Student Finance and Jobs

Unfortunately, studying is not cheap - housing rent, books, semester contributions and leisure-time activities all add up. Here you will learn everything worth knowing on the topic of money and studying, especially about tuition, other costs, and student finance.

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What does it cost to be a student?

Studying costs money. According to the "Student Survey in Germany", the average cost of living during student's studies is around 1100 euros per month. By far the largest part is spent on living expenses, i.e. housing, meals and whatever else you need in everyday life. This also includes the semester fee that is customary at all universities and must be paid before each semester. It includes the semester ticket and contributions to the Student Services Bureau, the student governance (AStA and Stugas), and the administrative costs you have to pay at the University of Bremen.



BAföG Student Grant

If parents do not have enough money to cover the costs of ther child's living expenses during their studies, it is possible for German citizens (and others with a permanent residency permit) to receive a BAföG student grant (Federal Training Funding Act). The amount of the BAföG loan depends on the income and financial circumstances of the parents, the student or the spouse/partner. From the winter semester 2024/25, the maximum BAföG loan for students will be 992 Euros, provided you do not live with your parents and family health insurance is no longer possible. If you live with your parents, the maximum rate is 664 euros. The BAföG is usually granted as a 50% subsidy and the other half as an interest-free loan. Further information can be obtained from the BAföG office at the Student Services Bureau. You can also seek social counseling and advice on BAföG from the AStA.

Further interesting links for BAföG:
Deutsches Studierendenwerk



Scholarships are not only for gifted students: In addition to particularly high achievement, social commitment also plays a major role. Scholarship providers such as churches, political parties, companies and trade unions choose their scholarship holders themselves. Before applying, it is advisable to obtain information about their principles and the goals they pursue.

A lecturer in the full lecture hall.

Talent Programs

In Germany, there are 13 large funding organizations that support outstanding students with scholarships.


Tips For Applying

If you want to apply for a scholarship, there are some important points to keep in mind. On (in German) you you will find helpful tips.


Liaison Lecturers

The liaison lecturers represent the foundations and funding agencies at the University. You can get in touch with them to submit your application to their foundation.



The University of Bremen has been participating in the "Deutschlandstipendien-Programm" since 2012. Students of the University of Bremen can each apply for one of over 100 scholarships each winter semester.


Student Jobs

Many students work alongside their studies in order to earn some extra pocket money or because the money they get from their parents and / or the BAföG is not enough to support them. In addition to an additional income, you can already gain professional experience during your studies, as long as the job has something to do with your field of study. Whether you work in a pub or in a museum – it is important to make sure that you do not neglect your studies and that you also take into account the taxes you might have to pay. The brochure “Jobben” published by the German Student Union offers a useful overview.

Students concentrated during a lecture

International Students

Students from the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland have free access to the German labor market and are practically equal to German students. However, if they work more than 20 hours per week, they (as well as German students) have to pay certain insurances. Special legal rules apply for students from other countries. Here you will find information about the legal framework for the employment of foreign students and graduates and other ways to finance the studies of international students.