
Students get involved in shaping University

Miteinander! Aktiv! Kreativ! Eigenverantwortlich!” MAKE [Together, active, creative, self-dependent]: This is the motto of the Semester Summit that will be held on 23rd May 2012 at the University of Bremen. From 2 to 4 p.m. students and University management will meet in Room B 3009 in the GW2 building. MAKE is an invitation to students to become more involved in shaping the University and studies. According to the agenda drawn up with the AStA, representatives of different student initiatives will be asked to present their ideas and concerns. Following this, the results of the QUEST survey will serve as a basis for assessing various aspects of student life and the problems they face.

The Semester Summit – a platform for open dialogue between students and Rectorate – is also in preparation of the “Tag der Lehre” [education day] taking place on 6th June 2012 at the University of Bremen. Here the purpose is to collect ideas and suggestions on how to improve academic studies. Special attention will be focused on creating opportunities for more formal and informal student involvement. As in the years before, all members of the University are invited to take part at the Semester Summit.

Auf dem Semestergipfel diskutieren Studierende und Rektorat Möglichkeiten der Mitbestimmung und -gestaltung des Studiums.