Course Catalog

Study Program WiSe 2018/2019

General Studies und Schlüsselqualifikationen (Wahlpflichtbereich) - FB 09

Modul GS I - Angebote zur Studien- und Berufsorientierung

Ein Schwerpunkt des Fachbereichs Kulturwissenschaften orientiert sich an den Bedarfen der Studierenden zur \"Studien- und Berufsorientierung\". Die nachfolgenden Lehrveranstaltungen, Workshops, Infoveranstaltungen etc. werden exklusiv für die Studierenden des Fachbereichs 09 angeboten, um spezifische überfachliche Schlüsselkompetenzen oder Anregungen zur beruflichen Orientierung zu erlangen.

Prüfungsleistung: gemäß Ankündigung der Veranstaltung, i.d.R. KEINE Benotung
Anerkennung/ General Studies: Ihre unterschriebenen, ausgefüllten General Studies Scheine senden Sie zum Siegeln per E-Mail oder postalisch an:
Studienzentrum FB 09/ Juliane Schoppe: E-Mail: oder
Praxisbüro FB 09/ Wiltrud Hoffmann: E-Mail:
Ihre gesiegelten Scheine können direkt an das Prüfungsamt weitergeleitet werden.
Leistungspunkte/ CP: gemäß Ankündigung der Veranstaltung
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
eGS-VA-2018/19-10Sustainability Marketing - A Global Perspective (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

In dieser videobasierten Selbstlernveranstaltung können Sie jederzeit einsteigen, in Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo die Videos durcharbeiten und den Prüfungstermin zum Abschluss der Lehrverantaltung frei wählen.

Weitere Infos finden Sie hier bei Stud.ip oder auf unserer Website

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gern an:

Dr. Christiane Bottke
Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau
Dr. Oliver Ahel
eGS-VA-2018/19-15World in Transition: A Social Contract for Sustainability (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

In dieser videobasierten Selbstlernveranstaltung können Sie jederzeit einsteigen, in Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo die Videos durcharbeiten und den Prüfungstermin zum Abschluss der Lehrverantaltung frei wählen.

Weitere Infos finden Sie hier bei Stud.ip oder auf unserer Website

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gern an:

Dr. Oliver Ahel
Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau
Dr. Christiane Bottke

Modul GS III - Ausgewählte Fachveranstaltungen

Für den Blick über den Tellerrand des BA-Curriculums können Sie aus den hier angebotenen Veranstaltungen des Fachbereichs 09 wählen. Nach Absprache zwischen Studierenden und den jeweiligen Lehrenden können ebenso Veranstaltungen anderer Fachbereiche besucht werden.

Anmeldung: Die Veranstaltungsorganisation erfolgt über Stud.IP
Prüfungsleistung: aktive Teilnahme an der Lehrveranstaltung (ggf. Referat, schriftliche Ausarbeitung)
Anerkennung: von Lehrendem/Lehrender unterzeichneter Leistungsnachweis wird entweder in den Institutssekretariaten gesiegelt oder
im Studienzentrum FB 09 gestempelt/ Kontakt:
Leistungspunkte: i.d.R. 2 CP (keine Note), kann nach Umfang der Arbeit und Absprache mit dem/der Lehrenden variieren
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
08-29-3-SP12-1[Entwicklungssoziologie: Theorie und Politik in ihrer Umsetzung] (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 12:00 SFG 1080 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Development Sociology emerged and was actively developed by scholars in many countries in the 1960s and 1970s and sharpened as a result of emerging tensions between modernisation and dependency theories. It was the disciplinary child of the project of international development, and as such also the child of colonialism, growing up and being shaped by imperial and colonial pasts, Cold War legacies, , together with increasing wealth inequalities both across and between the North and South.
The module ‘Development Sociology’ introduces the students to (1) the different theories of development, (2) the implementation of development theory inspired policies in development practice, as well as (3) the epistemological and methodological tools of development research.
The lecture ‘Development Sociology: Theory and Policy in Practice’ will cover the following development theories and their influences on policy practice:
• Modernisation and Growth
• Dependency and Self-Reliance
• Neoliberalism and Structural Adjustment
• Participation and Sustainability
• Women and Gender
• Post-Development and Alternatives
• Multiple Modernities, Risks and Acceleration

