Mental Health

Counseling and Support Services for Students and Employees of the University of Bremen

Counseling and Support Services for Students and Employees

Pursuing a degree is really rewarding, but it can also be tough sometimes. Changes in the workplace might mean you need to take a new path. On top of that, life events can have a huge impact on things for both students and employees. So we want to help you out as much as we can. The University of Bremen offers many counseling and support services for students and employees, and we've compiled a list of them here.

University of Bremen Illustration

Information for Students

If you're struggling with personal or degree-related issues, you can reach out to the Psychological Counselling Centre of the Studierendenwerk Bremen (student services organization). Their counseling services are free, and all employees are required to keep conversations strictly confidential.
They also also offer online counseling, workshops, and group sessions to help you deal with the different stresses that come with being a student.
You can find more information at:

The Office for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases (KIS) provides counseling for students with a visible or invisible physical or mental impairment. KIS can help you with:

  • Academic adjustments during a degree
  • Organizing and financing a degree
  • Considerations of personal hardships and academic adjustments at enrollment
  • Support services

Counseling provided by KIS is confidential, independent, and free of charge.
You can find out more at

The University of Bremen’s MHFA team can offer initial care for mental health issues.
MHFA stands for Mental Health First Aid and is a training program that gives laypersons the necessary skills to provide first aid for mental health issues and to manage crises until professional health is available.
Since November 2023, the University of Bremen has provided mental health first aid training to volunteer employees. They are available to talk to you and ready to help. These easy-access conversations are treated with the utmost confidentiality, can be scheduled on short notice, and are considered a short-term service.
You can find more information at the Workplace Health Management Office website:



In acute crises, please contact one of the following institutions:

  • Social Psychiatric and Crisis Intervention Service Bremen:
    If you need in-person counseling, please contact one of the five counseling centers for social psychiatric services (South, Center, West, East, North), depending on where you live.  
    Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    You can find phone numbers and addresses on the health department website (in German only). The crisis intervention service (KID) is also available by telephone for emergencies on weekdays from 3:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. and weekends and holidays from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.  Call: 0421 800582-33
  • Klinikum Bremen-Ost
    If you need to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital, please contact the Bremen-Ost clinic.
    0421 408-0 Main office
  • Nachtwerk Bremen:
    Nachtwerk offers immediate help for mental crises and stressful situations for those who are directly and indirectly affected and their relatives and provides qualified counseling and support.  Their services include a crisis hotline (0421 957 00 310 / Mon - Fri from 9:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m., Sat and Sun and on holidays from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m.), a night cafe (Helgolander Straße 73) and they can provide overnight accommodation  in cases of acute danger.  Further information: (in German only)
  • Emergency medical service: 116 117
    Medical assistance is available all hours of the day, free of charge (116 117)
    In case of imminent danger that requires immediate attention, you can also contact the police (phone number 110) or the responsible fire department and emergency services center (phone number 112) to have an ambulance sent.


The Office for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases (KIS) is a counseling service for students with a visible or invisible physical or mental impairment.
KIS provides advice regarding

  • Academic adjustments during a degree
  • Organizing and financing a degree
  • Considerations of personal hardships and academic adjustments at enrollment
  • Support services

Counseling provided by KIS is confidential, independent, and free of charge. You can find more information at


Faculty 11’s initiative barrier-free degree (BaS) is committed to helping students with chronic illnesses or impairments. You can find more information at (in German only)


  • Studierendenwerk’s Social Counseling Services provides assistance and information to all students, prospective students, and graduates regarding personal, social, and financial matters related to their student status and student life. This counseling is free and the conversations are strictly confidential.
    You can find further information at: Social Counselling | Studierendenwerk Bremen


  • The Family Care Office is the first point of contact for questions regarding pregnancy during a degree, childcare, and caretaking. There are also several services for discussion and networking, for example the Family Caregiver Support Group.
    You can find further information at: Family Care Office - Universität Bremen


The Advisory and Information Centre on Discrimination and Violence (ADE) counsels on all forms of discrimination, conflicts, and violence.

ADE is responsible for all students and employees of the University of Bremen the core administration of the public services sector, and all universities (Hochschule Bremen - City University of Applied Sciences, University of the Arts Bremen, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences) in the state of Bremen.

These services are free of charge, confidential, and are available to anyone directly or indirectly affected as well as their confidants, supervisors, and advocates.

Further information is available on the ADE website:


Yes, Unit 04 - Antidiscrimination and Equal Opportunities offers a large selection of counseling services on varying topics regarding gender equality and diversity.  Further information: Services - Universität Bremen

Beginning a degree represents the start of a new chapter in life, which is often accompanied by many changes. Especially at the beginning, it can be a challenge to meet new people and get used to the new environment. We have compiled a few ideas that can help in this situation:

Which degree program is the right one for me? How do I enroll?  Did I choose the right degree program? The Central Student Advisory Service provides information and advice on these and all other questions relating to your degree – regardless of whether you are already enrolled or whether your application is still pending.

Further information:



A lot of things at the university are new and can seem confusing at first. Under the heading Help & Support, we have listed the most important contact points for students that you can turn to in various situations:

The occupational health service is here to answer your questions pertaining to

  • Ergonomics (workspace design, workplaces, work equipment, personal protective equipment)
  • Risk assessments (in cooperation with supervisors and occupational safety specialists), and we'll take appropriate workplace health precautions (including testing)
  • Maternity protection regulations and providing advice for pregnant women
  • Occupational integration management (BEM) as well as in the gradual reintegration of employees after a long illness (especially if special organizational measures or workplace conversions are needed)
  • Workplace-related illnesses, mental and psychosomatic problems of employees
  • Setting health-friendly working hours

You can find more information here (in German only):

Occupational health management (OHSM) is all about creating a healthy work environment. It analyzes working conditions and how these affect health, as well as looking at available resources. It also seeks to empower employees to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Having healthy and motivated employees is vital to the success of the university.

