Teaching Analysis Poll


Connecting Teaching and Learning

What do students think of my course? How can I improve my teaching? And where should I start?

The Teaching Analysis Poll - TAP for short - is a qualitative method that provides valuable insights into these and similar questions.

The TAP is a qualitative mid-semester evaluation conducted on a voluntary basis with students, without the presence of the instructor, in the form of a moderated group discussion. The goal of this evaluation is to identify both supportive and obstructive aspects of learning, thereby highlighting potential areas for improvement in teaching.

Staff members from the Higher Education Didactics Team, the Studierwerkstatt, and the project SKILL implement this process after individual consultation with the you. The entire process takes about 30 minutes of your class time. A detailed evaluation will follow with you afterwards.

Dates and Registration:

Winter Semester 2024/2025: TAPs will be offered from November 18 to November 29, 2024. Please register on Stud.IP by October 18.

After your registration, we will contact you to schedule a time and clarify further details. Please note that the number of available slots is limited.