Development of Existing Degree Programs

General Information

Degree programs are developed in teamwork as a result of a dialogue between planners and central administration. The focus in the Administrative Unit for Teaching and Studies is on the undergraduate bachelor's degree programs and on advanced master's degree programs.

Degree programs are subject to various regulations. Changes to the examination regulations of existing degree programs must be submitted to the Department of Teaching and Learning no later than June 30 of the year before they are to be implemented. Please get in touch as early as possible with the Team to discuss the type and goal of your intended changes.

Program changes can also include the closure of a degree program. This decision is made jointly by the University Execultive Board and Dean's Office and the closure is passed by the Academic Senate.

The Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (ZfLB) is the central scientific institution for teacher education at the University of Bremen and the direct contact for the development of degree programs with a teaching option (contact).

All statutes that contain regulations on continuing education degree programs are coordinated by the Academy for Continuing Education. The Administrative Unit for Teaching and Studies accompanies the approval of these statutes. We provide you with templates and specifications (e.g. the general part for examination regulations in the area of scientific further education at the University of Bremen) in the QM portal or after direct contact.


A central component of the development of degree programs is their modularization. Degree programs have a qualification goal and consist of several modules that are fixed in terms of content and time, with clearly defined learning goals and workload. Modules group related content and corresponding competencies. Modules usually conclude with an examination that is tailored to test the competencies to be achieved.

Modules can be described qualitatively (content) and quantitatively (credit points) and can be graded (examination). The content of a module should be measured in such a way that it can usually be acquired within one semester. In particularly justified cases, a module can also extend over several semesters. If a module extends over more than one semester, the effects on studyability and mobility must be checked.

Each degree program has a module handbook which describes the pertinent modules. A module description template can be found in the QM-Portal.

Two students working at a laptop.


The internationalization of research, teaching, and administration is a strategic goal at the University of Bremen. The internationalization of teaching elements and degree programs is an essential element with numerous options and measures of varying intensity.

At the University of Bremen international degree programs are those that meet one or more of the following criteria;

  • Language (usually English)
  • Mandatory stay abroad
  • Joint degree course with international universities

The Administrative Unit of Teaching and Studies offers support for the internationalization at the degree program level, such as the planning of multiple degree programs. The International Office gives advice on questions about stays abroad or the mobility of lecturers.

One person solders a circuit board.


The proportion of digital aspects in degree programs is increasing, even though the University of Bremen is an in-person university. We see digital higher education is an opportunity to further develop our strengths, our degree programs and the university's (teaching) profile. Degree programs can become more flexible through digital learning elements and learning paths can be individualized. As part of university didactics, services are provided for lecturers, while the SKILL-UB project supports the curricular embedding for digital, goal-oriented learning, teaching, and examination scenarios. An important partner in digitalization is the ZMML as the central e-learning facility of the University of Bremen, which provides services for e-General Studies, among others.

Darstellung von Türen zur Auswahl

Admission Policy Decisions

Access and admission to the university are regulated by statutes. For access to bachelor degree programs, the regulation BremHG§ 33 paragraph 7 and its annex are relevant. The master's degree courses are regulated via specific admission regulations ("Aufnahmeordnung", AO) or access and admission regulations (teacher education; "Zugangs- und Zulassungsordnungen", ZuGO).

  • The Administrative Unit for Teaching and Studies coordinates the development of the regulations for the master's degree courses. The regulations for teacher education degree programs are developed in coordination with the ZfLB.
  • The Administrative Department 6: Student Affairs is responsible for changes affecting access to bachelor's degree programs.
  • Please contact the responsible colleagues in the Administrative Unit for Teaching and Studies for information regarding the development and change of admission regulations in programs that are not teacher education .
Direction signs on the floor

Regulating the Degree Curriculum

Recommendations to the degree curriculum and information relevant to the examinations for the modules are included in the appendices to the specific examination regulations. These specific examination regulations are governed by the general parts of the bachelor and examination regulations (AT). There are no study regulations at the University of Bremen.

Changing a portion of the AT requires an extensive discussion and decision-making process at the university level.

Changing examination regulations requires a decision by the faculty council and, in some cases, further committees. Changes can appear as new examination regulations or by means of amendments to existing regulations. All officially valid versions of examination regulations and amendments can be found in the ZPA archive. Because reading amendment regulations may be complicated, the Administrative Unit for Teaching and Studies creates consolidated reading versions as a service. These can be found in the list of study programs unter "formalities" for the respective degree program. Here you can also find internship regulations that may be part of the degree program.


Text with pink highlighter.

Significant Changes

Significant changes relate to structural elements of a degree program, e.g. changing the course title, the incorporation of a multiple degree program or other internationalization options such as switching to the English language. They require a change process, for which you can find documents in the QM Portal. The implementation of a significant change usually affects several aspects of the degree program at the same time, such as admissions, capacity and/or the creation of certificates. The Administrative Unit for Teaching and Studies coordinates this process. In addition to other bodies, the University Executive Board is often involved.