The University of Bremen Foundation

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Grafik Jetzt mitstiften und Sinn machen


The MACHT SINN! project presents 10 personalities - researchers, students, donors - and their funding projects at the University of Bremen based on 10 focus topics. It highlights and honours the remarkable civic commitment of Bremen's citizens to science and education.

At the University of Bremen Foundation, your assets work for the knowledge of tomorrow.

How can we prevent Bremen from becoming an island in the North Sea? How will we manage life in old age? What does justice look like in a globalised world? Scientists at the University of Bremen are working on these and many other forward-looking questions.

Have you ever thought about how you can contribute, either privately or as a company, to finding answers to the challenges of our time and giving young people a future? The motives for getting involved in the University of Bremen Foundation are as diverse as the donors themselves. However, they all have one thing in common: the idea that knowledge moves the world.

As a committed individual, the University of Bremen Foundation offers you a wide range of opportunities to realise your own ideas and at the same time secure the future of our society and our resource-poor but talent-rich country. Because one thing is certain: research for the benefit of society and the economy needs partners - people like you!

Funded projects

Find out more about our sponsored projects


Trust foundations

Find out more about our trust foundations


Current events

Visit us on LinkedIn for event information!

About us

Find out more about the history of the foundation, its committees and its sponsors and trust foundations.



Become a founder - through a donation, an endowment or your own trust foundation.


Funding is provided for

Apply for funding - our funding strategy and information on the procedure.

Symbolbild Workshopsituation


We are a member of Stiftungshaus Bremen e.V. and the Federal Association of German Foundations.

Stiftungshaus Bremen e.V.
Logo des Bundesverbands Deutscher Stiftungen
Ein rundes, gelbes Siegel mit blauer Banderole und der Beschriftung "Geprüfter Stiftungstreuhänder. Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen. Gültig bis 31.03.2024.

Seal of quality

The seal of quality for good trust administration is awarded to trustees who have demonstrated their expertise in managing trust foundations in practice.

Logo "Grundsätze Guter Stiftungspraxis anerkannt" des Bundesverbands Deutscher Stiftungen

Principles of good foundation practice

We are committed to the principles of good foundation practice of the Association of German Foundations.

Portrait von Dr. Chrstina Jung


Dr. Christina Jung

Stiftungsmanagerin (DSA)

0421 218-60336
SFG 3150
christina.jungprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Stiftung der Universität Bremen
c/o Universität Bremen
Bibliothekstr. 1
28359 Bremen

Bank account

University of Bremen Foundation

Account: 1612514

Sort code: 290 501 01

Sparkasse Bremen

IBAN: DE46 2905 0101 0001 6125 14


Reference: Donation or endowment

Please enter your name and address so that we can send you a receipt for your donation.