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Robert W. Proctor (Purdue University, USA): Action selection in physical and cyber environments Prof. David A. Rosenbaum (University of California, USA): Will the science of mental life and behavior finally
Section: FB11
publication in Motivation Science . 29.02.2024. A paper of Valentin Koob and Markus Janczyk together with David Dignath (Tübingen) on potential avoidance behavior after experienced conflict in dual-tasking was [...] Event Coding done by Markus Janczyk together with Carina G. Giesen (Jena), Birthe Moeller (Trier), David Dignath (Tübingen), and Roland Pfister (Würzburg) was accepted for publication in Psychological Research [...] choice made between cognitive and physical tasks by Markus Janczyk together with Iman Feghhi and David Rosenbaum (UC Riverside) has been accepted for publication in Psychological Research . 10.8.2021:
2018: Visiting Researcher at the University of California at Riverside (UCR), CA, USA, Host: Prof. David A. Rosenbaum Summer 2017: Representation of the W3 professorship "Language and Cognition" at the
Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management; 2: 141-156. Bolte G, David M, Dębiak M, Fiedel L, Hornberg C, Kolossa-Gehring M, Kraus U, Lätzsch R, Paeck T, Palm K, Schneider
Public Health. 2018;15(2). (255), doi:10.3390/ijerph15020255 , Link (Stand: 07.02.2018) Bolte G , David M, Debiak M, Fiedel L, Hornberg C, Kolossa-Gehring M, Kraus U, Lätzsch R, Paeck T, Schneider A. I