Bibliography of Maltese Linguistics | Biblijografija tal-lingwistika Maltija
Malta: De La Salle Brothers. Bugeja, Paul. 1999. Kelmet il-Malti: Dizzjunarju Malti-Ingliż, Ingliż-Malti, 4th edn. Floriana, Malta: Associated News Group Ltd. Bugeja, Paul. 2004. Maltese: How to read and speak [...] Proceedings of CSAW’03 , 45–47. Malta. Camenzuli, Paul G. 1968. Is-sengħa tal-bini tad-dgħajjes f’Malta u f’Għawdex: University of Malta B.A. thesis. Camenzuli, Paul G. 1971. Reforms in local education with special [...] Thesis. Magro, Elgar-Paul. 1999. Souvenir de jeunesse d’une grand-mère Maltaise. analyse d’un récit en Maltais oral contemporain: University of Paris M.A. dissertation. Magro, Elgar-Paul. 2000. Propriétés