Funded by the German Research Foundation DFG

Cluster of Excellence

The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface

The ocean floor, which makes up 71 % of the Earth’s solid surface, lies an average of 3,700 meters beneath the ocean surface. The Cluster of Excellence „The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface“ aims to initiate a new chapter in ocean-floor research by quantifying exchange processes at this significant boundary layer and their roles in the Earth system. These scientific tasks demand the use of novel technologies for ocean-floor observation and sampling, highly sensitive analytical methods, and an expanded application of numerical models.


Collaborative Research Centres (CRC)

Global Dynamics of Social Policy

CRC 1342
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Herbert Obinger, University of Bremen


Artic Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and Surface Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms (AC)³

Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch, University of Leipzig
Vice Spokespersons: Prof. Dr. Justus Notholt, University oft Bremen and Prof. Dr. Susanne Crewell, University of Cologne


Relativistic and quantum-based geodesy (TerraQ)

CRC 1464
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Müller, Leibniz University Hannover
Executive Board Member: Prof. Dr. Meike List, DLR and University of Bremen
Executive Board Member: Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl, University of Bremen


Everyday Activity Science and Engineering EASE

CRC 1320
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michael Beetz, University of Bremen


Energy transfers in Atmosphere and Oceans

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Carsten Eden, University of Hamburg
Vice Speaker: Prof. Dr. Monika Rhein, University of Bremen


DFG Research Training Groups

Contradiction Studies – Constellations, Heuristics and Concepts of the Contradictory

The doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of this Research Training Group explore how individuals, groups, institutions, and states deal with abstract demands for freedom from contradiction and thereby develop forms, procedures, and concepts for tolerating contradiction. Constellations of contradiction, the avoidance of contradiction, contradictoriness, and practices of contradiction are explored systematically and in a team-oriented way. The Research Training Group straddles perspectives from the humanities, social sciences, and law, with a particular interest in postcolonially oriented discussions surrounding the cosmopolitization of knowledge production. The Research Training Group’s program was developed by twelve researchers at the University of Bremen from within the collaborative research platform »Worlds of Contradiction«.

Arbeitsgruppe im Freien auf dem Rasen

Social Dynamics of the Self

In this collaborative Research Training Group jointly run by Jacobs University Bremen and the University of Bremen, doctoral researchers study the interactions between individuals and their social environment. Whether culture, gender, social class, or family - all human beings are exposed to systematic influences that shape them and their actions. These in turn have an impact on the social relationships and conditions in which everyone moves, and lead in the long-term to social changes. These dynamic interactions and their consequences are analyzed in the dissertation projects of this group.

Front view Cartesium

KD²School – Designing Adaptive Systems for Economic Decisions

Researchers from the fields of information systems, economics, psychology, and computer science from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the University of Giessen, and the University of Bremen are working together in a new graduate school. They want to understand context-dependent, economic decision-making processes and create relevant IT-based systems for the support of economic decisions. The adaptive systems are to change according to the situation surrounding the decision and “improve themselves.” Professor Christof Weinhardt from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is spokesperson.
“One example for the interdisciplinary approach is a PhD project, in which biosignals from brain activity and gaze tracking is analyzed and is then interpreted using machine learning processes (Bremen, computer science). When shopping, this is then linked to economic adaption mechanisms (Giessen, information systems) and behavioral consumer framework models (Karlsruhe, economics) in order to promote a healthier consumer behavior by means of targeted nudges,” says Professor Tanja Schultz, co-spokesperson of the new graduate school and head of the Cognitive Systems Lab at the University of Bremen. The computer scientist and her colleague psychologist Professor Manfred Herrmann (neuropsychology and biological psychology) are involved in the KD2School.

Prof. Dr. Alfred K. Louis (Universität des Saarlandes) bei der Eröffnungsveranstaltung des RTG am 16. März 2016

∏³ : Parameter Identification - Analysis, Algorithms, Implementations

Mathematics is a universal language which, like no other science, is suitable for making even the most complex problems of the most diverse origins manageable by reducing them to their essentials. For numerous problems of parameter identification, this leads to deterministic, high-dimensional, and non-linear models. In the Research Training Group, we focus on problems that are essentially modeled by minimizing appropriate objective functionals. We pursue different mathematical approaches to this problem, which, however, show numerous analytical cross-connections and lead to comparable algorithmic challenges.

Einzelheiten zu einem Bohrkern aus der Arktis

ArcTrain - Processes and impacts of climate change in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Canadian Arctic

The International Research Training Group ArcTrain "Processes and impacts of climate change in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Canadian Arctic" provides a structured interdisciplinary environment for the education of PhD students where they can tackle the challenge of accelerated environmental change in the Arctic. The group combines the strengths in marine geosciences and environmental physics in Bremen with complementary skills of a consortium of eight Canadian partner universities.


Micro-, meso- and macroporous nonmetallic Materials: Fundamentals and Applications MIMENIMA

The pioneering research idea of MIMENIMA is the conditioning of novel, porous ceramic structures and their surface for use in important areas of energy, environmental, process, and space technology. An interdisciplinary team of materials scientists, physicists, chemists, biotechnologists, and mechanical and process engineers is working together on this challenging research area.


Priority Programmes

Measurement technology on flying platforms

SPP 2433
Koordinator: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Fischer, University of Bremen

Tropical climate variability and coral reefs. A past to future perspective on current rates of change at ultra-high resolution

Tropical climate variability and coral reefs. A past to future perspective on current rates of change at ultra-high resolution

SPP 2299
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Felis, Universität Bremen/MARUM - Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften


Research Units

Communicative Artificial Intelligence (ComAI): The Automation of Societal Communication

FOR 5656
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp, Universität Bremen


KI-FOR Lifespan AI: From Longitudinal Data to Lifespan Inference in Health

FOR 5347
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tanja Schultz, University of Bremen


Reinhart Koselleck Projects

Universal Conscription, the Military, and Welfare State Development in Europe

Prof. Dr. Herbert Obinger, Faculty 08: Social Sciences


PolyVer: Polynomial Verification of Electronic Circuits

Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler, Faculty 03: Mathematics/Computer Science



Automata for Semi-Structured Data

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Maneth, Faculty 3: Mathematics/Computer Science

Glyco-Carbon Cycling in the Ocean

Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hehemann, Faculty 2: Biology/Chemistry, MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences

Comparative, modelling-based investigations of pharmaceutical adsorption in zeolites

Dr. Michael Fischer, Faculty 5: Geosciences