Bremen Study Prize

Every year, the “unifreunde” Association of the Friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University, in cooperation with the University of Bremen, award the Bremen Thesis Award for outstanding academic achievements. Prizes are assigned for one dissertation and one final master’s thesis (Master/Magister/Staatsexamen) in the fields of natural and engineering sciences as well as social sciences and humanities at the University of Bremen. The award for the dissertation is valued at 1,000 euros, a master’s thesis at 500 euros.

Laureates 2019

  • Dr.-Ing. Saeideh Shirinzadeh (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Dissertation: „Synthesis and Optimization for Logic-in-Memory Computing using Memristive Devices“
  • Andreas Folkers (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Master’s thesis: “Controlling an Autonomous Vehicle with Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Dr. Sarah Lentz (Faculty 08 – Social Sciences)
    Dissertation: “Wer helfen kann, der helfe! Deutsche SklavereigegnerInnen und die atlantische Abolitionsbewegung, 1780 – 1860” (Those who can help, help! German anti-slavery activists and the Atlantic abolitionist movement, 1780 – 1860)
  • Anna-Luise Rehm (Faculty 12 – Pedagogy and Educational Sciences)
    Master’s thesis: “‘Weil er sich angestrengt hat‘ – Konstruktionsprozesse schulischer Leistungen in Zeugniskonferenzen” (‘Because he made an effort' – Processes of constructing school achievements in school report conferences)

Special Award bestowed by Bruker Daltonik GmbH

  • Luisa von Albedyll (Faculty 01 – Physics/Electrical Engineering)
    Master thesis: „Structure and variability of the circulation at tidal to intra-seasonal scales near the 79 North Glacier“

Laureates 2018

  • Dr. Georg Pesch (Faculty 04 – Production Engineering)
    Dissertation: “On the dielectrophoretic particle retention in porous media.”
  • Magdalena Laurien (Faculty 04 – Production Engineering)
    Master Thesis: “Atomistic Modeling of the Formation of a Thermoset/Thermoplastic Interphase during Co-Curing.”
  • Dr. Insa Stephanie Jarass (Faculty 06 – Law)
    Dissertation: “Privates Einheitsrecht” (private uniform law)
  • Matthias C. Täger (Faculty 08 – Social Sciences)
    Master Thesis: “Greening Finance? A Strategic Action Field Analysis of Environmentally Sustainable Finance.”

Special Award bestowed by Bruker Daltonik GmbH

  • Dr. Florian F. Krause (faculty 01 – Physics)
    Dissertation: “Entwicklung spezieller quantitativer Messverfahren für die hochauflösende Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie” (development of special quantitative measurement methods for high-resolution transmission electron microscopy)

Laureates 2017

  • Dr. Jan Höcker (Faculty 01 – Physics/Electrical Engineering)
    Dissertation: „In situ-Studien zu Wachstum und Struktur seltener doxidbasierter inverser Modellkatalysatoren“
  • Lars Langhorst (Subject of Natural and Engineering Sciences)
    Master Thesis: „Simulation und Validierung von Formabweichungen eines plangefrästen Werkstückes“
  • Dr. Regina Arant (Faculty 08 – Social Sciences)
    Dissertation: “Who you are depends on where you are: The impact of a high school year abroad on the national and host country identity of German exchange students”
  • Paola Janßen (Faculty 07 – Business Studies and Economics)
    Master Thesis: „Bayes-Netze in der Rechtsprechung“

Special Award bestowed by Bruker Daltonik GmbH

  • Dr. Philipp Niemann (AGRA – Group of Computer Architecture)
    Dissertation: „Towards Computer-Aided Design of Quantum Logic“

Laureates 2016

  • Dr.-Ing. André Wilkening (Faculty 01 – Physics/Electrical Engineering))
    Dissertation: "Assistive Control Concepts for Pneumatic Soft Robotic Rehabilitation Devices"
  • Martina Hübner (Faculty 01 – Physics/Electrical Engineering)
    Diploma Thesis: "Charakterisierung einer Klebefuge mit eingebetteten kapazitiven Sensoren"
  • Dr. Friederike Gesing (Faculty 08 – Social Sciences)
    Dissertation: "Working with Nature: An Ethnography of Soft Coastal Protection Practices in Aotearoa / New Zealand"
  • Anda Nicolae Vladu (Faculty 08 – Social Sciences)
    Master Thesis: "Sie verlangen dieselbe Behandlung, wie sie auch einem jeden deutschen Arbeiter zuteil wird. Widerständige Praxen migrantischer Arbeiter_innen innerhalb der Norddeutschen Wollkämmerei und Kammgarnspinnerei"

