01 Impulse Grants for Research Pojects

Call of the Central Research Development Fund (CRDF)

Scientists at the University of Bremen can receive special funds for small-scale projects in a comparably quick and uncomplicated procedure: Doctoral candidates can apply for support of activities that clearly contribute an added value within the context of their PhD, such as participation in summer schools, research sojourns at renowned institutions, additional experiments, interdisciplinary projects or international cooperations especially within the YERUN and YUFE networks.

Postdocs and professors can apply for supplementary funding of research projects in order to prepare applications for third-party funding, to set up conferences in Bremen or to undertake interdisciplinary research. As an added incentive for researchers, grants are available in particular for the preparation of first applications for DFG funding as well as international cooperations expecially within the YERUN and YUFE networks. Beside the Impulse Grants, University of Bremen offers application coaching and premiums in case of success (Funding Line 08).

WHO CAN APPLY?  Doctoral candidates accepted by the respective doctoral committee of the University of Bremen, Postdocs, (Senior) Researchers and Lecturers and Professors of the University of Bremen. Research assistants of the University of Bremen who have submitted and defended their dissertation but not published it will be treated as postdocs.

WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS? In the case of doctoral candidates, the funding should constitute an added value to the PhD project within the context of additional training or networking in the respective scientific community, provided it does not prolong the initially planned research period. The core project of the doctorate cannot be funded through this funding line. For other applicants, the feasibility and high quality of proposed projects are the determining factors.

FUNDING CONDITIONS: Funding is available for activities that can be concluded within a period of one year. In the case of doctoral candidates, the length and nature of the proposed activities must be proportionate to the respective research project. Costs for basic equipment (e.g. working place and its equipment) as well as catering are not eligible for funding.

During the course of their research project, PhD candidates may apply twice for grants up to a maximum of €1,500 (including any funding for conference participation); all other status groups may submit one application per year up to an amount of €2,500. Due to limited funds, a maximum of one grant per person per calendar year is possible in the funding line Impulse Grants for research projects or in the funding line Conference Participation.

Part-funding is possible in all cases. When resources are limited, preference will be given to: Applications submitted by scientists in the qualification phase, applications contributing to international networking and applications with no connection to current, third-party funded projects that dispose of sufficient funds to finance the proposed project. An application can only be submitted if a previously approved project in the same funding line has been completed (the final report has been submitted).

PROCEDURE: Applications for Impulse Grants from professors and permanent employees are decided by the Vice President Research and Transfer on the basis of the recommendation of the responsible Chairperson of the respective Research Funding Committee.

Applications for Impulse Grants on the part of doctoral candidates and scientists in the qualification phase (fixed-term employees) will be recommended by the “Young Researchers Committee” to the Vice President for International Affairs, Academic Qualification, and Diversity for decision.

Deadline for application for professors and permanent employees

At any time during the year 2024

Deadlines for application for doctoral candidates and fixed term employees

15.02. and 01.10.2024

The University of Bremen supports the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). ORCID is a free, not-for-profit service offering each researcher a unique digital identifier. This helps researchers to distinguish their work and helps funders link researcher output to funding.  If you apply for CRDF funding, we will ask for your ORCID identifier. 
If you have no ID yet, please visit ORCID.


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