Course Catalog

Study Program SoSe 2019

Politikwissenschaft, B.A./LA

Show courses: all | in english | for older adults | with sustainable development goals

POL-M10 - Politische Theorien moderner Gesellschaften

Wahlpflichtmodul 9 CP (VF, KF) - Wahlpflichtmodul 9 oder 6 CP (GPL) (PF) - Wahlpflichtmodul 6 CP (GPL) (LA, Sek)
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
08-26-M10-2Solidarity – between a particular community and a cosmopolitan belonging

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Fri. 12.04.19 10:00 - 14:00 GW1-HS H1000
Fri. 10.05.19 10:00 - 16:00 MZH 1380/1400
Sat. 11.05.19 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B1216
Fri. 14.06.19 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B1630
Sat. 15.06.19 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B1580
Dr. Stefan Wallaschek

POL-M11 - Internationale Politik

Wahlpflichtmodul 9 CP (VF, KF) - Wahlpflichtmodul 9 oder 6 CP (GPL) (PF) - Wahlpflichtmodul 6 CP (GPL) (LA)
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
08-26-M11-1Global Internet Governance (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Thu. 04.04.19 16:00 - 18:00 GW2 B2890
Sat. 06.04.19 09:00 - 17:00 GW2 B2880
Sat. 15.06.19 - Sun. 16.06.19 (Sun., Sat.) 09:00 - 17:00 GW2 B2890

The Internet has become an essential driving force for political, cultural and economic change, and a crucial space for human rights protection and violation. Though the Internet, far from being a mere “cloud”, is relentlessly socially and physically re-constructed by powerful states and transnational corporations. These actors struggle over economic gain and influence – from ways to monetize user behavior to the location of undersea cables. Political contestations in the field of Internet governance are driven by ideas as much as by perceived interests and they take place inside and outside of formalized global institutions.

This course introduces students to the politics of global Internet governance on several levels – from physical data infrastructure to platform content policies. In the beginning of the course (April) we will explore how the Internet became the way it is and why its governance has become such a major concern within public attention. We will examine and understand how multistakeholder governance works as the core principle of global Internet governance. We will also study the Internet as an amalgam of different technologies and physical

infrastructures, highlighting its materiality and the inequalities that are connected to this feature.

The second part of the course (meeting on June 15th) allows us to investigate the actors and institutions in global Internet governance. During this meeting we deal with the role of states, “the technical community”, private companies and civil society in Internet Governance. As we discuss these actors, we also have a look at the global fora and institutions they are most associated with, including the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), and the Internet Governance Forum (IGF).

In the third part of the course (meeting on June 16th), having understood the playing field and the players somewhat better, we will engage with the question of digital rights. Various human rights issues arise in the field of global Internet governance. First, we talk about how various actors aim to entrench digital rights protection into law, policy and corporate practice, especially using digital bill of rights and comparable documents. Thereafter, we focus on a number of specific and very timely human rights issues in the field of global Internet governance (of students’ choosing), applying what has been learned. These issues may include ICANN’s “WHOIS” function and privacy concerns, Google’s foray into censorship as a way to enter the Chinese market, social media platforms’ struggle to balance freedom of speech and protection against harassment, or the EU’s recent Copyright Directive (“upload filter”).

Dennis Redeker

POL-M12 - Vergleichende Systemanalyse und europäische Politik

Wahlpflichtmodul 9 CP (VF, KF) - Wahlpflichtmodul 9 oder 6 CP (GPL) (PF) - Wahlpflichtmodul 6 CP (GPL) (LA, Sek)
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
08-26-M12-1Authoritarian regimes and democratic decline (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 16:00 - 18:00 (2 Teaching hours per week)

The end of the Cold War has resulted in a strong decrease of nondemocratic regimes, with democracies becoming the most widespread regime type around the world. However, today still more than half of the world population lives in nondemocratic regimes. And even among established democracies authoritarian trends do occur. This seminar is subdivided into two sections: First, we will define and analyze the functional logic of authoritarian regimes and ask the following questions: Why do some nondemocratic regimes only survive for some years, whereas others exist for several decades? How do nondemocratic leaders legitimize their hold on power? And which institutional differences do exist between different nondemocratic regime types? The second section is dedicated to the analysis of democratic breakdowns and democratic declines. We will try to figure out, which factors may endanger newly established democracies. Moreover, we ask the question why even established democracies are prone to authoritarian trends. The seminar concludes with a critical and philosophical discussion on the future of democracy.

Course requirements
• Regular attendance, active participation and regular reading of the announced literature
• Ability and willingness to read quantitative literature

Credit points
• 3 CP: Essay or exam
• 6 CP: Research paper or exam

Readings (inter alia):
• De Mesquita, Bruce Bueno/Morrow, James D./Siverson, Randolph M.; Smith, Alastair (1999): Policy Failure and Political Survival. The Contribution of Political Institutions. In: Journal of Conflict Resolution 43 (2): 147-161.