Special Award of Bruker Daltonik GmbH

  • Dr. Patrick Schneider (Faculty 04 – Production Engineering - Mechanical Engineering & Process Engineering)
    Dissertation: "On the mathematical justification of the consistent-approximation approach and the derivation of a shear-correction-factor free refined beam theory"

Special Award of Rotary Clubs Bremen-Roland

  • Dr. Hoang Minh Le (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Dissertation: "Automated Techniques for Functional Verification at the Electronic System Level"

Laureates 2015

  • Dr. Miriam Stehling (Faculty 09 – Cultural Studies)
    Dissertation: „Fernsehformate und ihre Rezeption. Eine transkulturelle Studie zur Aneignung des Top Model-Formats in Deutschland und den USA“
  • Laura Otto (Faculty 09 – Cultural Studies)
    Masterarbeit: „In Malta, the refugees suffer from the system. Eine akteurszentrierte Ethnografie der Kontaktzonen zwischen Grenzregime und Geflüchteten“
  • Dr. Jonas Warnecke (Subject of Applied and Physical Chemistry)
    Dissertation: „Reaktionsmechanismen in der Elektronenstrahl-induzierten Abscheidung (FEBID)“
  • Jonghyun Lee (Faculty 01 – Physics / Electrical Engineering)
    Master Thesis: „Specialized search pattern of Physarum polycephalum“

Special Award of Bruker Daltonik GmbH

  • Dr. Thomas Page (Subject of Technomathematics)
    Dissertation: „Image reconstruction by Mumford-Shah regularization with a priori edge information”.

Special Award of Rotary Club Bremen-Roland

  • Dr. Felix Patzelt (Subject of Physics and Economics)
    Dissertation: „Instablility and Information“

Laureates 2014

  • Dr. Hanna Lührs (Faculty 05 – Geosciences)
    Dissertation: The Influence of Boron on the Crystal Structure and Properties of Mullite"
  • Georg Pesch (Faculty 04 – Production Engineering – Mechanical Engineering & Process Engineering)
    Master Thesis: "Simulation von chemischen Reaktionsmechanismen in hoch porösen Filmen mittels Volume of Fluid-Methode"
  • Dr. Andrea Schmeichel (Faculty 06 – Law)
    Dissertation: "The sustainability criteria for biofuels and bioliquids: imports into the EU"
  • Hanna Grube (Faculty 12 – Pedagogy and Educational Sciences)
    Master Thesis: "Wie beeinflusst regelmäßige Lernberatung das Lernen von Schülerinnen und Schülern? - Qualitative Schülerinterviews an einem Schulversuch"

Special Award of Bruker Daltonik GmbH

  • Dr.-Ing. Mathias Soeken (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Dissertation: "Formal Specification Level"

Special Award of Rotary Club Bremen-Roland

  • Dr.-Ing. Fabian Meder (Faculty 04 – Production Engineering – Mechanical Engineering & Process Engineering)
    Dissertation: "Interactions of proteins, peptides, and viruses with surface functionalized collodial alumina particles"

Laureates 2013

  • Dr. Sigrid Kannengießer (Subject of Social Sciences and Humanities)
    Dissertation: „Translokale Ermächtigungskommunikation. Die mediatisierte Vergemeinschaftung zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure“
  • Anke Katharina Drewitz (Faculty 10 –  Linguistics and Literary Studies)
    Magister Thesis: „Religiöse Vergemeinschaftung im Internet am Beispiel des Cube-Mags und des Misawa-Forums“
  • Dr.-Ing. Yasir Zaki (Natural and Engineering Sciences)
    Dissertation: „Future Mobile Communications: LTE Optimization and Mobile Network Virtualization”
  • Peter Hansen (Subject of Natural and Engineering Sciences)
    Master Thesis: „Non-Uniform Data Complexity of Query Answering in the Presence of Weakliy Guarded TGDs”

