
Start of the Lecture Series “A University for Everyone”

For over two decades the “unifreunde” association of friends of the University has been organizing the lecture series called “A University for Everyone” in cooperation with the University Press Office. Every winter semester, scholars and scientists of the University report on their research projects in terms which the layperson can understand. This year’s series kicks off with a talk by Kirsten Tracht, holder of an endowed chair in the Faculty of Production Engineering.  It will begin on Wednesday 9th November at 8 p.m. in Haus der Wissenschaft (Sandstr. 4/5). Admission is free of charge.

Climate change, energy policy, and energy efficiency are the key words and challenges facing industry as well as private households. The implementation of suitable solutions, though, falls far short of maximizing the available potentials – why should this be? This is the topic addressed by Prof. Kirsten Tracht in her talk entitled “Climate Change, Energy Policy, and Energy Efficiency: Current status and future Potentials”, in which she provides insights into the research being carried out at the University of Bremen. She has occupied the Daimler endowed professorship for “Process-oriented Technology Design” since 2008. The focus of research in the Institute of Structural Mechanics and Production Plant headed by Prof. Tracht is the interfacing of technology, logistics, and organization in industrial production.

The topic of her talk:

The worldwide phenomenon of climate change and the resulting consequences confront humankind with enormous challenges. In order to limit a further rise in average temperatures we have to bring about a dramatic reduction in global carbon emissions. To achieve this there must be a rapid development of sources of renewable energy together with an increase in the efficiency of energy consumption. The talk sheds light on the approach of industrial enterprises towards the introduction of energy-saving technology in the production process. In spite of the considerable ecological and economical advantages accruing from available techniques, there is only slow progress in implementing them in the practice. In her talk Prof. Trachtwill deal with the trends and potentials of energy-saving production techniques and also address the constraints that still hinder their immediate implementation, illustrating the energy policies pursued by the Federal Government as well as European energy policy.

For more information contact:

Universität Bremen
Press Office
Eberhard Scholz
Phone. 0421 218-60155
e-mail: eberhard.scholzprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Program for the lecture series “A University for Everyone” in winter semester 2011/12