Course Catalog

Study Program SoSe 2024

General Studies - FB 08 Sozialwissenschaften

I. General Studies - Fachergänzende Studien des FB 08 (Sozialwissenschaften)

Die fachergänzenden Studien (General Studies) sind Bestandteil des wissenschaftlichen Studiums, die ca. 25 % des Bachelorstudiums umfassen. Dieser Bereich bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, über das Fachstudium hinaus, Veranstaltungen zu besuchen, die Ihren Interessen entsprechen. Zudem können Sie ein berufliches Profil bilden, indem Sie Fach- und Methodenkenntnisse anderer Fachrichtungen erwerben. Ihre persönliche Expertise kann Ihnen den Zugang zu einem Masterstudium oder den Berufseinstieg erleichtern. Außerdem können Sie die fachergänzenden Studien nutzen, um Ihre Fremdspachenkenntnisse auszubauen und zu vertiefen.

Die fachergänzenden Studien der zentralen Einrichtungen der Universität Bremen (Studierwerkstatt, International Office, Fremdsprachenzentrum, BRIDGE Existensgründungsinitiative der Hochschulen, eGeneral Studies, Career Center) sind im Veranstaltungsverzeichnis an oberster Stelle aufgeführt.

Einen Überblick der fachergänzenden Studien des FB 08 (Sozialwissenschaften) erhalten Sie auf dieser Seite. Zum Teil ergänzt durch Studienangebote der zentralen Einrichtungen.

Die Bachelorstudiengänge des FB 08 (Sozialwissenschaften) legen in ihren Prüfungsordnungen fest, in welchem Umfang fachergänzende Studien (General Studies) im Wahl- und Wahlpflichtbereich anerkannt werden. Bitte lesen Sie Ihre Prüfungsordnung genau. Und beachten Sie den Studienplan Ihres Studiengangs.

Doch wie entscheiden Sie, welche fachergänzenden Studien für Sie richtig und sinnvoll sind? Woran orientieren Sie sich dabei?

Bevor Sie darüber nachdenken, sollten Sie sich folgende Fragen beantworten: Welche Ziele will ich im Studium und darüber hinaus erreichen? Wie kann ich die Anforderungen im Fachstudium erfolgreich bewaeltigen? Was will ich nach dem Studium beruflich machen? Wo möchte ich mich beruflich engagieren? Wie kann ich erkennen, was meine Stärken sind? Wie finde ich heraus, ob ich für meinen Traumberuf ausreichend qualifiziert bin? Was muss ich wissen, um ein anspruchsvolles Praktikum zu finden? Wie kann ich herausfinden, was in einem Praktikum von mir erwartet wird?

Wenn Sie sich ernsthaft mit diesen Fragen beschäftigen, werden Sie merken, dass Sie einen Lernprozess beginnen, den Sie selbst aktiv steuern. Sie übernehmen die Verantwortung für Ihre berufliche Zukunft. Sie sortieren das Studienangebot der Universität Bremen bzw. des FB 08 nach ihren eigenen Kriterien – zumindest für den Bereich fachergänzende Studien (General Studies).

Das Zentrum Studium und Praxis des FB 08 unterstützt Sie gerne bei der Beantwortung Ihrer Fragen. Nehmen Sie dafür bitte die Sprechzeiten wahr.

Darüber hinaus können Sie in der Stud.IP Dauerveranstaltung \"PraxisForum FB 8\" aktuelle Praktikumsangebote, Ausschreibungen für Hilfskraftstellen und Stellenangebote für Absolvent(en)innen herunterladen. Die Absolventenstellen sollen aufzeigen, wo Sozialwissenschaftler/innen gesucht werden. Sie dienen als Orientierung für die Klärung Ihrer beruflichen Vorstellungen.

Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, sich in die Dauerveranstaltung als Autoren einzutragen.

Birgit Ennen

Zentrum Studium und Praxis
GW 2, Raum B 2320
Tel.: 0421/218-67309

Sprechzeiten vor Ort: dienstags bis donnerstags 11 bis 13 Uhr. Telefonische Sprechzeiten: dienstags bis donnerstags 10 bis 15 Uhr. Termine für Beratungsgepräche gerne per E-Mail vereinbaren.

Weitere Informationen zur Serviceeinrichtung Zentrum Studium und Praxis erhalten Sie hier:

I. 4. Studium Generale

Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
08-27-GS-1Co-creating knowledge for ocean and coastal sustainability (in English)
Block Seminar: September 3rd-6th

Blockveranstaltung (Teaching)

VKey themes for the holistic assessment and sustainable governance and management of marine and coastal social-ecological systems in tropical regions will be introduced. With its inter- and transdisciplinary approach to the study of tropical coastal and marine systems, the Centre for Marine Tropical Research (ZMT) plays a leading role in linking and integrating social and natural science research approaches to as to generate actionable knowledge to support sustainable human-nature relations in coastal and marine regions of the tropical world. ZMT operates within the German marine research environment, in coastal science cooperation between Germany and partner countries in the tropics, and in international and intergovernmental global research and governance institutions.
Lernziele/Kompetenzen: 1) Understand and explain key concepts in ocean and coastal sustainability research. 2) Identify and critically assess key approaches/methods in inter- and transdisciplinary coastal and marine sustainability research at the ZMT 3) Suggest future pathways.

Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen,Prüfungsformen: During the 4-day Block Seminar I/we (there are other contributors) grade: 1) Individual participation; 2) a 10 min presentation of a short individual research/reading; 3) Group work

Marion Glaser
08-27-GS-2Introduction to R data analysis and visualization for geography and geosciences (in English)
Einführung in die Datenverarbeitung und -visualisierung mit R in Geographie und Geowissenschaften

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 12:00 (2 Teaching hours per week)

The lectures provide an introduction to the R programming language. The focus is on data processing and visualization with the following content:

1. Understand R language and navigate the RStudio software
2. R basics: manipulate different data structures: vectors, matrices, dataframes, lists; install code packages and use functions; manage the working directory and its environment
3. Data management: read in, edit, filter, merge and analyse data sets
4. Data visualization with most common graphs (scatterplot, boxplot, bar graph, time series plot); customize graph text and aesthetics.
5. Basic analyses: regression and ordination methods
6. Introduction to packages: ggplot, vegan, rioja.

All content is accompanied by practical exercises (during the course and as homework).

The lectures aim is to teach students basic concepts, skills, and tools for working with the R software so that they can develop a basic understanding for working with R and basic analyses for upcoming student tasks. The lectures are designed for those interested in working with scientific data in R

Maria Lujan Garcia

GS-Lehrveranstaltungen aus den Fächern des FB 08

Hier sind nur Veranstaltungen aus dem GS-Angebot der einzelnen Studiengänge des FB 08 aufgeführt, die für alle interessierten Studierenden geöffnet sind. Falls Sie fachwissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen aus dem Angebot der Studiengänge für Ihren General Studies Bereich besuchen möchten, setzen Sie sich bitte direkt mit der/dem jeweiligen Dozent:in in Verbindung, um zu klären, ob Sie die Möglichkeit erhalten, ECTS-Kreditpunkte zu erwerben.
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
08-29-GS-41[Soziologie trifft Psychologie: Sozial nachhaltiges Handeln in Organisationen entlang studentischer Interessen erkunden] (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)
ECTS: 3/6

fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Tue. 16:00 - 19:30 SFG 0150 (2 Teaching hours per week)

In order to act socially sustainably in organisations, people are obliged to be dealing with a growingly complex role set in competent ways. Key competences such as social, methodical, and process-related skills play a vital role in coping with the complexity in the wake of the acceleration, globalisation, and digital transformation of work life. In this training seminar, we will explore topics of the participant’s interests in 7 workshops of 3 full hours: Scientific approaches and methods on chosen topics are explored, allowing for personal reflection as well as practice transfer. Participants are invited to explore chosen subject matters interactively with theory, in exchange of thoughts, by exercises, and in light of entering work life in their near future. Participants are challenged to read into their topic, transfer scientific key aspects into an interactive workshop setting, and to perform as a team. Requirements for 3 CP/ECTS encompass the development and conduct of an interactive workshop incl. photo documentary in a team. For support, students will receive methodological training, counsel, and feedback.

Framework: Social sustainability is one of three global goals noted in the Rio Convention 1992 by the UN World Commission of Environment and Development. While economic sustainability is a booster of change in modern organisations, ecological sustainability remains an acknowledged task (political pressure), while social sustainability is often neglected. Therefore, it is interesting to understand how organisational structures, groups, and the individual’s processing and coping are interlinked. This General Studies series, based on sociological and psychological knowledge, is focussing on theories and praxis concepts that allow participants to gather an understanding on how organisations and their role actors can shape a workplace “socially sustainably”. All parts of the training seminar series can be studied separately, or as a row.

This seminar uses English as a lingua franca. Coping with the effects of this setting should be part of the reflection within the course. Students are encouraged to express themselves. Participants in the training seminar should be open to participate constructively and reliably in interaction and reflection.

Open for 1st semester students and above, recommended for Bachelor students before their internship and thesis, as well as for Master students. Open to Erasmus students and to students of other faculties. Please note: this course is limited to 20 participants – apply (and withdraw) reliably, please!

2 SWS: Fortnightly, starting in the 2nd week of the term, Tuesdays 4 –7.30 pm; 3,5 hours (s.t.!). Please only register reliably via Stud.IP for participation; all materials there.

Meyerhuber, Sylke. 2020. 'Active Listening' as a Key Competence in Intercultural Communication Education. An academic classroom example with conceptual and theoretical embedding. In: Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education JoLie 2019(2), pp. 91-114; open access ISSN: 2065-6599.
Meyerhuber, Sylke. 2020. Deconstructing impoliteness in professional discourse: The social psychology of workplace mobbing. A cross-disciplinary contribution with conclusions for the intercultural workplace. In Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, Special Issue on (in)tolerance and (in)civility in public discourse from interdisciplinary perspectives. 16/2, pp. 235-264. DOI: Download bei DeGruyter:

Performance requirement for ECTS points
Preparation of an interactive workshop incl. photo-documentary, in small groups (3 CP).