Special Award of Bruker Daltonik GmbH

  • Dr.-Ing. Thomas Veltzke (Faculty 04 – Production Engineering - Mechanical Engineering & Process Engineering)
    Dissertation: „On gaseous microflows under isothermal conditions”

Special Award of Rotary Club Bremen-Roland

  • Dr. Amin Ardestani (Faculty 02 – Biology/Chemistry)
    Dissertation: „Targeting beta-cell apoptosis in diabetes: The role mammalian Sterile Kinase 1 (MST1)“

Laureates 2012

  • Dr. Sabrina Kombrink (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Dissertation: "Fractal Curvature Measures and Minkowski Content for Limit Sets of Conformal Function Systems"
  • Ina Votteler (Faculty 02 – Biology)
    Master Thesis: "Analysis of the Involvement of Lipid Rafts in the Nonlytic Release of Hepatitis A Virus from Infected Host Cells"
  • Dr. Andreas Maurer (Faculty 06 – Law)
    Dissertation: "Lex Maritima - Grundzüge eines transnationalen Seehandelsrechts"
  • Niklas Schmedt (Faculty 11 – Human and Health Sciences)
    Master Thesis: "Der Gebrauch von Antipsychotika und das Risiko für venöse Thromboembolien bei Älteren mit Demenz".

Special Award of Bruker Daltronik GmbH

  • Dr. Lena Wischhof (Faculty 02 – Biology/Chemistry)
    Dissertation: "Interactions of Serotonin 2A and Metabotropic Glutamate 2/3 Receptors in Behavioural Control in Rats"

Special Award of Rotary Clubs Bremen-Roland

  • Dr. James A. Collins (Faculty 05 – Geosciences)
    Dissertation: "Glacial to Holocene Hydroclimate in Western Africa - Insights from Organic and Major-Element Geochemistry of Hemipelagic Atlantic Ocean Sediments "

Laureates 2011

  • Dr. Johannes Jaerisch (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Dissertation: "Thermodynamic Formalism for Group-Extended Markov Systems with Applications to Fuchsian Groups"
  • Nils Heidmann (Faculty 01 – Physics/Electrical Engineering)
    Diploma Thesis: "Hardwarenahe Entwicklung und Implementierung eines K-Best MIMO Detektors für LTE-Systeme"
  • Dr. Tatjana Evas (Faculty 06 – Law)
    Dissertation: "Coherence in Application of European Union Law. Case Study of Post-Communist Member States. Comparative assessment of Estonian and Latvian Courts 2004 - 2009"
  • Lea Rohmeyer (Faculty 05 – Geosciences)
    Diploma Thesis: "Die Nachnutzungsoption des Wohnens in revitalisierten innerstädtischen Hafenarealen am Beispiel der Überseestadt Bremen"

Special Award of Bruker Daltonik GmbH

  • Dr. Stephan Eggersglüß (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Dissertation: "Robust Algorithms for High Quality Test Pattern Generation Using Boolean Satisfiability"

Special Award of Rotary Club Bremen-Roland

  • Dr. Charles Etienne Robert (Faculty 01 – Physics/Electrical Engineering)
    Dissertation: "Investigation of Noctilucent Cloud Properties and their Connection with Solar Activity"

Laureates 2010

  • Dr. Janina Zimmermann (Faculty 04 – Production Engineering - Mechanical Engineering & Process Engineering)
    Dissertation: "Atomistic modeling of the oxidation of titanium nitride and cobalt-chromium alloy surfaces"
  • Sören Dobberschütz (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Diploma Thesis: Derivation of boundary conditions at a curved contact interface between a free fluid and a porous medium via homogenisation theory"
  • Dr. Moritz Renner (Faculty 06 – Law)
    Dissertation: "Zwingendes transnationales Recht. Elemente einer Wirtschaftsverfassung jenseits des Staates" (Für seine Dissertation erhielt Moritz Renner auch den Deutschen Studienpreis 2011)