Each theoretical approach will be dealt with in two sessions of the lecture. The first deals with the theory itself and will be based on the obligatory readings, the second deals with its implementation in practice by drawing on key empirical research findings and country examples.
The seminar ‘Development Theory in Practice: Empirical Examples and Methodological Tools’ will deepen and extend reflection of selected key themes engaged with in the lecture by exploring empirical examples. Additionally it introduces the students to the following methodological considerations and tools for empirical development research:
• Relative and Multi-dimensional Poverty analyses, Growth and Well-being Indices and Knowledge Society Indices – capitalist/market-led influences on data collection, sharing and dissemination
• Community-based participatory tools: mixed methods household surveying, group-based interviewing and focus groups, and Participatory Learning & Action (PLA) approaches
• Long term field research: Emic and etic worldviews, embeddedness, participant observation, researcher reflectivity, positionality, ethics and role of local language skills
• Development policy analyses (drawing from Critical Policy Studies)
• Mobile ethnographies and ethnographies of mobility: Follow the Innovation, the Migrant, the Epistemology, non-human natures & multi-sited Research Methodologies
• Audio-visual and inter-textual methods in research

The seminar will utilize varied teaching formats and styles that place emphasis on nurturing students´ independent thinking, the development of their own thematic fields of interest and the ability to write. The experiential element will include features such as situational presentations (e.g. pitching a project idea), poster sharing sessions and experimentation with other self-selected genres (e.g. life history narratives, scripts for short sketches, infographics and political cartoons), together with the development of academic material in the form of short papers and small-project proposals. The students are particularly encouraged to use the seminar to develop their ability to formulate arguments and substantiate these in a written format – also linked to their own thesis topics.
Irrespective of the teaching format, all sessions will substantially build on obligatory readings and the writing samples produced by the students. The completion of individual and group project work is vital to ensuring the quality of in-class discussions. All obligatory and recommended readings will be made available for download via StudIP.
Course requirements:

For 3 CPs: Active participation, having read the obligatory reading for each week, in only the lecture or the seminar (36+36 = 72 hours) and the submission of 3 text summaries (72+30 = 102 hours)
For 6 CPs: Participation in the lecture and the seminar (72+72 = 144 hours), submission of 3 text summaries (144+30 = 174 hours) and the giving of an oral presentation (174+40 = 214 hours).
For 9 CPs: Participation in the lecture and the seminar (72+72 = 144 hours), submission of 3 text summaries (144+30 = 174 hours) and the giving of an oral presentation (174+40 = 214 hours) and the writing of a 10-page-seminar paper (214 + 80 = 294 hours).
The text summaries of obligatory readings have to be submitted always before 8pm on the day before the seminar / lecture in which the reading is obligatory. The seminar paper has to be submitted
Dates of Submission: 31.3.19 and 30.6.19

Consultation Hours of Lecturers:
In case of general questions, please arrange an appointment with

N. N.
08-29-3-SP12-2[Entwicklungstheorie in der Praxis: Empirische Fallstudien und Methoden] (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Fri. 19.10.18 08:00 - 12:00 UNICOM 7.4680 (SOCIUM - Mary-Somerville-Str. 7)
Fri. 23.11.18 08:00 - 16:00 ZMT, Wiener Str. 7, 3. Ebene, Raum "The BOX"
Fri. 14.12.18 08:00 - 16:00 ZMT, Wiener Str. 7, 3. Ebene, Raum "The BOX"
Fri. 18.01.19 08:00 - 16:00 ZMT, Wiener Str. 7, 3. Ebene, Raum "The BOX"

Development Sociology emerged and was actively developed by scholars in many countries in the 1960s and 1970s and sharpened as a result of emerging tensions between modernisation and dependency theories. It was the disciplinary child of the project of international development, and as such also the child of colonialism, growing up and being shaped by imperial and colonial pasts, Cold War legacies, , together with increasing wealth inequalities both across and between the North and South.
The module ‘Development Sociology’ introduces the students to (1) the different theories of development, (2) the implementation of development theory inspired policies in development practice, as well as (3) the epistemological and methodological tools of development research.
The lecture ‘Development Sociology: Theory and Policy in Practice’ will cover the following development theories and their influences on policy practice:
• Modernisation and Growth
• Dependency and Self-Reliance
• Neoliberalism and Structural Adjustment
• Participation and Sustainability
• Women and Gender
• Post-Development and Alternatives
• Multiple Modernities, Risks and Acceleration

Each theoretical approach will be dealt with in two sessions of the lecture. The first deals with the theory itself and will be based on the obligatory readings, the second deals with its implementation in practice by drawing on key empirical research findings and country examples.
The seminar ‘Development Theory in Practice: Empirical Examples and Methodological Tools’ will deepen and extend reflection of selected key themes engaged with in the lecture by exploring empirical examples. Additionally it introduces the students to the following methodological considerations and tools for empirical development research:
• Relative and Multi-dimensional Poverty analyses, Growth and Well-being Indices and Knowledge Society Indices – capitalist/market-led influences on data collection, sharing and dissemination
• Community-based participatory tools: mixed methods household surveying, group-based interviewing and focus groups, and Participatory Learning & Action (PLA) approaches
• Long term field research: Emic and etic worldviews, embeddedness, participant observation, researcher reflectivity, positionality, ethics and role of local language skills
• Development policy analyses (drawing from Critical Policy Studies)
• Mobile ethnographies and ethnographies of mobility: Follow the Innovation, the Migrant, the Epistemology, non-human natures & multi-sited Research Methodologies
• Audio-visual and inter-textual methods in research

