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ek © University of Bremen Soil scientists in action: The TOPSOIL project led by Barbara Reinhold brings together specialists from other universities – like Professor Annette Eschenbach and Dr. Ing. Jonah
Section: FB2
equation to estimate species richness of similar sites based on N deposition. The current proposal brings together an interdisciplinary team of leading ecologists, biogeochemists and atmospheric chemists
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genetic and molecular engineering tools and collaborates with European leaders in plant breeding to bring their findings to application. For more information: Molecular genetics Prof. Tilmann Harder © Tilman
different stages of glacial and sea-ice retreat in Greenland, Svalbard and the Norwegian Finmark. FACE-IT brings together an interdisciplinary team of experts from the natural and social sciences from 14 institutions
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in FB2 are integrated in BreMarE – Bremen Marine Ecology Center for Research & Education. BreMarE brings together the three marine biology research groups in FB2 with their classical division in Marine
Rhododendron Presentation 19 th November 2018 María Cuenca Cambronero (University of Birmingham, UK) Bringing back 100 years of evolution in one afternoon (from a Resurrection Ecology perspective) Presentation