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Sciences Bremen 9:30 Core Facility for Multidisciplinary Structural Analysis @ HSB Prof. Dr. Dorothea Brüggemann University of Applied Sciences Bremen 10:00 Coffee break and discussion 10:30 Electron lithography
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speaker Marcus Bäumer © MAPEX / Universität Bremen MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 6 June 2016 speaker Dorothea Brüggemann © MAPEX / Universität Bremen MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 6 June 2016 speaker Frieder Lucklum © MAPEX / Universität [...] work of key lectures from the MAPEX members Michael Fischer (FB5), Dirk Lehmhus (FB4) and Dorothea Brüggemann (FB1). Whereas Michael Fischer guided the audience into the world of “Atomistic Modelling of Porous [...] Lehmhus discussed “Material- integrated intelligent systems: Challenges and Perspectives”. Dorothea Brüggemann started her talk “Materials science meets Biology: Synthetic cell systems” with the view of a physicist
professorship. Prof. Dr. Sven Kerzenmacher from the University of Bremen and Prof. Dr. Dorothea Brüggemann from Bremen University of Applied Sciences outlined the opportunities and difficulties that may
2815-2831. Stamboroski, S, Joshi, A., Noeske, M., Köppen, S. , Brüggemann,D. (2021): Principles of Fibrinogen Fiber assembly in vitro. Macromolecular Bioscience 21, 2000412