Further information:

You can find tips and information for a healthy working life during your academic qualification phase on the Bremen Early Career Researcher Development (BYRD) website:


The In-House Social Counseling Service offers psychosocial counseling and coaching for employees and supervisors.
You can contact the company social counseling service if you have questions or problems relating to your work environment, concerns from your personal life, need information, or are having health problems.
The service is strictly confidential.
Further information:

The University of Bremen’s MHFA team can offer initial care for mental health issues. MHFA stands for Mental Health First Aid and is a training program that gives laypersons the necessary skills to provide first aid for mental health issues and to manage crises until professional health is available. Since November 2023, the University of Bremen has provided mental health first aid training to volunteer employees. They are available to talk to you and ready to help. These easy-access conversations are treated with the utmost confidentiality, can be scheduled on short notice, and are considered a short-term service.
You can find more information at the Workplace Health Management Office website:


You can also contact the occupational healthcare service. They advise on various workplace-related issues with health implications, including those related to employees' mental health and psychosomatic problems:


The Addiction Prevention Office works on the basis of a service agreement for the prevention of addiction and for managing abnormalities in the workplace.  These services are aimed at those affected, at employees who are indirectly affected through their family members, as well as at managers and supervisors in light of addiction prevention tasks in personnel management, occupational health and safety and care.
By law, these consultations are subject to strict confidentiality. This also applies to other positions within the university.
Further information (in German only):


In acute crises, please contact one of the following institutions:

  • Social Psychiatric and Crisis Intervention Service Bremen:
    If you need in-person counseling, please contact one of the five counseling centers for social psychiatric services (South, Center, West, East, North), depending on where you live.  
    Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    You can find phone numbers and addresses on the health department website (in German only). The crisis intervention service (KID) is also available by telephone for emergencies on weekdays from 3:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. and weekends and holidays from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.  Call: 0421 800582-33
  • Klinikum Bremen-Ost
    If you need to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital, please contact the Bremen-Ost clinic.
    0421 408-0 Main office
  • Nachtwerk Bremen:
    Nachtwerk offers immediate help for mental crises and stressful situations for those who are directly and indirectly affected and their relatives and provides qualified counseling and support.  Their services include a crisis hotline (0421 957 00 310 / Mon - Fri from 9:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m., Sat and Sun and on holidays from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m.), a night cafe (Helgolander Straße 73) and they can provide overnight accommodation  in cases of acute danger.  Further information: (in German only)
  • Emergency medical service: 116 117
    Medical assistance is available all hours of the day, free of charge (116 117)
    In case of imminent danger that requires immediate attention, you can also contact the police (phone number 110) or the responsible fire department and emergency services center (phone number 112) to have an ambulance sent.

In-House Social Counseling Service offers psychosocial counseling and coaching for employees and supervisors.

You can contact the in-house social counseling service if you have work-related questions or problems, with concerns from your private life, factual questions or health problems.

These services are strictly confidential by law.

Further information:


On the Occupational Health Management (OHS) page you will find videos and online tools with helpful tips and strategies for promoting your mental health:

In addition, the OHS offers numerous other information, impulses and offers for the design of healthy work routines, such as active breaks and renting mobile massage equipment for the workplace:

You can find tips and information for a healthy working life in the scientific qualification phase on the Bremen Early Career Researcher Development (BYRD) website:


The university provides MHFA first responder training with its own 12-hour courses (2 appointments of 6 hours each).
MHFA stands for Mental Health First Aid and is a training program that gives laypersons the necessary skills to provide first aid for mental health issues and to manage crises until professional health is available.
The number of participants is limited.

Further information can be found at the Workplace Health Management Office website:

The occupational healthcare service advises you on all questions relating to company integration management and the gradual reintegration of employees after a long illness (especially if special organizational measures or workplace modifications are required).
Further information:

Affected employees can contact the integration management team. The team is independent, interdisciplinary and specially trained. The human resource department provides the integration management team with information about prolonged incapacity for work. They contact the employees concerned and inform them about their options. If the employee agrees, an individual and confidential conversation will serve to clarify what the health problems are, where the causes lie and how the health situation can be improved for the individual as well as for the workplace.

Further information (in German only):


The Family Service Office is the first point of contact for questions about pregnancy during studies, childcare, and caring for relatives. In addition, it offers various exchange and networking opportunities, such as a regular caregivers’ meeting:
Further information can be found here:

Please contact the human resource department to notify them of a pregnancy and take appropriate measures (website in German only):

You will receive pregnancy advice from the occupational health and safety units. Contact the occupational health service in case of special questions as well:

collection of information for university members with family responsibilities can also be found here:


The Advisory & Information Centre on Discrimination and Violence (ADE) advises on all forms of discrimination, conflicts, and violence.

ADE is responsible for all students and employees of the University of Bremen the core administration of the public services sector, and all universities (Hochschule Bremen - City University of Applied Sciences, University of the Arts Bremen, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences) in the state of Bremen.

These services are free of charge and confidential and are available to anyone directly or indirectly affected as well as their confidants, supervisors, and advocates.

Further information can be found on the ADE Website.


Yes, Unit 04 - Antidiscrimination and Equal Opportunities offers a large selection of counseling services on varying topics regarding gender equality and diversity. Further information: