Tagung, "Representing the Countryside in Africa and Europe: Politics, Imaginations, Contestation"
affect. An attempt to explain the contradictory agricultural protests in Germany Discussant: KlausSchlichte 12:00 Lunch Break Session V: Farmers, Laborers and Their Imaginations and Interests 13:00 Dhouha [...] Christin Stühlen 17:30 Wrap-Up of Day Two 19:00 Dinner Day Three, Sunday, 29th September 10:00 KlausSchlichte, University of Bremen, InIIS What we see in the Politics of Representing the Countryside in Africa [...] Imagining and Representing the Countryside 10:00 R. Karadag, S. Penteado, A. Wolkenhauer, K. Thyen, K. Schlichte InIIS, CRC 1342, University of Bremen The Dynamics of Representing the Countryside Discussant: Natalia