
Accident and emergency call (internal phone number) : 9-1111

  1. Where did it happen
    Place of accident, as exactly as possible.
  2. What happened? 
    Short description of emergency
  3. How many? 
    How many injured and sick people need help? 
  4. What kind of injury /sickness ?
    e.g..: unconsciousness, fractures, burns, intoxication, difficulty breathing, chest pain
  5. Wait for queries! 
    Don't hang up before the other side tells you to end the call! 
  6. Please inform the central control room "Zentrale Leitwarte" via Tel.: 07 
  7. Show arriving emergency services the way!

University Emergency Number

In case of accidents and emergencies, please always inform the control room (Leitwarte). The emergency number is +49 421 218-07.

For all emergencies within the university, please dial -2400.

Assembly Points in Case of Fire or Emergency

In case of fire or emergency, the university defined new assembly points.

It is of important for you to know where to gather in case of emergencies.
Please find the assembly point nearest to you building in the map or the table below.

Feel free to contact us for any questions: sekrref2protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.