
A Warm Welcome to the University’s New Students!

About 5,500 new students will take up studies at the University of Bremen when the winter semester 2012/2013 begins on 1st October 2012. The number includes about 3,000 freshers, who study the first time at a university, and about 1,500 Master students. “That’s about the same number we’ve had over the past few years”, says Stephan Determann from the Student Advisory Service. To make sure their transition to student life is a smooth one, the University is once again organizing an orientation week: Week 0, for short. This will be the week from 8th till 12th October 2012. This year, too, the University invites all its new students and their families to attend a festive kick-off assembly. This will be held on Monday 1st November 2012 in the Theater am Goetheplatz (Osterstorsteinweg). The program comprises a colorful mixture of short speeches, music and theatrical performances, as well as demonstrations by media and sports groups from the University of Bremen. This will be followed by dancing at an after-show party in the Bremen Club “Moments” (Vor dem Steintor 65, 28203 Bremen). During Week 0, tickets will be on sale from the information stand in the Glass Hall, which is in the main entrance to the University.

Tips, contacts, and “Freshers’ Party” during Week 0

Week 0 opens on 8th October 2012 with welcoming events for undergraduates in the different departments. Here, freshers will be told more about their subjects and how to organize their studies. Members of the teaching staff and advanced students will be on hand to answer questions surrounding the study programs. There will also be a “Freshers’ Party“, organized by the various Studiengangsausschüsse, or Stugen – the student representative bodies in the departments.

New: Guided tours of the campus for students with disabilities

During Week 0, several subjects will be offering introductory courses for freshers to facilitate their launch into studies. And an interesting addition to the official program: The AStA (Students Association) – elected representatives of the student body – and several other student groups are also organizing a large number of introductory events. This year the Work Group “AG Handicap” will be offering guided tours of the campus for students with disabilities.

Information Exchange on 11th October

New students will be able to have their questions answered at the Information Exchange on Thursday 11th October 2012, where in addition to the various departments some of the University’s most important institutions will be explained. This will take place in building GW2 from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. Those present will include representatives of the Career Center and the Center for Foreign Languages, the International Office, the Studierwerkstatt [Student Workshop] and the Student Advisory Service. Cross-departmental events will deal with topics like study sojourns abroad, General Studies, University Sport and “Stud.IP”.

For more information on Week 0 and the festive kick-off assembly, go to  .

Contact person:
Universität Bremen
Dezernat Studentische Angelegenheiten
Stephan Determann
Phone: 0421 218 61150
e-mail: sdetermannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 
Phone: 0421 218-61000
e-mail: christina.vockeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 

Sich informieren und Kontakte knüpfen: Orientierungswoche an der Uni Bremen.