Bremen-Cardiff Alliance

Bremen-Cardiff Initiative on Sustainability & Entrepreneurship

This 2-week blended programme will bring together students from Bremen and Cardiff to explore the subject of Sustainability & Entrepreneurship, while developing a solution to a real-world problem.
Delivered by the Enterprise teams within Cardiff and Bremen Universities, group sessions will explore themes such as Creative Thinking, Idea Generation and Start-Up Culture. Expert sessions will also be delivered to broaden your knowledge of key aspects of sustainability and the world of business. Week 1 will take place online, with week 2 taking place in person, in Cardiff.

3 CP can be awarded for the program in coordination with the respective study office (Studienbüro des Fachbereichs). You can apply for Erasmus short-term mobility for the trip to Cardiff . You will receive further information on this after registration.

Two-week programme
Week 1 online
9th – 11th September 2024

Field experts in Sustainability
Creative Thinking and idea generation activity
Refine and select ideas entrepreneurship session
Understanding your customer
Week 2 in Cardiff
16th – 20th September 2024

Validating sustainable ideas workshop
Preparing to pitch and network session
Getting to know Cardiff University
Cultural activities
Closing ceremony
  Application: The deadline has expired.