Bachelor's and Master's study places still available

Zuhörer in einem vollen Hörsaal.

Between 15 and 26 September 2023, you have the opportunity to enrol directly in Bachelor's degree programmes.

Click here for the free Bachelor's programm places

Extended deadlines for Master's degree programmes are published on the Master's portal under "News".



Central Student Advisory Service

Advise without appointment:
Mon, Thu 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Advise with appointment:
Tue 2 to 4 p.m.: Zoom or face-to-face
Additional appointments

Visiting address:
VWG Building (Central Administration)

Brief information by phone:
Tue, Wed, Fri 3 to 5 p.m.

+49 (0)421 218-61160
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