
Top of Bremen's Drop Tower reopened

In 2001, extended fire protection requirements necessitated a closing of the facilities in the top of Bremen’s drop tower. With the financial help of the University of Bremen, the works were completed in spring 2011. Now, this unique location providing a panoramic view of Bremen and its surroundings can be booked for events and festivities – but only for evenings and weekends.

Following a fire in Moskow’s television tower in August 2000 through which four people lost their lives, Bremen tightened the fire protection requirements for towers. Since then it has not been allowed to use the rooms in the top of the drop tower. Paying great attention to detail, ZARM employee SabineVogelsang coordinated the complex renovation work.

As an aerospace institute it seemed appropriate to create an atmosphere alluding to space: round-shaped lamps are remindful of a planetary system, stars on the inside of the glass tip mark important landmarks in the mediate vicinity. Furthermore, international aerospace locations like the space mission launch centers Baikonur (Kazakhstan) and Cape Canaveral (Florida, USA) are portrayed in the tip of the tower.

Professor Hans J. Rath, director of the ZARM Institute, is happy about the reopening: “This location with its panoramic view at 130 meters is something really special. In the past even weddings and baptisms were celebrated here. We have also welcomed international celebrities such as Michail Gorbatschow in these rooms.”

Today the panoramic location looks as good as new. Journalists of the British newspaper “The Guardian” lovingly calls it the “James Bond Lounge”.

Glasdach mit Lampen im Bremer Fallturm