
New Vice Rector Takes up Duties

Prof.KuroschRezwan was appointed to the post of Vice Rector for Research and Young Researchers by the Academic Council of the University of Bremen in November last year. He officially took up his duties on 1st April 2013. The professor in the Faculty of Production Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering takes over from Prof. Rolf Drechsler.

Prof.KuroschRezwan sees his main task in bringing a sense of proportion to dealing with the challenges arising from the Excellence Initiative and implementing the University’ Institutional Strategy for future development. This will involve further anchoring of the University’s high-profile research areas in the German and international arenas of top level research, strengthening innovation capacity across the full interdisciplinary board, and purposefully pursuing the advancement of the University of Bremen’s young researchers. Rezwan wants to ensure the right environment for this; a “stimulating and inspiring research space” for scholars and scientists across all disciplines. In particular, he intends to hold regular discussions with representatives of the humanities and ensure that their interests are taken into account. The professor of engineering perceives another priority in the systematic promotion of interdisciplinary cooperation between the faculties in the University, on the one hand, and a strengthening of regional research networking, on the other.

He sees research and teaching as an inseparable entity and is an avid supporter of “research-based learning”, believing that such an applied approach contributes towards students making the most of their studies. Moreover, the future Vice Rector is convinced of the need for university research to seek continual dialogue with other social groups and society at large.

Since 2009 KuroschRezwan, born 1975, has been working as a professor in the field of “Ceramic Materials and Components” in the Faculty of Production Engineering at the University of Bremen. He first came to Bremen in 2006 as a Junior Professor, following research stays in the USA and England.

A Swiss national with Iranian roots, he studied Materials Science and was awarded his doctorate from the ETH in Zürich. Over the past few years, he and his research group have received multiple national and international awards for their work, among others from the European Research Council. As a previous chairman of the German Society of Junior Professors and elected member of several other bodies, he brings appreciable experience of university governance to the office of Vice Rector.

Mann lächelt in die Kamera
Professor Kurosch Rezwan: Seit April Konrektor für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs an der Universität Bremen