Have You Heard of...?

A Slightly Different Tour of the Campus

There is a lot to be discovered on campus. What’s behind all those doors? The online magazine up2date. knocks on some of them to find out.


A neatly written sheet of paper and a tool lie on a wooden workbench.

Have You Heard of... the Carpentry Workshop?

The warm and earthy smell of wood gives it away: Here, in the University of Bremen’s maintenance depot, the carpentry workshop is the place for drilling, repairing, and sawing. This is master carpenter Christiane Sarnow’s realm, with her two journeypersons and four trainees. 

A slab of rock with a flattened fish from Lebanon.

Have You Heard of... the Geosciences Collection?

From the lower jaw of a mammoth to a giant deer skeleton – the University of Bremen’s Geosciences Collection houses many fascinating specimens. Fossils, skeletons of extinct animals, crystals, and rocks can be found here.

Aerial view of the campus of the University of Bremen, in the foreground you can see the towering, thin drop tower

Have You Heard of ... ZARM?

The Drop Tower located on the University of Bremen campus attracts a lot of attention. However, few people know what lies behind the doors of ZARM, the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity, at its feet.

A white dome with an open flap on the roof of a building

Have You Heard of...the Solar Tracker on NW 1 Building?

The observant passer-by may have noticed the elegant white dome on the roof of NW1 Building (Natural Sciences 1) at Otto-Hahn-Allee. What goes on there? Does it house a planetarium, a telescope, or some other kind of mysterious astronomical gadget?

A handwritten note with the words "Green Office Room 2040" is attached to a wall.

Have you heard of... the Green Office?

In October 2022, the University of Bremen has established its Green Office. It is run by student assistants and intends to connect various actors on the topic of sustainability. In an interview with up2date. Tugay, student assistant at the Green Office, talks about how the start was.

Historisches Bild aus den 1970er Jahren: Am Gebäude GW2 ist das Wandbild angebracht

Have You Heard of ... The Mural Entitled “Terror and Resistance in Chile”?

The university campus has much to offer – including art! Have you ever taken a closer look at all these artworks? One of them is actually on campus twice.