
The University of Bremen Mourns the Loss of a Friend and Sponsor

He played a pivotal role in placing the University at the center of attention in Bremen. For the University of Bremen, the death of Friedo Berninghausen means the loss of a true friend and valued benefactor. He will be remembered especially for the many ties he created between members of the University and the citizens and businesspeople of Bremen. In the time when the University was still young, the people of Bremen held little store in the accomplishments of a reform university. As a pro-active member of “Friends of the University” he constantly declared his support for the University’s founding principles of interdisciplinarity, orientation to the practice, and social commitment. He frequently spoke out against science being instrumentalized solely for economic purposes – also during the time he was President of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce. He had a keen interest in the quality of academic teaching, and in 1992 he initiated the Berninghausen Prize for excellent teaching and innovation in the field. The prize is awarded annually. “The University of Bremen is deeply indebted to Friedo Berninghausen. Not least due to his tireless efforts, our University has risen to renown in the region of North West Germany and far beyond. We have lost a good and dear friend“, says the Rector of the University of Bremen, Prof. Bernd Scholz-Reiter. In 1997 Friedo Berninghausen was awarded the title “Honorary citizen and Benefactor of the University of Bremen” for past services.

At year’s end, the University of Bremen will hold a public memorial ceremony in honor of Friedo Berninghausen. Date and venue will be announced in good time.

Zwei Männer hinter einem steinernen Treppengeländer
Zwei Brückenbauer zwischen Universität und Stadt: Prof. Jürgen Timm und Friedo Berninghausen (v.l.).