
Research & Studies: University of Bremen Promotes Six New Projects

ForstA is entering its next phase: Supported with funding from a program titled “Research-based learning from the outset – Heterogeneity as Potential” (ForstA) the University of Bremen is promoting several measures designed to improve academic teaching. Now in a sub-project called “Reform of introductory studies” (Stage 2) the focus is on innovative ideas for reforming individual lecture courses or entire study modules in the introductory phase of studies.

The University is able to support this project because it successfully acquired 9 million euros from the Quality Pact for Academic Teaching 2012 – 2016 sponsored by the German Ministry for Education and Research. The Quality Pact for advancing university teaching is more or less teaching‘s counterpart to the Excellence Initiative, which concentrates on advancing research.
The different University Faculties have expressed keen interest in the project, with 13 applications submitted by 10 out of twelve Faculties altogether. After intensive deliberations, the ForstA jury ( ) recommended six projects for funding. The jury comprising a panel of internal and external experts also includes students ( ). On the basis of the panel’s recommendations, the University management has approved funding for the following projects:

•    Bioscientix – Providing a learning environment on development (Biology, FB 2)
•    MarketingR³: Research – Reception – Reflection (BWL, FB 7)
•    Research based learning and studies with linguistic data (English Studies / Romance Languages and Literature, FB 10)
•    Implementing Design Based Research-Methodology in Introductory Studies (Foreign Language Didactics French and Spanish, FB 10)
•    Reform of Introductory Studies in Nursing Science (Dual study program Nursing Science, FB 11)
•    Casus Project: Fostering reflection competency via educational casuistics in introductory studies (Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, FB 12)

Project funding commences in summer for a term of one and a half years. Prof. Heidi Schelhowe, the University of Bremen’s Vice Rectress for Academic Learning and Teaching and member of the expert panel expressed her satisfaction at the high quality of applications and stressed how difficult it was to choose between them. She is especially pleased that the concept of research-based learning seems to have been accepted across all departments. Next year another three projects dealing with the phase of introductory studies will be selected for funding. Project proposals can be submitted at the beginning of 2014.

You can obtain further information by contacting:

University of Bremen
Department Teaching and Studies:
Judith Jasper (Coordinator ForstA Stage 2)
Phone: +49 421/ 218-60351
email: jasperprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Dr.StefanieGrote (Communications)
Phone: +49 421/218-60357
email: stefanie.groteprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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