Higher Education Didactics Workshops in English

Workshops in 2025

Instructor: Dr. Sebastian Walzik

"Too much reproduction - too little explanation and transfer" is how Niclas Scharper describes examination practice at German universities. Since Bologna, the aim has been to promote and test competences rather than just repeating facts. But what exactly is meant by "competences"? How can they be operationalised and assessed? This workshop explores precisely these questions and supports participants in preparing and conducting competency-based examinations and achieving a well-founded grade at the end.
Various forms of written and oral examinations will be discussed, with the learning outcomes forming the starting point for considering the design of the examination. The course also prepares students to accompany written work in its development process and gives them the opportunity to develop their own examinations.
The seminar is a workshop: participants will have time to develop and design their own examinations throughout the course. It is a good idea to bring your own documents - or even your laptop.

Methods: inputs, discussions, exchange of experiences, exercises

Date and Location:
Friday, March 7, 2025 - 9 am to 5 pm - online
Friday, March 14, 2025 - 9 am to 5 pm - online

Certificate in Higher Education Didactics Modul 1.3 with 20 work units (AE).

Registration via Stud.IP: Examining Competences

Instructor: Katharina Bonyhádi

The workshop provides an introduction to teaching and learning in higher education. The basics of higher education pedagogy include an introduction to different learning theories as well as some central findings of research in higher education learning. Furthermore, we will talk about course design and the importance of active learning, including the discussion of use cases of different learning methods and tools in the classroom. We will touch concepts such as student-centred teaching and constructive alignment and we will have a look at the role of learning outcomes and competences. 

The main focus of this course is on reflecting upon your role as university teacher, discussing your teaching philosophy and transferring the course content to your own teaching situations. Therefore, this will be a very interactive workshop with many learning activities in addition to input. So please be prepared to participate actively during the whole workshop (synchronous and asynchronous parts). 

There will be a small task in the run-up to the workshop (max. 20 mins) and there will also be a time-slot during the workshop time for your individual questions.


  • basics of teaching and learning in higher education (research, theories, background)
  • Student-centred teaching & active learning
  • Your role as teacher / instructor / lecturer at university & your teaching philosophy
  • course & session design (first steps)


  • are able to describe some of the factors that influence the success of teaching and learning in higher education
  • have started on designing their own courses or sessions
  • have reflected their role as educators and have started to develop their own teaching philosophy
  • are ready to / have started to apply some of the experienced and discussed methods and tools to their own teaching

Time and location:
Monday, March 24, 2025 - 9 to 5 pm - online
Monday, March 31, 2025 - 9 to 5 pm - online
During the workshop days an asynchronous phase will break up screen time.

Certificate in Higher Education Didactics Module 2.2 or 3.3 with 20 work units.

Registration via Stud.IP: Basics of teaching and learning in higher education

Instructor: Dr. Darren Foster

This course aims to equip participants with the linguistic and strategic tools to successfully hold lessons and lead classroom discussions in English. We will discuss how to open and close a lecture in English, introduce warm-up activities, and to engage the class in discussion. Participants will learn key phrases and vocabulary useful in leading and guiding discussion, and how they can respond to students’ contributions and to difficult questions. We will also discuss how to cater for students with weaker language skills and how to adapt our communication style for international students. By the end of the course, participants will feel more confident delivering content in English and be able to cope with the challenges of a heterogeneous audience.


  • Methods for opening and closing lectures in English
  • Effective creation of warm-up activities
  • Use discussion language
  • Awareness of strategies to handle difficult questions
  • Ability to give feedback directly and indirectly
  • Understanding of how to include international students


  • Powerpoint presentations
  • Individual and pair work
  • Class discussion
  • Practical exercises

Participants must have at least level B2 / upper intermediate to advanced English skills!

Time and location:
Thursday, April 3, 2025 - 09:00 - 16:30h - online
Friday, April 4, 2025 - 09:00 - 16:30h - online

Certificate in Higher Education Didactics Modul 2.2 or 3.3 with 20 work units.

Please register via Stud.IP: Academic Teaching in English


Dieser Workshop ist als Einführung in die englischsprachige Lehre konzipiert. Er wird daher sowohl sprachliche Kompetenzen als auch grundlegende methodische Werkzeuge für die Lehre in einer Fremdsprache fokussieren. Die Teilnehmenden werden lernen, wie der Einstieg und der Abschluss eines Seminars sprachlich gut gelingt, wie Warm-Up Aktivitäten sinnvoll eingesetzt werden können und wie es gelingen kann, Studierende zur Teilnahme zu motivieren. Hierfür werden Vokabular und Schlüsselformulierungen trainiert, die für Diskussionen, zur Kommentierung von Beiträgen oder auch als Reaktion auf schwierige Situationen hilfreich sein können. Bestandteil des Seminars wird es außerdem sein, Strategien zu erlernen, um Studierende mit unterschiedlichen Sprachkenntnissen in das Seminargeschehen zu integrieren und den eigenen Kommunikationsstil auf internationale Studierende anzupassen. Ziel des Workshops ist es, die eigenen Kompetenzen und das eigene Selbstbewusstsein in der englischsprachigen Lehre zu verbessern und die Herausforderung heterogener Seminargruppen anzunehmen.
Bei Interesse besteht die Möglichkeit einer Videoaufzeichnung.


  • Methoden zur Eröffnung und zum Abschluss einer Seminarsitzung
  • Erstellen effektiver Warm-Up Aktivitäten
  • Diskussionssprache
  • Strategien zum Umgang mit schwierigen Fragen
  • Direktes und indirektes Feedback geben können
  • Verständnis für die Integration internationaler Studierender


  • Powerpoint Präsentation
  • Einzel- und Partnerarbeit
  • Gruppendiskussion
  • Praktische Übungen

Zeiten und Räume
Montag, 03.04.2025 - 09:00 bis 16:30 Uhr - online
Dienstag, 04.04.2025 - 09:00 bis 16:30 Uhr - online

Hochschuldidaktisches Zertifikat: Modul 2.2/3.3 mit 20 Arbeitseinheiten (AE).

Zur Anmeldung in Stud.IP: Academic Teaching in English