Dr. Torben Stührmann
218 64896 E-Mail Research associate focusing on the fields of Resilient Sociotechnical Systems in the Department for Technology Design - Technology Development (Faculty 4) Vita Research Focus Selected [...] 05/2009 Doktorarbeit am Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie in der “International Max-Planck Research School of Marine Microbiology” mit dem Titel: ” Der bakterielle Schwefelkreislauf im Benguela-A [...] Methanotrophic Bacteria in a Permafrost Active Layer Soil of the Lena Delta, Siberia. Microbial Ecology, 57 (1), 25-35. Gade, D., Stührmann, T., Reinhard, R. and Rabus, R. (2005). Growth phase/cycle dependent