Course Catalog

Study Program WiSe 2022/2023

Transkulturelle Studien, M.A.

Modul 8/9/10 - Wahlpflicht MATS (Kernfach)

9 Credit Points
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
09-74-M8910-1Crip Worldmaking: Anthropologies of Disability (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 SFG 2070 (2 Teaching hours per week)

This seminar reckons with the intellectual and political possibilities of disability. It draws on an analytics of “crip worldmaking” in order to think about disability as something that brings new worlds into being. This involves anthropology in a broad sense, including ethnography as well as accounts from disability studies, queer theory, critical philosophy, and more. Each week of the seminar explores the ways that crip worldmaking challenges dominant assumptions about key facets of being human, including time, space, embodiment, thought, labor, gender, sexuality, reproduction, belonging, politics, and more-than-human entanglements.

Prof. Dr. Tyler Jared Zoanni
09-74-M8910-4 / OnlineQueer Feminism Anthropology (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 16:00 - 18:00 SFG 1040 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Additional dates:
Fri. 03.02.23 14:00 - 18:00 GW2 B2880

Der Kurs Queer Feminism wir ab Anfang November von Dr. Omar Kasmani unterrichtet, und zwar auf Zoom. Die fehlenden Stunden werden dann in einem in-person Blockseminar im Januar nachgeholt.
Dr. Kasmani ist der Autor von dem Buch

Queer Companions: Religion, Public Intimacy and Saintly Affects in Pakistan. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Um Euch weiter zu Dr. Kasmani zu informieren, check out his website:

Dr. Kasmani wird auch am 22. November an unserem Institut zu Gast sein für eine Buchbesprechung mit 2 der erfolgreichsten Religionswissenschaftlerinnen und Queer Studies Wissenschaftlerinnen im Nordamerikanischen Raum - Professors Amira Mittermaier und Naisargi Dave, beide von der University of Toronto. ALL WELCOME!

Prof. Dr. Andrea Mühlebach