
14th May: University of Bremen Information Day for Prospective Students

Attention all those considering enrolling for university studies: On wednesday, 14th May 2014, you can find out all the things you need to know. On this day under the motto “inform – orientate – study” representatives of all the Bachelor programs and the law school will be on hand to answer any questions you may have during the Informationstag für Studieninteressierte – isi for short. Teaching faculty, admin staff and students will be there to provide information on the content of degree courses, prerequisites for enrollment, as well as future career prospects. Everyone is warmly invited to come along. There is no need to register beforehand and entry is free.

“Brasil: Culture and football”

Information on studying at the University of Bremen will be accompanied by a number of other interesting offers, including guided tours around the campus, how to obtain student grants or scholarships, studying abroad, and foreign languages for students. University students will also be on hand to relate their experiences, and upcoming engineers will present some of the results of their practice-oriented projects. In the afternoon visitors will be able to attend lectures on various topics, including: “Brasil: Culture and Football”, a seminar organized by the department of Cultural Studies, and why everyone should be interested in penal law will be explained in a lecture titled “Only for thieves, robbers and murderers”.

First point of call: The info-booth in building GW 2

Visitors to isi should first come to the info-booth operated by the Student Advisory Service in building GW2, where between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. they will be able to gather comprehensive information and leaflets about the University’s degree courses and be pointed in the direction of things that might be of special interest. Other booths will be manned by the different departments and service bureaus.

Information on the new enrollment procedure

This is the second year that the University of Bremen and numerous other German universities are coordinating applications for student places through the Hochschulstart internet portal. The enrollment procedure can be completed entirely online ( The procedure makes it possible to include up to twelve university preferences. The Student Advisory Service will be giving information on the enrollment procedure and how Bachelor and Master programs are structured.

You can find more information about the programs under

If you still need more information beforehand, please contact:
University of Bremen
Student Advisory Service
Phone: 0421-218-61160
email: zsbprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de  

DF 681-0473