Study Centre

The Study Centre of the Faculty of Law is the first point of contact for all students with questions related to study planning and examination regulations. Its tasks include individual study counselling as well as the organisation of a range of events at the faculty during the year, in close cooperation with the Dean of Studies.

Focus areas are:

  • individual study counselling for the law study programme (First Law Examination)  and law as a complementary subject

  • organisation of interdisciplinary events at the faculty

  • communication and coordination with the central study advisory services of the university

Questions related to the recognition of examination results are to be addressed to the  examination board. A preliminary assessment by the Study Centre will only take place in exceptional cases.

Contact Persons and Office Hours for Study Counselling

Study counselling at the Faculty of Lawis provided by Mr Quang Vu and Ms Caroline Lasserre.

Please click here for contact information and office hours.

Email inquiries can also be addressed to studienzentrum-juraprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.