
Support during studies

Two people in conversation.

Central Student Advisory Service

The Central Student Advisory Service provides information and advice on all matters surrounding studies and in particular on the topics studies orientation, courses offered, study contents and requirements at the University of Bremen, application procedures and enrollment, changing study program or university, university admission requirements and studying without a high school diploma, second degrees and early withdrawal.

A student works on a laptop in the library.


The study workshop conveys techniques and methods to facilitate academic work during studies and in the graduation phase, e.g. through targeted exam preparation for all types of examinations or writing workshops for your Bachelor's or Master's thesis. ECTS credit points can be acquired in the field of General Studies.

Students in conversation in the library.

Study centers

The subject-specific study centers are the central point of contact for students in matters to do with planning their studies and examination regulations. As a rule, they can also advise and assist students planning to spend time studying abroad. In individual cases, the study centers are also a contact point for program counseling and recognition of examinations. The study center also collects all information that is important for studies and forwards inquiries.

Career orientation and counseling


The Praxisbörse (job exchange) organized by the University of Bremen is a great opportunity for students to make contact with businesses and institutions. Once a year in the summer semester, employers come to the campus to introduce themselves. Students can seek direct talks with HR decision-makers or prepare for contact with practitioners in job-application workshops and application portfolio checks. All offers for students and visitors are free of charge.

Career Center

The Career Center is a joint institution of the University of Bremen and the Bremen Employment Agency Bremen-Bremerhaven. Students who want to prepare for career entry during their studies, graduates and academic staff on their way to a professional career all find support in the Career Center.

Further counseling offers

A group of small children with colourful jackets and rucksacks.

Combining studies and family

Since 2007, the University of Bremen has been actively committed to a family-friendly university. The overarching aim is to make it possible for students and employees to reconcile studies, science and work with caring for children or relatives. There are various counseling facilities.

Two people go through a booklet.

Studying with disabilities

Studying with a disability or chronic illness can entail a great deal of effort and overcoming many obstacles. The aim of the University of Bremen is to enable equal and independent participation in studies and University life and to offer targeted information and counseling services.

Joint working discussion.

Student finances

The social counseling services of the Studentenwerk (student services bureau) and the AStA support and advise German and international students on financial issues. There is also information on BAföG, scholarships, tuition fees for long-term students, and job opportunities.

ADE – Counseling in Cases of Discrimination and Conflict

The ADE is for students who need support in dealing with conflicts, feel discriminated against or have experienced violence. This includes experiences of bullying, sexual harassment or stalking. The counseling is confidential.

Psychological-Therapeutic Counseling Center

The Psychological-Therapeutic Counseling Center of the Studentenwerk Bremen actively helps with personal or study-related problems. Centrally located below the refectory, private talks on matters such as examination anxiety or in times of crisis should provide a ray of light.