Forum at Domshof

Forum at Domshof

The University in the City Center

University Sets the Tone in Forum at Domshof

In addition to Faculty 06: Law, the Center of Labor and Politics (ZAP), the Institute for Labour and Economy (iaw), and HERE AHEAD, as well as the Juridicum, the law branch library of the Bremen State and University Library (SuUB), have moved into the Forum at Domshof building – the University of Bremen’s new location in the city center. On this website, the University of Bremen shares views of the rooms, as well as information about the move and the building’s history.


Forum at Domshof at a Glance


Built in 2016


18,150 m² floor space


1 faculty

3 research centers


100,000 books in the Law Library (Juridicum)

Look Inside: Virtual Tour of the Building

Room for Learning, Teaching, and Working

Of the 18,150 square meter floor space (not including the inner courtyard) the university's main rental space including the cafeteria and the former banking hall encompasses around 13,460 square meters. The adjacent areas are spread across three floors and total around 4,690 square meters. Constructed in 2016, the building was formerly used by NordLB.

Photos of the opening ceremony on November 14

Behind the Scenes with up2date.

Nils Kaufholz, Vincent Wagener, and Emilia De Rosa have been studying at Forum at Domshof since last fall.

Studying in the Forum at Domshof Building

Nils Kaufholz, Vincent Wagener, and Emilia De Rosa have been studying at Forum at Domshof since last fall. The three law students report on their experiences after the move.

Yard of the Forum at Domshof

Forum at Domshof Building Guide

Navigate the library, dining hall, playroom, and bicycle garage in the city center location.

Mensa Domshof

New University Dining Hall Opened at Forum at Domshof

Studierendenwerk Bremen will also serve lunch in the dining hall (Mensa) at Forum at Domshof. up2date. spoke with Maurice Mäschig from Studierendenwerk Bremen about what you can expect at the new Domshof Mensa.


View into the small hall of the Bremer Glocke, young women and men sit in rows of chairs

Lecture Hall with a Touch of Glamor

What does a lecture in a concert hall feel like? Two students and a lecturer talk about their experiences at the Glocke in Bremen.

Antje Kautz

Domshof Relocation from the Employees’ Perspective

New location, new offices: What do Faculty of Law employees think about the upcoming relocation? up2date. asked around.

A man and a woman look into the camera

Off to the City Center: iaw, zap, and HERE AHEAD on the Move

There is a lot of talk about the Faculty of Law’s relocation, but two university institutes and one inter-university institution are also moving to Forum at Domshof.

Entrance Hall of the Forum at Domshof

New Building, New Rooms, New Opportunities

Soon the university will have a new building that meets the most modern standards – Forum at Domshof. It is easier to implement changes here than at the more than 50-year-old campus in Horn-Lehe.

Bremen inner city

From Church to Banks to Science and Teaching

Bremen’s city center was once dominated by the church and later by banks. In the newest era, the university will enter the scene – the site history of Forum at Domshof.

Silke Huesmann in the library.

How Many Moving Boxes Does a Branch Library Need?

In addition to the Faculty of Law, the Juridicum legal library will also relocate to Forum at Domshof. Silke Huesmann talks about how SuUB is overseeing the relocation of 100,000 books.

Students Manuel Mischewski Gil, Vincent Wagener and Nils Kaufholz

Forum at Domshof: What Do Students Think?

What do students think of the move? What are they looking forward to, what concerns do they have? up2date. interviewed five of them.

Andrea Saathoff and Heike Hemmersbach from the Roommanagement

How Room Management Is Tackling the Relocation to Domshof

Assessing, planning, discussing, organizing: Relocating an entire faculty and more requires a great deal of skill and patience.

Ann-Kathrin Guder, Referatsleitung Uni Transfer

New Opportunities for Cooperation

The partial relocation of the university to the city center creates many new opportunities for knowledge and technology transfer. up2date. spoke to the head of UniTransfer, Anne-Kathrin Guder, about new ideas emerging from this.

Gralf-Peter Calliess steht vor einem Bücherregal mit einem Buch in der Hand.

A Brand New Location for the University

Relocation to the city center by October: Why this is both a challenge and an adventure for the Faculty of Law

Questions and Answers about the Move to Domshof

The NordLB building is up to current building, energy, and technical standards, since it was built in 2016. The rooms are structured and distributed well for the teaching needs of the University of Bremen. The sixth floor already had a cafeteria, which the Studierendenwerk will use for a university cafeteria. The location also offers direct connections with the tram to the existing campus and technology park and the new building is easily accessible for students and employees with public transportation.

Seminars and lectures will take place in this location. The Juridicum, the legal library of the State and University Library Bremen, will also move to the new building, and will offer study spaces for students. The small concert hall in the "Die Glocke" concert building will be available for use as a lecture hall.

The Studierendenwerk Bremen will revive the NordLB's existing cafeteria with their student cafeteria. This will provide students, teaching staff, and employees with some meal options. 

In addition, there will be event and activity areas at "Forum at Domshof," which can be used by the entire university and can be booked by the public. For example, the former banking hall will be used for academic and participative events and conferences.

With roughly 1,500 students, 160 employees, and a faculty library, Faculty 06 was particularly suited for the partial relocation. Since there is little overlap with other degree programs, disruptions in course schedules can be prevented and academic feasibility ensured for all. 

side entrance to the Forum am Domshof building

The Forum at Domshof can be accessed using the side entrance (Unser Lieben Frauen Kirchhof).

In the 2024/25 winter semester, the small auditorium of the "Glocke" in the city center will be used as a large lecture hall for the 1st and 3rd semester law courses. Some of the lectures will continue to take place in GW1 building. You can find out where the respective courses will take place in the course directory.

Forum at Domshof has two parking levels. The 1st level is open to the public. Around 200 free bicycle stands are available there.

There are car parking spaces on the 2nd level, but these are reserved for students with disabilities who require a car. Parking is therefore not possible directly in Forum at Domshof. Public parking garages in the city center can be used for a fee.

The relocation of Faculty 06 and the legal library will free up around 10,500 square meters in the building GW1 and on campus. This area will then be used by Faculty 11: Human and Health Sciences.


No, the University of Bremen sees itself as a campus university, which is characterized by short distances between lectures and interdisciplinary collaboration. However, the university is also growing, which is a very positive development, and with this more space for lectures and employees is required, which is why the relocation of Faculty 06 was necessary.

At the moment, the university has no further plans to relocate to additional buildings in the city center. However, the option to use space in the city center for further research centers or student housing and work is not currently excluded.