Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

Since September 2022, the University of Bremen holds the EU "HR Excellence in Research Award". With this award, the European Commission honors scientific institutions which have formulated their individual "Human Resoruces Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)" - aiming at both excellent working conditions and an inspiring working environment for researchers.

The award and the respective HR strategies are based on the principles of the "European Charter for Researchers" and the "Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers" adopted by EU in 2005 (revised in 2023) and requires an extensive evaluation process. The principles and the respective HR strategy comprise four thematic fields: ethical and professional aspects, recruitment and selection, working conditions and social security as well as training and developtment.

By taking part in this process, the University of Bremen also emphasizes its international orientation and increases its visibility.

"Initial Phase"

In 2021, scientists at all career levels, administrative staff and interest groups jointly conducted a comprehensive status quo analysis and developed a catalog of actions based on this analysis.

The analysis and measures are based on a toolbox provided by the EU. The aim is to create an own "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" (HRS4R) in a permanent, structured, responsible and participatory process together with scientists at all career levels, accompanied by quality management measures.

    "Implementation Phase"

    During the current Implementation Phase (2022-2024), the university is now implementing this catalog of actions and fosters its own HR strategy for researchers.

    The implementation is monitored by a steering group with ongoing involvement of the Executive Board and several status groups. The current status is reported regulary to the Academic Senate. In the "Internal Review", which will be submitted to the European Commission by end of 2024, the steering group will reflect on current working conditions, the status of implementation as well as new measures and priorities for the continued Implementation Phase (approx. end of 2024 to end of 2028).

    After the Internal Review, the actions will also be re-matched with the renewed principles of the "Charter for Resrearchers" (adopted in 2023).

      "Renewal Phase"

      During the "Renewal Phase" (from approx. beginning of 2028), the university will follow up on measures from previous phases initiate and new measures.

        Downloads and links

        Information by the European Commission:

        Results and action plans by the University of Bremen - Initial Phase:


        Administrative Unit 11

        Inga Dominke

        Phone: +49 (0)421 218-60316