Dr. Sylke Meyerhuber

Offene Lehrveranstaltungen aus den Fachbereichen der Universität Bremen

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
09-M39-2-04-02Game Theory (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 12:00 - 14:00 UNICOM 3.3380 (SOCIUM - Mary-Somerville-Str. 3) (2 Teaching hours per week)

This course provides a comprehensive exploration of game theory, an extremely useful and versatile toolbox for modeling decision-making in interactive situations. Throughout the semester, we will delve into two fundamental types of games: simultaneous move games and sequential move games. In the first part of the course, we will examine simultaneous move games, where players make decisions simultaneously, emphasizing concepts such as Nash equilibrium and strategic dominance. The second part will focus on sequential move games, introducing the complexities of decision-making in a dynamic environment, featuring topics like subgame perfect equilibrium and extensive form games. By the end of the course, students will not only have a deep understanding of the theoretical foundations of game theory but will also be equipped to apply these concepts to real-world scenarios, enhancing their analytical and strategic thinking skills.
Main Reference:
Osborne, M. J. (2004). An introduction to game theory. New York: Oxford University Press.

Sebastian Fehrler
10-76-4-D2/WD2-09Key Topics in Cultural History: Rachel Carson and the Sea (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 14:15 - 15:45 SFG 2070 (2 Teaching hours per week)

In a time when the world grapples with the climate crisis and overfishing, pollution, and rising temperatures threaten the world ocean and the human and non-human life that depends on it, Serpil Oppermann suggests to turn to “storied waterscapes” (2023), i.e. to forms of representation and cultural processes of meaning making around bodies of water, in order to better understand human relationships with the marine world and its destruction as well as to develop strategies for positive change. Heeding this call, this class examines mid-twentieth century American science and nature writing about coastal and sea ecologies by studying the work of trained biologist, American journalist, and pioneering environmentalist Rachel Carson (1907-1964). Focusing on a blend of literary and scientific writing in her classic sea trilogy in conversation with other cultural texts and historical developments at the time, students will explore not only the genre of nature and science writing but also issues of gender and health in the post-World War 2 era and the history of environmental protection, conservation, and the emergence of the environmental movement in 1960s America.
The class is open to B.A. E-SC students studying D2a, WD2b, and WD2c as well as international exchange students and students doing ‘Freiwillige Zusatzleistungen,’ general studies, or ‘Ersatzleistungen.’ B.A. E-SC students studying the D2-c module (Literature) may also be accommodated with their module requirements, capacity permitting. Prior enrolment via Stud.IP is mandatory and admission is limited to a maximum of thirty-five students. Please check Stud.IP regularly for updates.
• active participation in weekly in-person meetings,
• in-depth study of the primary and secondary material (including extensive weekly reading assignments) in preparation for each session,
• graded or ungraded assignment in accordance with the respective module requirements.

Dr. Paula von Gleich
10-76-4-D2/WD2-13Key Topics in Cultural History: Blue Cultural Studies (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 12:15 - 13:45 GW1 A0150

This class introduces students to the new field of blue cultural studies. As part of the blue humanities, blue cultural studies turn away from traditional area studies perspectives that pay attention to cultures primarily, if not exclusively, on dry land. Instead of studying the cultures of nation states (e.g., Britain) or continents (e.g., North America), blue cultural studies center bodies of water and wet land, such as oceans, marshes, and lakes. In this seminar, students will study founding texts, influential theories, and key concepts that have emerged in the twenty-first-century study of anglophone literatures and cultures. Exemplary analyses of cultural objects, such as film, literature, or art, will round of the course by not only addressing pressing issues but also practicing key skills of cultural analysis.
The class is open to B.A. E-SC students studying D2a, WD2b, and WD2c as well as international exchange students and students doing ‘Freiwillige Zusatzleistungen,’ general studies, or ‘Ersatzleistungen.’ B.A. E-SC students studying the D2-c module (Literature) may also be accommodated with their module requirements, capacity permitting. Prior enrolment via Stud.IP is mandatory and admission is limited to a maximum of thirty-five students. Please check Stud.IP regularly for updates.
• active participation in weekly in-person meetings,
• in-depth study of the primary and secondary material (including extensive weekly reading assignments) in preparation for each session,
• graded or ungraded assignment in accordance with the respective module requirements.

Dr. Paula von Gleich

II. Internationalisierung

Internationales Modul

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
08-zsp-GS-1027Urban Ecology in European cities / Urbane Ökologien in europäischen Städten (in English)
Urbane Ökologien - Internationales Modul Sozialwissenschaften
International Module Social Sciences

Seminar (Teaching)
ECTS: 3-6

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 SuUB 4330 (Studio I Medienraum ) (2 Teaching hours per week)

Additional dates:
Wed. 29.05.24 16:00 - 18:00 Blended Element of BIP Urban ecology in Paris
Mon. 10.06.24 - Sat. 15.06.24 (Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., Sat.) 09:00 - 20:00 BIP Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle (only accepted participants)
3 CP/ECTS for this course,
+3 CP/ECTS extra for participation in BIP at USN (Paris, registration closed)

Michael Thiele
N. N.