new action. A network must be supported by at least seven member states. Here is an overview of COST actions.

The National Contact Point for Cost offers detailed information (in German only).


The INTERREG programmes are financed by European structural funds and support cooperation between different European regions via cross-border partnerships (INTERREG A), transnational partnerships (INTERREG B), and interregional partnerships (INTERREG EUROPE). The University of Bremen can participate in the Interreg B-programmes Baltic Sea Region and North Sea Region and in INTERREG EUROPE.

Important to know: INTERREG projects are funded pro-rata with 50 – 75 % of the proven costs. In consequence, the applying institution has to fund part of the project with its own ressources. If you plan your budget, please contact us in a timely manner.


ERA-NET funds and coordinates collaborations between national and regional funding organizations or agencies (ministries, DFG, project management organizations). More information is available on the National Contact Point's website (in German only).