
University of Bremen International Day 2014

Although they come from all parts of the globe, from America, Asia, Africa and Europe they all have something in common: studies at the University of Bremen. Over time, the 2,000 international students studying at the University of Bremen have formed 16 different international communities that make a refreshing contribution to the variety of cultural and social life on campus. Together with the International Office and other University institutions they are inviting members of the public and the University to visit the third International Day, which will take place at the University from 12 a.m. to 5 p.m. on 21 May 2014. Under this year’s motto, “The Glass Hall as an airport” our international students are organizing jam sessions, musical and dance performances, and offering a fantastic variety of culinary delicacies. On top of this, you’ll be able to find out everything you need to know about studying abroad, language courses, and how international cooperation is lived at the University of Bremen. Everyone is very welcome to attend and entrance is free. The International Day has been an annual event since 2012. This year it has been planned to coincide with UNESCO‘s “World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development”. In the evening the German Academic Exchange Office (DAAD) will present a prize worth 1,000 euros. This prize is awarded every year by the DAAD to international students on the basis of outstanding achievement and commitment. You can see the program under

International Campus

Altogether, some 20,000 students from 120 countries are currently enrolled at the University of Bremen. Large numbers of renowned young international scholars and scientists also make their way to Bremen to take up research or teaching activities. The University’s success in the Excellence Initiative launched by the German Government and the Federal States will surely strengthen this trend. The extra funds now available to the University of Bremen have made it even more attractive to work here. “We do our utmost to create optimal conditions and reach out to the international members of our University – whether they are here on a temporary visit, as students or permanent employees”, says the University’s Vice Rectress for Intercultural and International Affairs, Prof. Yasemin Karaka?o?lu.

Over 500 cooperation partners worldwide

The University of Bremen’s international network encompasses more than 500 cooperation partners where University members can take advantage of exchange programs and researchers as well as instructional staff can gain international experience. Some of these cooperation agreements – those with our so-called strategic partners – involve quite comprehensive long term programs and there is a special focus on the USA and Canada, China, India, Turkey and Southern Africa.

You can find more information on topics surrounding internationalization at the University of Bremen in the Internet under and in the new edition of the University’s Yearbook  as well as online in BUS aktuell under

For more specific information you can also contact:

University of Bremen
International Office
Dr. Jutta Paal
Phone: 0421 218-60363
email: jutta.paalprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Zwei Männer vor einer Weltkarte.
Wo kommst Du her? Bremer Studierende kommen aus 120 verschiedenen Ländern.