Bibliography of Maltese Linguistics | Biblijografija tal-lingwistika Maltija
great practical use for students working on Maltese. At the same time, the bibliography of around 1250 entries (as of July 2022) shows how rich and productive the Maltese research landscape is. Biex jiffaċilita [...] of Malta MEd. Camilleri, George. 2004. Negative transfer in Maltese students’ writing in English. Journal of Maltese Education Research 2(1). 3–12. Camilleri, James & Concetta Galea. 1990. Kif il-Maltin [...] Proceedings of the Sixth Cambridge Postgraduate Conference in Language Research , 29–42. Cambridge: Cambridge Institute of Language Research (CILR). Camilleri, Maris. 2011. Morphological complexity in Maltese: