

Permanent Partnership with Santander Sealed

The University of Bremen and Santander will continue their partnership, which started in 2013, indefinitely. In the next three years, the BISIP, U Bremen Research Alliance Welcome Center, and Deutschlandstipendium projects will be supported by Santander Universities.

On October 23, 2019, the president of the University of Bremen, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, and Fernando Silva, member of the board of Santander Consumer Bank AG, renewed the partnership agreement in Bremen, which has been in place since 2013 and was last extended in 2016. This means that the partnership framework agreement has been extended for an indefinite period.

“The University of Bremen has been a valuable partner for us for many years, and we can count it as part of our worldwide university network,” says Fernando Silva. “I look forward to continuing to work with Santander. This will sustainably support the University of Bremen’s strategy to further expand the campus as a place of international and intercultural encounters in Bremen,” emphasized Scholz-Reiter at the meeting to extend the agreement.

In concrete terms, there are three projects that Santander will continue to support: the U Bremen Research Alliance Welcome Center, the Bremen International Student Research Internship Program (BISIP), and the Deutschlandstipendium.

Further Development of the Welcome Center

The Welcome Center offers the approximately 200 international scientists at the University of Bremen assistance with integrating into social life in Bremen and promotes exchanges with German researchers. With the support of Santander Universities so far, the staff capacity of the Welcome Center has been increased. This has led to a sustained increase in service capacity and has enabled concrete expansion measures such as German courses for international scientists, courses, and excursions. One of the plans for the next few years is to further strengthen the close ties with the city and the region as a whole. Together with a variety of measures for career development within the academic system, it is intended to highlight paths to areas outside of science. In addition, it is planned to extend the offer to all incoming scientists from Germany and abroad.

Research Scholarships for Foreign Students

The BISIP, introduced in 2011, offers foreign students from the University of Bremen’s partner universities the opportunity to complete a three-to-six-month research internship to pursue their own research interests at the university’s renowned research institutes. The visiting students carry out their research in tandem with Bremen students. In the two previous funding phases supported by Santander Universities, 50 international students from 14 universities in five countries were supported during their stay at the University of Bremen. In the future, students of humanities and social sciences will be more involved in the Santander BISIP than they were in the past. In addition, societal and political networking is to be intensified.

Ten German Scholarships for Particularly Gifted Students

In addition, Santander will continue to provide ten scholarships for University of Bremen students as part of the Deutschlandstipendium. In this program, students whose personal development is expected to lead to outstanding academic and professional achievements are supported with 300 euros per month. Half of the funding for this comes from private donors; the other half comes from the federal budget.

Santander’s Commitment

The Santander Group was recently named the world’s most sustainable bank in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. The bank’s commitment to higher education through the global division Santander Universities was instrumental in this. In Germany, the University of Bremen is supported by Santander Universities as 1 of over 20 partner universities; worldwide, there are over 1,200 universities. “We want to make a lasting commitment to higher education and give young talents the opportunity to exchange ideas and develop in an intercultural context. To enable synergies in exchange with and for the universities is the approach of our support,” says Fernando Silva, member of the board.

Additional Information:



Lucie Schepputat
Santander Consumer Bank AG
Phone: +49 2161 690-0072
Email: lucie.schepputatprotect me ?!santanderprotect me ?!.de

Dr. Christina Jung
UniTransfer – Sponsors and Partners
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60336
Email: christina.jungprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Rektor Bernd-Scholz Reiter und Fernando Silva bei der Vertragsunterzeichnung
University of Bremen president Bernd Scholz-Reiter and Fernando Silva, a member of the board of Santander Consumer Bank, have now extended the partnership agreement indefinitely.