The seminar will utilize varied teaching formats and styles that place emphasis on nurturing students´ independent thinking, the development of their own thematic fields of interest and the ability to write. The experiential element will include features such as situational presentations (e.g. pitching a project idea), poster sharing sessions and experimentation with other self-selected genres (e.g. life history narratives, scripts for short sketches, infographics and political cartoons), together with the development of academic material in the form of short papers and small-project proposals. The students are particularly encouraged to use the seminar to develop their ability to formulate arguments and substantiate these in a written format – also linked to their own thesis topics.
Irrespective of the teaching format, all sessions will substantially build on obligatory readings and the writing samples produced by the students. The completion of individual and group project work is vital to ensuring the quality of in-class discussions. All obligatory and recommended readings will be made available for download via StudIP.
Course requirements:

For 3 CPs: Active participation, having read the obligatory reading for each week, in only the lecture or the seminar (36+36 = 72 hours) and the submission of 3 text summaries (72+30 = 102 hours)
For 6 CPs: Participation in the lecture and the seminar (72+72 = 144 hours), submission of 3 text summaries (144+30 = 174 hours) and the giving of an oral presentation (174+40 = 214 hours).
For 9 CPs: Participation in the lecture and the seminar (72+72 = 144 hours), submission of 3 text summaries (144+30 = 174 hours) and the giving of an oral presentation (174+40 = 214 hours) and the writing of a 10-page-seminar paper (214 + 80 = 294 hours).
The text summaries of obligatory readings have to be submitted always before 8pm on the day before the seminar / lecture in which the reading is obligatory. The seminar paper has to be submitted
Dates of Submission: 31.3.19 and 30.6.19

Consultation Hours of Lecturers:
In case of general questions, please arrange an appointment with

N. N.
09-GS-3-19Global Cotton: (in English)
African Resistance to International Structures and Political Dominance

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Sat. 24.11.18 - Sun. 25.11.18 (Sun., Sat.) 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B3850
Sat. 08.12.18 10:00 - 16:00 MZH 1110
Sun. 09.12.18 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B3770

This seminar will examine the widespread, often uninformed and uncritical perspective that Africans/African States always expect solutions to their problems to be provided by Westerners and their governments; who are often depicted as generous. It will critique this perspective and explore an alternative; that Africans are not only well informed about the problems facing the continent, but that they also know their sources – the International political and financial structures and Western Interests. Their resistance to these structures is on various levels and in this Seminar we will look at it through the international campaign to abolish the debt of poor countries; the Jubilee 2000 Campaign (J2K).

N. N.
12-M90-M7-860Women's and Gender Studies in Turkey (in English)
Women's and Gender Studies in Turkey

Seminar (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 12:00 - 16:00 GW1 B0100 (2 Teaching hours per week)
Deniz Dag

Modul GS IV - Fachergänzende Studien: Uniweites Angebot und E-Learning für den Beruf

Hier können Sie die Veranstaltungen des uniweiten Angebotes wählen, das im Lehrveranstaltungsverzeichnis unter \"Fachergänzende Studien\" aufgeführt ist und verschiedene Themenschwerpunkte (Studium Generale, interdisziplinäre Angebote aus den Fachbereichen, Sachkompetenzen , Fremdsprachen, Schlüsselkompetenzen, Studium und Beruf) umfasst; darin finden Sie die Angebote anderer Fachbereiche und universitärer Einrichtungen wie Career Center, International Office, Studierwerkstatt, Fremdsprachenzentrum, etc.

Im Rahmen diesen Moduls können auch Veranstaltungen der \"eGeneral Studies\" der Universität Bremen besucht werden.

Leistungspunkte/ Prüfungsleistung: gemäß Ankündigung der gewählten Veranstaltung
Anerkennung: durch Veranstalter/in
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
09-GS-3-19Global Cotton: (in English)
African Resistance to International Structures and Political Dominance

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Sat. 24.11.18 - Sun. 25.11.18 (Sun., Sat.) 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B3850
Sat. 08.12.18 10:00 - 16:00 MZH 1110
Sun. 09.12.18 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B3770

This seminar will examine the widespread, often uninformed and uncritical perspective that Africans/African States always expect solutions to their problems to be provided by Westerners and their governments; who are often depicted as generous. It will critique this perspective and explore an alternative; that Africans are not only well informed about the problems facing the continent, but that they also know their sources – the International political and financial structures and Western Interests. Their resistance to these structures is on various levels and in this Seminar we will look at it through the international campaign to abolish the debt of poor countries; the Jubilee 2000 Campaign (J2K).

N. N.