
Ten Years University Choir

The choir of the University of Bremen is celebrating its 10th anniversary. It all began in 2003 with a performance of Carl Orff’s “Camina Burana” (Songs from Benediktbeuern) under the direction of Dr.Susanne Gläß. There was a repeat performance – this time in the original version for large choir, children’s choir, large orchestra and solo voices involving 260 participants all told. Both concerts were totally sold out.

Choir is an important component of Bremen’s musical life

The choir has become an important element of University life and the City of Bremen. It delivers high-level performances of classical music with large numbers of participants, sometimes more than a hundred, at imposing venues like the Glocke and the Dom. It also reflects the international make up of the University with smaller and more flexible performances of ethnic music from Africa, the Ukraine and Turkey at venues like Kulturzentrum Schlachthof at festivals in the Ostertor district or Haus am Walde.

The choir’s conductress and founder, Dr.Susanne Gläß, doesn’t merely design the program on the basis of the musical quality of a piece. Together with other choir members she is constantly on the lookout for themes that are somehow connected with the manifold teaching and research areas within the University – whether of a linguistic, socio-political or scientific nature.

Impressive Repertoire in Just Ten Years

Over the past ten years the Uni-Chor has put together and performed a pretty impressive repertoire. Beside famous works of the 19th century, a further focus lies in pieces composed in the 1920s and 1930s. However, the repertoire of great works is not restricted to the famous composers in the European tradition; rather, it ranges from contemporary works to the MerQury band’s „Queenclassical“  and to Paul McCartney’s “Liverpool Oratorio”. The choir has also undertaken more risky projects like the German premier of Philip Glass‘ “Itaipu” and the European premier of Richard Einhorn’s “The Origin – Music for Charles Darwin”, all of which met with considerable acclaim.

Also Successful Internationally and Available on CD

Over the past ten years the choir has also undertaken five concert tours abroad, making a name for itself in Apulien, Danzig, Namibia, Istanbul and in the Ukraine. Besides developing close personal contacts with partner choirs it also put together a two-hour program of international songs which have so far been performed in over 50 concerts. They are now available on a CD distributed by Starfish Music under the title “Sing along with friends”.

You will find more information under

Universität Bremen
Fachbereich 9 – Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften
Dr. Susanne Gläß
Phone: +49 421 218-60109
e-mail: sglaessprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Singende Männer im Chor, sie halten Notenbücher in den Händen.