03. Sep
Zukunftsfeld Mathematik
Universität Bremen, Keksdose
09:00 12:15
04. Sep
Info-Veranstaltung "Frühstudium"
Haus der Wissenschaft
17:00 20:00
05. Sep
Data Snacks | "Forschung und Datenschutz – Ein Einblick in die Welt der DSGVO für Forschende"
13:00 13:30
09.12. Sep
SPP 2299 Topical Meeting 2024 “Tropical coral records of climate change and environmental stress”
Atlantic Hotel Universum & MARUM, Universität Bremen
All day
11. Sep
Online-Veranstaltung zum Übergang vom Bachelor ins Master-Studium
14:00 16:00
12. Sep
3. Forum Industriemathematik: Nachhaltige Energiesysteme – Transformationen für die Zukunft
Digital Hub Industry (DHI), Konrad-Zuse-Straße 6a, 28359 Bremen
All day
12. Sep
Mobile Space late Summer Events
14:00 15:00
12. Sep
Die großen Massenaussterben der Erdgeschichte
Marum I Raum 0180
19:20 21:00
13. Sep
Thementag / Schnuppertag der Romanistik für Schüler:innen
09:30 13:00
13. Sep
Schnuppertag der Romanistik für Schüler:innen
Universität Bremen, GW2
09:30 13:00
17.18. Sep
Werkstatt Lehre
All day
17. Sep
Mobile Space late Summer Events
Campus Boulevard
14:00 15:00
18. Sep
Auf dem Weg zum Health Start-up
BAB LAB (Bischofsnadel 6, 28195 Bremen)
15:00 18:30
19.20. Sep
16th International Workshop on Boolean Problems
All day
19. Sep
Mobile Space late Summer Events
Campus Boulevard
14:00 15:00
20.22. Sep
Digital Hub Industry | NEOS
All day
23.24. Sep
Particle-Based Materials Symposium 2024
All day
24. Sep
Info-Veranstaltung: M.Ed.-Übergang zum Sommersemester
15:00 16:00
25.27. Sep
Internationale DFG-Tagung: Writing a British Childhood in a Global Context? Kritische Perspektiven auf Enid Blyton
Universität Potsdam
All day
26.27. Sep
Citizen Science & Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt – Abschlusstagung
Haus der Wissenschaft, Sandstraße 4/5, 28195 Bremen
All day
26. Sep
30. Technologiepark-Frühstück:
BIOM - Laborgebäude Biologie, James-Watt-Straße 1, 28359 Bremen
09:00 12:00
26. Sep
„Wir in Bremen – Gemeinsam Perspektiven schaffen“ – Barcamp
Haus der Wissenschaft, Sandstraße 4/5, 28195 Bremen
14:00 17:00
10. Oct
Vom Fluch paläontologischer Sammlungen – Ein Überblick über Pyritzerfall und Pyritkonservierung
Marum I Raum 0180
19:20 21:00
14. Oct
Quantentechnologie und ihr Einsatz in der Luft- und Raumfahrt
Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, 27753 Delmenhorst
19:30 21:00
18.19. Oct
Uni Start - Semesterbegrüßung
Mensa der Universität Bremen
20:00 02:00
21. Oct
Panel discussion: Diamond Open Access - sustainable concept or utopian?
State and University Library Bremen, Training Room 2
17:00 18:45
21. Oct
Podiumsdiskussion: Diamond Open Access – zukunftsfähiges Konzept oder utopisch?
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen, Schulungsraum 2
17:00 18:45
24. Oct
Prof. Dr. Robert Raussendorf (Uni Hannover)
Hörsaal H3, Geb. NW1, Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, 28359 Bremen
16:00 17:00
25. Oct
Master of Education Absolventenfeier
Hörsaalgebäude großer Saal, HS 2010
17:00 21:00
07. Nov
Dr. Ekkehard Peick (PTB): Laser Excitation of the Th-229 Nucleus - Towards a nuclear clock
Hörsaal H3, Geb. NW1, Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, 28359 Bremen
16:00 17:00
11. Nov
Warum Bewusstsein sich erklären lässt
Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, 27753 Delmenhorst
19:30 21:00
14. Nov
Die Kreide des Kristianstad-Beckens in Schweden
Marum I Raum 0180
19:20 21:00
21. Nov
36. Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche Wissenschaftsfreiheit heute: Praktiken – Gefährdungen - Kontroversen, Eröffnungsabend
Kunsthalle Bremen, Am Wall 207, 28195 Bremen
17:30 19:45
22. Nov
Test Termin
08:00 13:00
28. Nov
Prof. Dr. Carsten Klempt (DLR SI und Uni Hannover): Optical frequency metrology – quantum sensing on ground and in space
Hörsaal H3, Geb. NW1, Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, 28359 Bremen
16:00 17:00
29. Nov
Jahresveranstaltung - Gesunde Stadt Bremen
Kwadrat, Wilhelm-Kaisen-Brücke 4 in Bremen
09:00 13:30
05. Dec
Prof. Dr. Andrey Surzhykov (PTB und Technische Universität Braunschweig): Structured light and its applications
Hörsaal H3, Geb. NW1, Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, 28359 Bremen
16:00 17:00
12. Dec
Weihnachtsfeier des Arbeitskreises - Ein Abend der Entdeckungen
Marum I Raum 0180
19:20 21:00
19. Dec
Hörsaal H3, Geb. NW1, Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, 28359 Bremen
16:00 17:00
16. Jan
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Denz Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Hörsaal H3, Geb. NW1, Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, 28359 Bremen
16:00 17:00
29. Jan
Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus
GW 1 Hörsaal
16:00 18:00
11. Mar
Die Hochschulen im Lande Bremen stellen sich vor
16:00 18:00
08. May
Die Hochschulen im Lande Bremen stellen sich vor
16:00 18:00
14. May
Info-Tag für Studieninteressierte
Campus der Uni Bremen
08:30 16:00
All Events


Studierende laufen am MZH entlang und unterhalten sich

Studying at the University of Bremen

Whether it be the compact campus, the diverse study programs on offer, or the green cycling city – a degree at the University of Bremen has a lot to offer.

You can choose from a broad range of degree program at the University of Bremen:

  • more than 100 bachelor’s and master’s degree programs
  • the state examination in law
  • international degree courses and further training offers


The University of Bremen is one of Germany’s medium-sized universities. In its mission statement, the university prioritizes:

Academic Consultation

Visit the following points of contact for information on studying:

Applying to Study

We provide comprehensive and detailed information on applications and enrollment for the following areas:

All about Research

Reagenzgläser mit verschiedenfarbigen Flüssigkeiten.

High Level of Third-Party Funding

A great strength of the University of Bremen is its considerable success in the acquisition of third-party funds, both in individual as well as in collaborative research. The German Research Foundation (DFG) is the largest provider of third-party finance: Besides the MARUM Cluster of Excellence, the University of Bremen is currently involved in no less than seven Collaborative Research Centers, as well as a number of research groups and priority programs.

Zwei Personen bei der gemeinsamen Arbeit im Labor.

Strategic Promotion of Talent

The targeted promotion of young talent, unlocking potential, and early independence are among the guiding principles of the University of Bremen. We offer intensive support to young academics in six DFG research training groups, numerous junior research groups and also through doctoral programs offered in cooperation with non-university research institutions.

Zwei Lehrende arbeiten vor Zuhörern an einem Flipchart.

Lifelong Learning

The University of Bremen is a place of lifelong learning. With our offers of continuing education we enable you to acquire knowledge of cutting-edge research. Discover the wide range of our offers and benefit from the unique combination of practice-oriented learning and innovation.

Facets of the University of Bremen


The diversity of our students and staff is both a framework as well as a prerequisite for high quality in research and teaching. As a cross-sectional priority and central profiling feature, we take account of diversity in our teaching and learning formats, in the structure of degree programs, and in the content of research and teaching. Moreover, diversity orientation and equal opportunity also guide us in the composition of teams and the design of counseling.   


Internationality is a strategic profiling objective of the University of Bremen. In keeping with our self-image as an international university, we see internationalization as a process that extends into all areas of the university – whether research, studies or administration. People from more than 100 nations enrich campus life. We are networked worldwide. In close cooperation with our partners, we work on the advancement of knowledge and finding solutions to global challenges.


The University of Bremen has been committed to sustainable development for years. Numerous projects and measures exist in the areas of research, teaching, operations, governance, and transfer, supporting the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations. Among them are the outstanding EMAS environmental management program, the university’s promotion of social sustainability as well as several research institutions with a focus on sustainability

Have you Heard of...?

There is a lot to be discovered on campus. What’s behind all those doors? up2date. online magazine knocks on some of them to find out. Welcome to a slightly different tour of the campus.

A neatly written sheet of paper and a tool lie on a wooden workbench.

Have You Heard of... the Carpentry Workshop?

The warm and earthy smell of wood gives it away: Here, in the University of Bremen’s maintenance depot, the carpentry workshop is the place for drilling, repairing, and sawing. This is master carpenter Christiane Sarnow’s realm, with her two journeypersons and four trainees. 

A slab of rock with a flattened fish from Lebanon.

Have You Heard of... the Geosciences Collection?

From the lower jaw of a mammoth to a giant deer skeleton – the University of Bremen’s Geosciences Collection houses many fascinating specimens. Fossils, skeletons of extinct animals, crystals, and rocks can be found here.

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  • Go to page: Gütesiegel des Deutschen Hochschulverbands
  • Go to page: EMAS Zertifizierung für geprüftes Umweltmanagement
  • Go to page: Zertifikat audit familiengerechte hochschule
  • Go to page: Audit „Internationalisierung der Hochschulen“ der HRK
  • Go to page: Logo Audit "Vielfalt gestalten" des Stifterverbandes
  • Go to page: CHE Ranking
  • Go to page: Siegel Gründungsradar des Stifterverbandes
  • Go to page: Logo of the HR Excellence in Research Award