Special Award of Bruker Daltronik GmbH

  • Dr. Andreas Schaefer (Faculty 02 – Biology/Chemistry)
    Dissertation: "Herstellund und Charakterisierung dünner Praseodymoxid-Schichten auf Silizium-Substraten als Modellsystem für die kKatalyse und Mikroelektronik"

Special Award of Rotary Clubs Bremen-Roland

  • Dr. Robert Wille (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Dissertation: "Towards a Design Flow for Reversible Logic"

Laureates 2009

  • Dr. Sebastian Arend Meier (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Dissertation: “Two-scale models for reactive transport and evolving microstructure"
  • Nils Göde (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Diploma Thesis: “Incremental Clone Detection”
  • Dr. Stefanie Walther (Faculty 08 – Social Sciences)
    Dissertation: „Die (Un-)Ordnung der Ehe. Ehenormen und Ehepraxis im frühneuzeitlichen Hochadel"
  • Tobias Pinkel (Faculty 06 – Law)
    Master Thesis: „Die Haftungsverteilung der Außenhaftung bei alternativer Kausalität im Schadensersatzrecht. Eine Analyse typischer Fälle im historischen und rechtsvergleichenden Kontext“

Special Award of Bruker Daltonik GmbH

  • Dr.-Ing. Daniel Große (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Dissertation: “Quality-Driven Design and Verification Flow for Digital Systems”

Special Award of Rotary Clubs Bremen-Roland

  • Dr. Thomas Laepple (Faculty 01 – Physics/Electrical Engineering)
    Dissertation: “Climate variability from annual to multimillenial timescales: Insights from statistical and conceptual models”

Laureates 2008

  • Dr. Stefan Schulz (Faculty 01 – Physics/Electrical Engineering)
    Dissertation: "Electronic and Optical Properties of Quantum Dots: A Tight-Binding Approach"
  • Dr. Philipp Lehmbrecker (Faculty 07 – Business Studies and Economics)
    Dissertation: "The Quality of Eligible Collateral, Central Bank Losses and Monetary Stability: An Empirical Analysis"
  • Yidong Lang (Faculty 01 – Physics/Electrical Engineering)
    Diploma Thesis: "Ressource Allocation for Distriuted MMO in Wireless Networks".
  • Birte Heidemann (Faculty 10 – Languages and Literary Studies)
    Magister Thesis: Nation, identity and the liminal space: Nordische Literatur im Kontext der Post-Troubles"

Special Award of Bruker Daltronik GmbH

  • Dr. Kristian Bredies (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Dissertation: "Optimal control of degenerate parabolic equations in image processing"

Special Award of Rotary Clubs Bremen-Roland

  • Dr.-Ing. Miroslav Mihajlov (Faculty 01 – Physics/Electrical Engineering)
    Dissertation: "Modelling and Control Strategies for Inherently Compliant Fluidic Mechatronic Actuators with Rotary Elastic Chambers"

Laureates 2007

  • Dr. Diedrich Wolter (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Dissertation: "Spatial Representation and Reasoning for Robot Mapping"
  • Stefanie Wege (Faculty 02 – Biology/Chemistry)
    Diploma Thesis: "Transient Repression of Carpel Development Gene Function in Eschscholzia californica by virus-inducted Gene Silencing (VIGS)"
  • Dr. Dirk Quadflieg (Faculty 09 – Cultural Studies)
    Dissertation: "Differenzphilosophie als Logik der Grammatik - über einen möglichen Denkraum zwischen Hegel, Wittgenstein und Derrida"
  • Miriam De Blasi (Faculty 07 – Business Studies and Economics)
    Diploma Thesis: "Open Source als Geschäftsmodell"

Special Award of Bruker Daltonik GmbH

  • Dr. Jost Klawitter (Faculty 02 – Biology/Chemistry)
    ​​​​​​​Dissertation: "The Development and Use of New Methods and Strategies for the Monitoring of Nephrotoxicity and the Study of Renal Physiology: Proteomics- and Meta-bonomics-based Studies."

Special Award of Rotary Club Bremen-Roland

  • Dr.​​​​​​​ Malte Andreas Peter (Faculty 03 – Mathematics/Computer Science)
    Dissertation: "Coupled reaction-diffusion systems and evolving microstructure: mathematical modelling and homogenisation"