
Making Idle Rooms Work

It has happened to all of us: you want to get together with other students to work on an assignment – but nobody has a suitable place to meet. Under the motto "The University as a place for learning", this winter semester students at the University of Bremen will be able to reserve certain rooms exclusively for their own use. Students can inquire in Stud.IP which rooms in which buildings are unoccupied at certain times of the day and then make use of them themselves.

This new offer comes in answer to the increasing student demand for such a solution to the problem of finding adequate spaces where they can meet to study and learn undisturbed. By the next summer semester students will also be able to use Stud.IP to find and reserve possibilities for quiet study in some of the open parts of the University buildings, which will incorporate learning islands with multimedia support and virtual study areas. As a measure of ongoing quality assurance, it will also be possible to post evaluations of the different study spaces.

For more details contact: the Rooms Administration Office [Veranstaltungsbüro] (phone 218-60900)

Drei Studierende beim Lernen in einem Seminarraum
Screenshot des Lernraum Plug-Ins in Stud.IP