Aline Grünewald

POL-M13 - Staatsaufgaben

Wahlpflichtmodul 9 CP (VF, KF) - Wahlpflichtmodul 9 oder 6 CP (GPL) (PF) - Wahlpflichtmodul 6 CP (GPL) (LA)
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
08-26-M13-1Population and Family Policy in Germany since 1871

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Wed. 24.04.19 14:00 - 16:00 UNICOM 3.0210 Seminarraum 2
Fri. 24.05.19 10:00 - 18:00 GW1 B0080
Sat. 25.05.19 - Sun. 26.05.19 (Sun., Sat.) 10:00 - 18:00 UNICOM 3.0210 Seminarraum 2

Seit der Gründung des Kaiserreiches 1871 hat sich in Deutschland aus der allgemeinen Bevölkerungspolitik eine explizite Familienpolitik entwickelt. Das Seminar wird eine Einführung in dieses komplexe Politikfeld geben, indem dessen Entwicklung anhand von Analysen der historischen Phasen über verschiedene politische Systeme hinweg (Kaiserreich, Weimarer Republik, Nationalsozialismus, DDR, Bundesrepublik) dargestellt wird. Zentrale Konzepte und Theorien für das Verständnis von Bevölkerungs- und Familienpolitik wie die „demografische Transition“, „Malthusianismus“ und Michel Foucaults „Bio-Macht“ sowie der Bedeutungswandel von Familien werden dabei erläutert.

Einführende Literatur
ETZEMÜLLER, Thomas: Ein ewigwährender Untergang. Der apokalyptische Bevölkerungsdiskurs im 20. Jahrhundert, Bielefeld: Transcript, 2015.

GERLACH, Irene: Familie und staatliches Handeln. Ideologie und politische Praxis in Deutschland, Opladen: Leske und Budrich, 1996.

GERLACH, Irene: Familienpolitik, Lehrbuch, 2. aktualisierte und überarbeitete Auflage Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010.

GESTRICH, Andreas: Geschichte der Familie im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, 3. Aufl., München: Oldenbourg, 2013.

GOODY, Jack, Geschichte der Familie, München: Beck, 2002.

KULLER, Christiane: Familienpolitik im föderativen Sozialstaat. Die Formierung eines Politikfeldes in der Bundesrepublik 1949-1975, München: Oldenbourg, 2004

MACKENSEN, Rainer (Hrsg.): Bevölkerungslehre und Bevölkerungspolitik vor 1933, Opladen: Leske und Budrich, 2002.

MOUTON, Michelle: From Nurturing the Nation to Purifying the Volk. Weimar and Nazi Family Policy, 1918-1945, Cambridge u. a.: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

PINE, Lisa: Nazi Family Policy, 1933-1945, Oxford, New York: Berg, 1997.

VIENNE, Florence: Une science de la peur. La démographie avant et après 1933, Frankfurt am Main u. a.: Lang, 2006.

Dr. Lukas Grawe (LB)
08-26-M13-2The Politics of Redistribution (in English)

Blockveranstaltung (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Fri. 05.04.19 09:00 - 15:00 UNICOM 7.1020
Fri. 12.04.19 09:00 - 15:00 UNICOM 7.1020
Fri. 26.04.19 09:00 - 15:00 UNICOM 7.1020
Fri. 21.06.19 09:00 - 15:00 UNICOM 7.1020

This class aims to shed light on the political causes and consequences of redistribution in advanced capitalist democracies such as the USA and Europe. The course is divided into three section. In Section A we discuss concepts, origins and varieties of economic inequality and redistribution more generally. How can states intervene and which policies do governments have at their disposal to address inequality? In section B we discuss theories about how politics influences redistribution. The main focus of this section is on theories related to the role of politics and institutions on policies that change market inequality. In Section C we look at the reverse relationship: that is, the influence of inequality on politics. Economic inequality can lead to a number of political phenomenon such as unequal political participation as well as the rise protests or movements on nationalism and populism. Essential literature is the “Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality”, the edited volume on "Democracy, Inequality, and Representation" by Andersen and Bermandi as well as “Fighting Poverty in the USA and Europe” by Alesina and Glaeser. To successfully pass the class, students are asked to actively participate, read the respective literature, and fulfill the class assignments, which include group-based and individual forms of evaluation.

N. N.

General Studies: Weitere Angebote

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
09-30-P2-002ASchopenhauer and social critique

Blockveranstaltung (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Fri. 05.04.19 16:00 - 18:00 SFG 1030
Sat. 11.05.19 10:00 - 16:00 SFG 1020
Fri. 17.05.19 14:00 - 20:00 SFG 1020
Sat. 18.05.19 10:00 - 18:00 SFG 2040
Mon. 20.05.19 16:00 - 20:00 GW1 A0150
Tue. 21.05.19 14:00 - 16:00 SFG 2040

Der Pessimist Arthur Schopenhauer ist, soviel lässt sich mit Bestimmtheit sagen, ein Philosoph gewesen, der sich zeitlebens keineswegs verdächtig gemacht hat in Beziehung zu sozial-revolutionären Bewegungen, Ideologie und Theorien gestanden zu haben; die Demokratie lehnte er zugunsten der Monarchie ab, den Revolutionsversuchen des Bürgertums von 1848 stand er feindselig gegenüber. Im seinen philosophischen Schriften jedoch, fehlt es ihm nicht an Begriffen und Schimpfworten die in der Gesellschaft waltende Gewalt, Unterdrückung und Ungerechtigkeit zu verurteilen. Das Seminar verschreibt sich der Aufgabe, den Zusammenhang zwischen Moralphilosophie und Politischer Philosophie in Schopenhauers Denken zu rekonstruieren und dessen Gedanken philosophie-geschichtlich im Kontext der „Elendsphilosophien“ (Proudhon, Marx, u.a.) des 19. Jahrhunderts zu situieren.

Literatur: Arthur Schopenhauer, Werke in zehn Bänden (Zürcher Ausgabe), Diogenes, Zürich, 1977. Nota bene: Eine detailliertes Verzeichnis der Textstellen aus Schopenhauers Werk, die im Seminar diskutiert werden, wird, ebenso wie eine ausführliche Bibliographie zur Sekundärliteratur, zu Beginn des Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben.

N. N.