
University of Bremen on Board the MS Wissenschaft

The exhibition vesselMS Wissenschaft will be paying a visit to Bremen from 30 May till 1 June 2014. On board it is carrying a unique exhibition dedicated to the Wissenschaftsjahr 2014 [Year of Science 2014] bearing the title "The Digital Society". The ship’s mooring an der Tiefer is just one of 38 ports of call during a tour of Germany which will last four and a half months.

The University of Bremen will also be playing its part: The Creative Unit "Communicative Figurations" embedded in the University of Bremen's Center for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) and led by Professor Andreas Hepp has developed an interactive multi-media table especially for use in the exhibition.

Under the title 'People and Media in the Digital Age', the Creative Unit will present examples of work from 11 of its research projects. Visitors will be able to use a 42-inch touch screen to access images, videos and audio material with the touch of a finger and thereby experience in an entertaining way the ongoing digital revolution that has such a great influence on our mediatized cultures and societies. The Bremen researchers will present research findings on a broad range of topics: How do social networks and digital technology contribute to shaping our lives? What is the impact of digital media on education and work? To what extent are young people’s learning processes undergoing change? Is there still a place for the personal encounter in politics? These are just a few of the issues that will be addressed with the aid of multimedia. In November the exhibition will move back to Bremen where visitors will be able to see it in Haus der Wissenschaft, which will be dedicated to the topic Wissenschaftsjahres.

The Year of Science 2014

Each year since 2000 the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and Wissenschaft im Dialog [Science in Dialogue] proclaim a Year of Science. This year’s Wissenschaftsjahr 2014 – "The Digital Society" – poses the question as to how we as individuals and our whole society are influenced and changed by the process of digitalization. Over the past 25 years, the way we obtain information, how we live, and how we communicate have all undergone dramatic change – a revolution that can possibly only be compared to the invention of the printing press. Such developments harbor huge potential, but also give rise to fears about the consequences. The Wissenschaftsjahr 2014 provides a platform for debating such issues and the opportunities and challenges created by digitalization.

If you would like to obtain more information on this topic, please contact:
University of Bremen
Faculty of Cultural Studies
Center for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI)
Sebastian Kubitschko
Phone: +49 421 218 67699
email: sebastian.kubitschkoprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Direct link to exhibition: The interactive table can be found on stand 26 in the part of the exhibition titled "Digitales Miteinander" [Digital Togetherness].

Zwei Jugendliche testen einen Multimediatisch.
Wie verändern digitale Medien unser Leben? Eine Forschungsgruppe der Uni Bremen präsentiert sich auf der MS Wissenschaft. Foto: Ilja Hendel/Wissenschaft im Dialog.